Search found 42 matches

by j2associates
Thu Feb 16, 2023 3:00 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Additional option when upgrading
Replies: 5
Views: 2602

Re: Additional option when upgrading

Thanks for the timely replies.
by j2associates
Thu Feb 16, 2023 12:25 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Additional option when upgrading
Replies: 5
Views: 2602

Additional option when upgrading

I am an infrequent user of Search Everything. There are so many options for this wonderful tool, that I forget what I enabled and where I found it. Would it be possible to provide a dialog during the upgrade process asking whether I want to retain all of my old non default settings and then export ...
by j2associates
Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:21 am
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: In right click menu, add Copy path to clipboard
Replies: 1
Views: 1733

In right click menu, add Copy path to clipboard

When you right click on a file after a search, one of the options is to copy the full path to the clipboard. It would be really great if there was also an option to copy the path to the clipboard.

Love this product!

by j2associates
Sun Oct 31, 2021 7:56 pm
Forum: General
Topic: combining Folder: with file name search
Replies: 1
Views: 4752

combining Folder: with file name search

Hi everyone,

I want to find a specific file name in folder or subfolder, but am not sure how to include all subfolders with the Folder: statement.
1. How would I set up my search to find the file Config.xml in the folder c:\MyPath or any of the MyPath subfolders
2. How would I do number one above ...
by j2associates
Thu May 13, 2021 4:39 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: How to search for specific repeating folder pattern
Replies: 1
Views: 5050

How to search for specific repeating folder pattern

Hello all,

I want to find all occurrences where a given folder has a child folder of the same name (e.g. a/b/c/c or a/b/b). In the prior example, I would want to match folder C in the first example and folder B in the second example. I'm not sure how to do this. The depth at which this happens will ...
by j2associates
Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:31 am
Forum: General
Topic: How do I import bookmarks
Replies: 2
Views: 5783

Re: How do I import bookmarks

Thanks tuska.
by j2associates
Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:42 pm
Forum: General
Topic: How do I import bookmarks
Replies: 2
Views: 5783

How do I import bookmarks

I just downloaded a new version of Everything and my bookmarks are gone. From a forum search, I found them, but I don't know how to reimport them.
by j2associates
Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:49 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Update status bar when doing Content searches
Replies: 1
Views: 5108

Update status bar when doing Content searches

Great tool! Recently had need of doing content search on large folder with many files. The status bar just displays Querying... It would be nice if it displayed more information to help gauge where we are in the process. Ideally a count, file name and path could be displayed or at least a file name.
by j2associates
Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:40 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: put folder count in the status bar
Replies: 2
Views: 4561

Re: put folder count in the status bar

My apologies, I see the same. Not sure what happened. This whole thread can be deleted.
by j2associates
Mon Sep 21, 2020 7:38 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Change status bar from time to time when scanning
Replies: 1
Views: 3866

Change status bar from time to time when scanning

Network drives can be very large. I understand there is a performance hit for displaying stuff in the status bar so although it would be cool to watch the folder names scroll by, that is not practical. However, perhaps the status bar could be updated do display a folder name every 25 or 50 folders ...
by j2associates
Mon Sep 21, 2020 7:33 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: put folder count in the status bar
Replies: 2
Views: 4561

put folder count in the status bar

If I search for files, I get a count in the status bar. If I use folder:, I get information about the first folder in the list. I would prefer that the count be displayed when using Folder: also.

Thanks for a great product!
by j2associates
Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:27 am
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Allow export or display of my non default options
Replies: 2
Views: 4999

Allow export or display of my non default options

I use Everything a few times a month, sometimes heavily for a day or two, but usually on occasion. As such I am not a power user. Recently I had to reinstall Everything and found out to my dismay that I have lost some of my customized functionality. The problem is that I miss it but don't know ...
by j2associates
Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:13 am
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Highlight entire result pane row when a file is selected
Replies: 3
Views: 5434

Re: Highlight entire result pane row when a file is selected

Excellent :D , could that be the default?
by j2associates
Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:45 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Highlight entire result pane row when a file is selected
Replies: 3
Views: 5434

Highlight entire result pane row when a file is selected


In the results pane, it would be great if the entire row was highlighted when you clicked a given file name on the left. Many times, associated paths are very similar and it is easy for your eye to skip up or down, especially if file names and paths are long. Highlighting the entire row ...
by j2associates
Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:09 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Allow a default export path to be defined as a setting
Replies: 5
Views: 7100

Re: Allow a default export path to be defined as a setting

Sorry, I see you here so often and NotNull (great moniker, by the way) appears to me at least as a similar sense of humor to voidtools that I just assumed the same. In any event, thanks for all that you do for the community. :D
by j2associates
Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:05 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Small documentation tweak
Replies: 1
Views: 3762

Small documentation tweak

Below is a blurb from the help about Multiple Instances.

1. The File menu, New Search Window also creates a new instance of Search Everything.

Multiple Instances
By default there is only one instance of Everything.

When you run Everything.exe it will check for an existing instance. If an ...
by j2associates
Wed Sep 16, 2020 7:59 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Named Searches
Replies: 2
Views: 4264

Re: Named Searches

Excellent, glad to know it is already implemented. Perhaps as a benefit to the casual or infrequent user, a Named Searches line could be added to the main Support page that comes up with Everything as the main bullet point. If it was right after Searching, it could mention the Bookmarks usage ...
by j2associates
Wed Sep 16, 2020 7:49 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Allow a default export path to be defined as a setting
Replies: 5
Views: 7100

Re: Allow a default export path to be defined as a setting

You are correct, that is what I meant. Sorry for the lack of clarity.

The default behavior works most of the time as you mentioned, it would just be a nice to have if you had an additional Export to Default File Export option. Thanks for considering it.
by j2associates
Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:52 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Put a gear for settings to the right of the Menu
Replies: 1
Views: 3914

Put a gear for settings to the right of the Menu

I can live without this since it available via Tools / Options, but it would be nice to be able to access them from the gear. Thanks
by j2associates
Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:49 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Allow a default export path to be defined as a setting
Replies: 5
Views: 7100

Allow a default export path to be defined as a setting

It would be great if I could specify a default export path. Thanks
by j2associates
Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:41 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Named Searches
Replies: 2
Views: 4264

Named Searches


Great tool and much appreciated! I have a couple searches that I use somewhat frequently that are a bit time consuming to set up. For example this finds Excel files with the Useful or Helpful in the file name: regex:Useful|Helpful !folder: !.lnk !.efu !.msg !.url !.pdf !.xlsb !.doc !~.

1. I ...
by j2associates
Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:26 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Chained searches
Replies: 5
Views: 8346

Re: Chained searches

So is F2 search within found files/folders an active feature in Search Everything? If so, I didn't see it. If not, that would be a great way to implement Chained Searches.
by j2associates
Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:16 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Chained searches
Replies: 5
Views: 8346

Re: Chained searches

Version (x64) is what I am currently using
by j2associates
Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:05 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Chained search results
Replies: 2
Views: 4656

Re: Chained search results

I agree that most of the time this works perfectly. But there are cases where you want to drill down and then come back up to maybe drill down in a different area. You could accomplish this by copying the more general search and then recreating it, the suggestion would just make that process easier.
by j2associates
Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:02 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Chained searches
Replies: 5
Views: 8346

Chained searches

It would be great if Search Everything supported chained searches where the results of Seach #1 would become the input to Search #2, etc. This feature would allow you to write general searches and then successive searches could become more and more refined / granular as needed.

As an example, let's ...
by j2associates
Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:03 am
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Chained search results
Replies: 2
Views: 4656

Chained search results

It would be great if Search Everything supported chained searches where the results of Seach #1 would become the input to Search #2, etc. This feature would allow you to write general searches and then successive searches could become more and more refined / granular as needed.

As an example, let's ...
by j2associates
Mon Sep 07, 2020 10:51 am
Forum: General
Topic: Running multiple instances of Search Everything
Replies: 1
Views: 4752

Running multiple instances of Search Everything


Search Everything appears to be a singleton app. Is there any way to run multiple instances of Search Everything. A common scenario for me is to do an initial search to define an initial universe. Then it would be great if I could open a second instance to do a more refined search on ...
by j2associates
Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:53 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Converting FileTime to DateTime
Replies: 1
Views: 4178

Converting FileTime to DateTime

To save others the time:

var scientificNotationText = textFieldFromEfuFileLine;
// FileTimes are based solely on nanoseconds.
long fileTime = 0;
long.TryParse(scientificNotationText, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out fileTime);
var dateModified = DateTime.FromFileTime ...
by j2associates
Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:36 am
Forum: Bug report
Topic: Exported efu file dates are invalid
Replies: 2
Views: 8747

Exported efu file dates are invalid


I am using version Version (x64). When I export to an efu file and open it in NotePad, instead of displaying 5/22/2020 1:06 PM, it displays as 132346407966381000. I tried to attach a sample efu file but it would not let me.
<img src=" ...
by j2associates
Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:49 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Add Copy all functionality
Replies: 7
Views: 16717

Re: Add Copy all functionality

Thanks! It's an easy conversion from csv to Excel. Have you considered supporting Open Office? Just curious, not really asking for it per se.
by j2associates
Sun Mar 08, 2020 11:46 am
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Add Copy all functionality
Replies: 7
Views: 16717

Add Copy all functionality

When you have filtered your list to a given level of completeness, it would really be nice if there was a Copy All function that you could utilize to copy everything to a csv file or to Excel. For example, in Sql Server after running a Query you can right click in the upper left hand corner of the ...
by j2associates
Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:09 pm
Forum: General
Topic: How to limit folders while searching for a specific folder
Replies: 1
Views: 5897

How to limit folders while searching for a specific folder

Hello all,

I need to search for folders named Source. Of course, in a development environment, there are scads of them. I am currently searching using the following filter: regex:^Source$ folder: , which brings back all of the Source folders scattered over many network drives and paths. I can ...
by j2associates
Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:40 pm
Forum: General
Topic: How would I embed Everything in Excel VBA
Replies: 5
Views: 10303

Re: How would I embed Everything in Excel VBA

You are correct, that was not a correct regex. Sorry, got in too much of a hurry.

I downloaded the zip file, but it is looking for an Everything32.dll which is not included in the zip file.
by j2associates
Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:42 am
Forum: General
Topic: How would I embed Everything in Excel VBA
Replies: 5
Views: 10303

How would I embed Everything in Excel VBA

I have this scenario:
a. There is a Reports folder with thousands of files in it
b. I need to scan the Reports folder to match a user selection using a regular expression (e.g. Sales*Inv*)
There might be Sales Invoice, Sales - Invoice, Sales Inv Archive, etc.
c. Then I need to iterate the result ...
by j2associates
Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:25 am
Forum: General
Topic: How to get the associated path for a given match
Replies: 2
Views: 7271

How to get the associated path for a given match

When I run a search using Everything, the results show in 2 panes, matched files in the left pane and the associated path in the right pane. How do I copy the associated path for a given file to the clipboard? Thanks!
by j2associates
Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:26 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Allow folder browsers to be multi select
Replies: 3
Views: 7603

Re: Allow folder browsers to be multi select

I was googling and found this interesting piece of c# code in a Stack Overflow thread Browse Multiple folders using FolderBrowserDialog in windows application: . See the response ...
by j2associates
Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:30 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Add hot key for Advanced Search dialog
Replies: 2
Views: 6113

Re: Add hot key for Advanced Search dialog

You are correct. I just noticed the predefined ones and thought that would be a nice addition.

Great tool! Almost instantaneous once the network drives have been indexed.
by j2associates
Wed Feb 05, 2020 4:00 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Search doesn't seem to work with network drives
Replies: 1
Views: 3100

Re: Search doesn't seem to work with network drives

I found the answer in thread Searching network drives: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8684&p=29359&hilit= ... ive#p29359 I needed to add my network drives in Tools/Options/.

The first time I referenced one it took a while because it had to index them all.
by j2associates
Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:20 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Add hot key for Advanced Search dialog
Replies: 2
Views: 6113

Add hot key for Advanced Search dialog

It would be great if there was a hot key combination that could be used to activate the Advanced Search dialog
by j2associates
Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:15 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Allow folder browsers to be multi select
Replies: 3
Views: 7603

Allow folder browsers to be multi select

1. In Advanced Search, allow the folder browser to be mutli select and then return the list delimited with the pipe | character.

2. In Tools / Options / Folders, allow the folder browser to be mutli select and then return the list vertically.
by j2associates
Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:27 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Search doesn't seem to work with network drives
Replies: 1
Views: 3100

Search doesn't seem to work with network drives


New user, great tool! Does not seem to pick up network shared drives. Do I need to enable something to do that. In Advanced Search, network drives show up in Folders list when I click Browse Button and are brought back (e.g. L:\ or M:\), but no results are shown when I click OK to close the ...