Filter on folder: and extensions

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Filter on folder: and extensions

Post by jackpots »

The aim is to make a filter to find a string in both path and file-name, but limit the extension to only some types.

For example: A search for "ben" will give all folders with the term in the folder-name +and+ only \.docx?$

I am able to do this somewhat from the search box with the following but the search string is entered twice:
folder:ben | file:ben ext:<doc|docx>

Is my intention possible?
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Re: Filter on folder: and extensions

Post by vsub »

Did you tried
path:ben ben ext:doc,docx

For example this
path:video 2014 ext:avi
will show all folders folders with the name "video",show all files which contains "2014" and it will limit the result to "avi" extension

path: is the same as Search=>Match Path
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Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:46 pm

Re: Filter on folder: and extensions

Post by jackpots »

Thank you for the reply. The suggestion did not fit the aim exactly.

What I needed was to find all occurrence of a string in file-names, restricted by given types, added to all occurrences of the same string in folder-names. In addition, to keep the string singular and apart from the modifiers so that it can be made into a filter.

I think I needed to walk away from the problem for a bit to arrive at the solution:
ben <folder: | file: ext:doc;docx>

The above finds all folders with "ben" and all .doc or docx files with "ben."
The terms within and including the corner-brackets can be placed in a filter. The user then enters "ben" into the search input and select that filter.

This approach may be better for the default filters.
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