... 2952#p2952I have also implemented a auto sizing column option...with the following keyboard shortcuts:
Alt + 1 - Resize "Everything" to 50% of screen height and make all columns visible.
Alt + 2 - Resize "Everything" to 66% of screen height and make all columns visible.
Alt + 3 - Resize "Everything" to 75% of screen height and make all columns visible.
Alt + 4 - Attempt to resize "Everything" the window to fit in all the column data.
RFE: Option to only affect width, not the window height. ... 558#p15558Even if Full Screen (F11) were to at least resize columns to better fit (the now increased window size) [& then reverted to prior column-width setting when taken out of Full Screen], would be a great benefit.
RFE: Option to auto resize when jumping to Full Screen (& then reverting when coming out). ... 627#p11627implement flexible columns that change with the window width ala HDDB
SeaMonkey browser history does something like that:
1: as opened
2: full screen, columns automatically enlarged
3. reverted from full screen, sizing automatically reverted to be as in #1
[the 2nd RFE, above]
4. manual resized, wider & deeper
5. manual resized, wider
As you resize, column widths resize [generally smartly - Last Visited should be better]