I've seen the topic of content searching come up alot recently on the forum particular with some of the nice changes being added that help aid it. It's a really great feature, and I would like to continue seeing improvements for it (full content indexing for specified folders would be nice)
I'm not sure if this is a bug or my error but here we go:
I have a folder full of txt, html, and rtf documents. Entire folder is only 20mb or so, but about 1000 documents. I want to be able to search the contents of them. No non-document formats are in the folder.
In everything, if I select the Everything filter, and search like so:
it turns up all the results pretty fast, and pretty much the same results Windows search gives me. search finishes in seconds.
But if I create a new Filter
Code: Select all
Name: txtdocuments
Search: m:\txtdocuments\
and then perform the same content:computer using this filter I do the same search... it takes forever and sometimes doesn't finish at all. why is that?