Recognition of handwriting.

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Posts: 638
Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:56 am

Recognition of handwriting.

Post by Debugger »

Abby Fine Reader 14 does not recognize ANY(!) text. After scanning the image, instead of the normal text, it shows a garbage characters with various Unicode types.
I wrote to technical support, but never in my life did I get any help from them, let alone any answer.
I have used other similar tools and no program can recognize any handwriting (various types).
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Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Recognition of handwriting.

Post by therube »

I don't know Abby, but is it expected that it would recognize "text" in an image file (which is binary file type)?
If you run Strings on an image file, it won't find any (recognizable) text. ... ds/strings

It will find strings of "characters", but it will not find textual strings (in any meaningful manner).

Various file types (.exe, .pdf, ...) do (or may) contain textual data that can be parsed.
Or a program, such as Abby, may be able to look at "patterns" of "stuff", & compare that "stuff" to a lookup table & say, "hey, that's probably an A" & then display an A. Don't know that such a thing exists for image file formats?
Posts: 638
Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:56 am

Re: Recognition of handwriting.

Post by Debugger »

You misunderstood, and very badly. It simply scans the document (eg a paper letter - written by hand) and I want to convert it to a normal text file. In no case can it be properly recognized.


The result should be a text in English, not some strange characters!
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Recognition of handwriting.

Post by therube »

Oh, in that case, I'd say Abby is not working properly.
Posts: 638
Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:56 am

Re: Recognition of handwriting.

Post by Debugger »

I tried some of the best free (recommended as TOP) tools without the expected result.

Example result after recognizing texts:

d(f22o Tat Eeecirut. TL/Mur.!
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