Suggest: Rename Path [Shift+F2]

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Suggest: Rename Path [Shift+F2]

Post by raccoon »

Request the ability to Rename a file's folder (Path), with the same simplicity as F2 Rename.

I search for sets of files, and then go through renaming folders that have those files present. Right now I have to do that through the extra step of opening the path in Explorer.

File > Rename Path [Shift+F2] or [Ctrl+F2]
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Re: Suggest: Rename Path [Shift+F2]

Post by therube »

(Not exactly what you're asking for, but...

Edit | Advanced -> Move to Folder

will allow you to rename the directory portion.
[Experiment, as there might be quirks with it.]

And you can assign a shortcut key, say, Shift+F2, to it.
Tools | Options -> Keyboard [Show commands containing:] move)

DO NOTE: that this is actually a MOVE operation, even though in the process of the move, you can rename the directory portion.
Likewise, if there is more then 1 file, or subdirectories, within the selected files location, only the selected file will be moved, directory renamed, if desired, but other files, subdirectories will be left alone. [Verify that, & watch out for gotcha's.]
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Re: Suggest: Rename Path [Shift+F2]

Post by raccoon »

Thanks therube, indeed I've explored and played with that option. But rename path right in place, the same way as renaming a file in place within the ListView, would be very UI friendly. I understand the mechanics of it being a move operation, and in fact, a file rename is a move operation at its fundamental level. My suggestion implies that you could quickly rename a file or folder's entire qualified path with a quick stroke of a few keys with impressive UI super powers, as if it's no big thing for Everything. :)
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Re: Suggest: Rename Path [Shift+F2]

Post by raccoon »

I wish to urge consideration again for adding this feature to Everything.

Allow me to expand by suggesting these two Functions, that can be given a keyboard hotkey assignment.

Rename Path (For Selected Item)
This option will work like regular Rename (F2), but instead of letting you edit the text of the Name column, it lets you edit text of the Path column. Only the selected item in the Name column will be moved to the new Path location upon hitting Enter.

Rename Path (For Entire Folder)
This option will work like regular Rename (F2), but instead of letting you edit the text of the Name column, it lets you edit text of the Path column. The entire directory structure beneath the path element that is renamed will be part of the move. That is, the path elements themselves will be renamed, and all contents will follow along with it just like a normal folder rename in Windows. I will include some examples for clarity.

 Name                        | Path                                  | Size
 SomeFile.txt                | C:\Documents\Hacking                  | 1 KB

... rename the path to ...

 SomeFile.txt                | C:\Documents\Cracking                 | 1 KB

... The folder "Hacking" is renamed to "Cracking" along with all contents within
    such that there is no longer any folder named "Hacking".

 Name                        | Path                                  | Size
 SomeFile.txt                | C:\Documents\Hacking\Docs             | 1 KB

... rename the path to ...

 SomeFile.txt                | C:\Documents\Cracking\Docs            | 1 KB
... Same behavior as above.  Since we renamed the third element from "Hacking"
    to "Cracking", that entire folder is renamed along with all contents within.
 Name                        | Path                                  | Size
 SomeFile.txt                | C:\Documents\Hacking\Docs             | 1 KB

... rename the path to ...

 SomeFile.txt                | Z:\Cracking\Docs                      | 1 KB
... This time, the entire folder of "C:\Documents\Hacking" is move to drive "Z:"
    and is also renamed to "Cracking".  There is no more "Hacking" folder on C:
I hope the above makes sense, and is an appealing feature.
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Re: Suggest: Rename Path [Shift+F2]

Post by void »

I'll consider an option to allow you to specify relative paths when renaming.
I will consider an option to move the file (eg: rename parent path)
I will consider the option to also move the parent folder (all subfolders and files are moved) - This might need to be an option.
What is currently in development is the option to right click a file -> Parent Folder -> Rename... / Move To... / Copy To...
Thanks for the suggestion.

Not what you are asking... There is a Display full path name option:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
  • If successful, you should see display_full_path_name=1 in the status bar for a few seconds.
When enabled, the name column will show the full path and filename.
When renaming, you can specify the full path.
This option does not move the parent folder.

To disable the Display full path name option:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
  • If successful, you should see display_full_path_name=0 in the status bar for a few seconds.
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Re: Suggest: Rename Path [Shift+F2]

Post by therube »

(Oh, I'll just note, that there were oddities... what was I doing ? ... that I've not yet fully explored ... something with LFN, I believe, & renaming path portions... [I'll have to get back to it & see just what happened...]

And at the time, it pointed me back to, viewtopic.php?p=17701#p17701 (LFN handling of <Copy | Move> to Folder...).)
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