Copy|Move to Folder should work asynchronously

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Copy|Move to Folder should work asynchronously

Post by therube »

Edit, [Copy|Move] to Folder... should work asynchronously.
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Re: Copy|Move to Folder should work asynchronously

Post by horst.epp »

therube wrote: Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:50 pm Edit, [Copy|Move] to Folder... should work asynchronously.
In principle yes, but we are reaching the domain of file managers which typically already have such functions.
I still like Everything most for searching including preview of the results.
All the rest I do using it from inside of Total Commander.
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Re: Copy|Move to Folder should work asynchronously

Post by void »

Moving the copy/move to folder to a thread is currently in development.

Thanks for the suggestion.
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Re: Copy|Move to Folder should work asynchronously

Post by therube »

(Well, Everything is, everything, including a file manager ;-).
And, it is great, at everything, including pulling sets of files from very diverse locations &... moving them, say, into a single folder.
[Not something easily done in TC or Salamander.]
Currently, copy/move ties up Everything, until the copy/move operation is complete.
And if the copy/move data set is large enough, say multi-GB, that can be rather time consuming.
And not being able to use Everything during that time, well... :-).)
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Re: Copy|Move to Folder should work asynchronously

Post by horst.epp »

therube wrote: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:25 pm ....
And, it is great, at everything, including pulling sets of files from very diverse locations &... moving them, say, into a single folder.
[Not something easily done in TC or Salamander.]
Thats done easily in TC.
Its even the default if you copy or move from a search result into one target
and can only be changed with some plugin :(
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Re: Copy|Move to Folder should work asynchronously

Post by Stamimail »

I don't use "copy/move to folder", since the Locate Folder Dialog-Box is cumbersome.
I prefer to open the target in Explorer and then use Ctrl+C (in Everything) and Ctrl+V (in Explorer).
I agree there are some circumstances Everything "gets stuck" while handling. Not everything is perfect.
One program I liked the way of handling of multi-tasking is Beyond Compare. It opens a progress bar at bottom pane for each progressive task. (Sorry, I didn't find an online pic to show this feature)
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Re: Copy|Move to Folder should work asynchronously

Post by NotNull »

Stamimail wrote: Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:16 pm I don't use "copy/move to folder", since the Locate Folder Dialog-Box is cumbersome.
Same here!
I use drag/drop instead (and sometimes I type in the Folder: box as it will auto-suggest/complete foldernames)
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Re: Copy|Move to Folder should work asynchronously

Post by therube »

I don't use "copy/move to folder", since the Locate Folder Dialog-Box is cumbersome.
(Win7) allows pasting into the dialog into the dialog (& Salamander allows copying the path that I wanted pasted, so just a matter of copy path from Salamander, paste into (Windows) Folder dialog box, done.

Once set, Everything remembers that location, so simply a matter of Shift+F6 to move the next batch of files (to the same/last location).

I prefer to open the target in Explorer and then use Ctrl+C (in Everything) and Ctrl+V (in Explorer).
That's what I had been using (but I tend to accumulate stragglers, left open Explorer windows), or pasting directly into Salamander.

I guess my real problem is (once again) LFN.
In that, I select a bunch of files, then paste them where I want them, & nothing happens - because of LFN.

(And a bulb went off), I find the same sets of files that I want, but in my search I include, path:len:<260, & with that my LFN issues are bypassed.
Now I miss some files that way, but at least I get the larger portion, done, easily.
After the fact, I can go back & mop up the leftovers.

(And once Everything handles LFN on Copy/Move, then I can drop path:len: & no longer concern myself with this.)
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Re: Copy|Move to Folder should work asynchronously

Post by therube »

I prefer to open the target in Explorer and then use Ctrl+C (in Everything) and Ctrl+V (in Explorer).
Gut feel is that Windows copy isn't particularly efficient (at least with larger data sets) [compared to say, Salamander].
[Everything] is great, at ... pulling sets of files from very diverse locations &... moving them, say, into a single folder.
[Not something easily done in TC or Salamander.]
Thats done easily in TC.
Explain further if you would?
I can find what I need in Everything easy enough.
Now how to I move them, from where ever they happen to be, to say, X:\BACKUP\ ?
(Ignore the fact that I'd have duplicated file names, which wouldn't work going into a single directory.)

Code: Select all

H:\XP43_C\PDF\VISTA ux guide.pdf
T:\MMM\MUSIC\_from_USR\Larry's Stuff\TAMI\My Documents\MHCC\MHCC PROPOSAL 3-4-04l.pdf
T:\_from_Seagate\MUSIC\_from_USR\Larry's Stuff\TAMI\My Documents\MHCC\MHCC PROPOSAL 3-4-04l.pdf
M:\MUSIC\_from_USR\Larry's Stuff\TAMI\My Documents\MHCC\MHCC PROPOSAL 3-4-04l.pdf
L:\LIB\Z_cold_LIB\DEVV\AMD690G\ECS AMD690GM-M2_V1.0A.pdf
H:\DOC\_PDF\ECS AMD690GM-M2_V1.0A.pdf
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Re: Copy|Move to Folder should work asynchronously

Post by tuska »

therube wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 2:59 am
[Everything] is great, at ... pulling sets of files from very diverse locations &... moving them, say, into a single folder.
[Not something easily done in TC or Salamander.]
Thats done easily in TC.
Explain further if you would?
I can find what I need in Everything easy enough.
Now how to I move them, from where ever they happen to be, to say, X:\BACKUP\ ?
(Ignore the fact that I'd have duplicated file names, which wouldn't work going into a single directory.)
Short form for Total Commander (TC) starting from the existing search result, like yours above:
  1. "Find Files"-dialog: Button "Feed to listbox" --> afterwards you get a view like for your pdf-files
  2. Select All... Ctrl Num+
  3. Button 'F6 Move'
Explanatory notes
  • Search... 'Alt+F7' [or Search in separate process... 'Alt+Shift+F7'] - "Find Files"-dialog
  • Search for: In Total Commander the tool 'Everything' can be integrated into a search query with its own search parameters!
    The search parameters of 'Everything' must be prefixed additionally with the search parameters of Total Commander,
    namely "ev:" or "ed:". The latter limits the search to the current search directory [directory depth adjustable].
  • press button "Feed to listbox"
    [F1 Help -> "Transfers the files you found to the source file window, where they can be listed, copied or even deleted.]
    --> afterwards you get a view like for your pdf-files <--
  • Select All... Ctrl Num+
  • press button 'F6 Move' to move your files to the destination file window, e.g. X:\BACKUP\
    BEFORE the actual shifting (button 'OK' required), you have the possibility to choose from several
    "Overwrite options", e.g. 6. Auto-rename target files (in case of duplicates)
  • Additionally there is the advantage that you can save/retrieve often used, e.g. deeply nested target directories with
    "Directory Hotlist"-Ctrl+D or you simply use tabs.
I think it's worth a try.

Regarding a backup solution, I would like to point out that Total Commander has an option for asynchronous directory synchronization.
(F1-Help "Asymmetric": If this option is checked, it is assumed that a copy of the left side should be created on the right side.
Files which do not exist on the left side will be marked for deletion on the right side. This option is meant for backups. ...)
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