1. Do not use smooth scrolling. Search Everything is so fast at searching but then scrolling the file takes so long with the mouse wheel
I agree. However, The text preview handler is a part of Windows, not Everything.
I do have on my TODO list: implement my own text preview handler.
There might be existing text preview handlers that do not use smooth scrolling. Notepad++ maybe?
2. Keyboard shortcuts to navigate the preview pane without using the mouse (e.g. Alt + Arrow Keys)
This is up to the preview handler to implement. Everything does allow preview handlers to process keystrokes.
Unforunately, not many preview handlers implement support for it.
3. Allow it to be docked below the search terms instead of to the side
Docking / floating window support is coming in Everything 1.5.
1. Add margin for line numbers
This would have to be implemented by the txt preview handler.
I'll consider it when I implement my own.
2. Highlight any matched terms when searching with "content:"
I'll consider highlighting content: terms.
3. Allow a quick Ctrl+F within the preview window
4. Use very basic syntax highlighting
There are probably already existing txt preview handlers to do this.
When I implement my own I will probably have the basic notepad functionality, I'll consider basic syntax highlighting.
Thanks for the suggestions.