Duplicates...by size and/or name..explanation please

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Duplicates...by size and/or name..explanation please

Post by harryray2 »

I've been using Everything for a number of years but I can't get my head around how a duplicate search works.

I want to show JUST the duplicates by name and/or file size. It appears to work showing the duplicates on both my drives (C and D) but when I restrict it to show duplicates on just one of the drives it doesn't seem to work.

Is duplicates meant just meant to compare different drives?

Any help on this would be appreciated please...I'm using 1.5
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Re: Duplicates...by size and/or name..explanation please

Post by therube »

The dupe: & sizedupe: functions work globally.

So if you have C: & E: drives & your search is
C: *.txt
if you then add a dupe in there,
C: *.txt dupe:
it will find duplicate file names having a .txt extension that exist - irrespective of what drive they are on.

Now, what is displayed is affected by your filtering, but what is found is not.
So if you have the files c:/therube.txt & e:/therube.txt, dupe: will find them both, but if your search has a C: filter in it, only the single file c:/therube.txt will be displayed.


That said, with 1.5, you can find duplicates of any column that you have displayed & those duplicates are not global, but instead based on the the currently filtered data.

So again with your search
C: *.txt
if you right-click the Name column, Find Name Duplicates will only display duplicated .txt file names on your C: drive.

You can do the same with any column. Size, Date, Length (for audio or video files)...
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Re: Duplicates...by size and/or name..explanation please

Post by harryray2 »

Great, thank you....The column filter seems to do what I want without using dupe.
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