The App looks stuck with 100% cpu load (8 cores) when searching for this (bad?) regex:
Code: Select all
My Search settings are
- Match Path
- Enable Regex
- Everything
Code: Select all
right - it was a misprint, I meant /.+aa/
I think it would be great if the App could detect such cases proposing to cancel the search after some time (10 seconds? can be optional/configurable in Settings)
path:regex:.+aaright - it was a misprint, I meant /.+aa/
I will consider an option to do this.I think it would be great if the App could detect such cases proposing to cancel the search after some time (10 seconds? can be optional/configurable in Settings)
Everything already tries to optimize some search patterns.@void
As an option `everything` can block search and replace greedy patterns with non-greedy ones. In this case user input .+aa will be replaced with .+?aa and the user should select whether agree with wizard-adviced regexp or continue with greedy search. User should have the choice because non-greedy regexp is not exactly the same (in this case for highlighting, but the searches could be performed in file text and they will be more complex) so that user might be disappointed with silent transformation that breaks search.