File->Export->CSV issue with around 3 columns: "Filename", "Type", "Attributes" etc.

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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File->Export->CSV issue with around 3 columns: "Filename", "Type", "Attributes" etc.

Post by void_hero »

Hi Team,

V1.5.0.1290a (x64)

Language->User Default(Chinese Simplified);
a test folder named "test" with around 5 files(no sub-folder), right click->Search Everything 1.5a...->Ctrl+s, into .csv->in the .csv file,
1.1 there's the column "Filename"(which value being the file path/file name), while missing column "Name" & "Path";
1.2 in the column "Type":
1.2.1 value ONLY being "文件"(means "file" in Chinese), while there're around totally 5 types;
1.2.2 then i add a test empty folder in the "test" folder, then all the types can be exported as expected;
1.3 in the column "Attributes": the value being "16", which match the folder line(s), and being "32", which match the file line(s);

anyway, actually i tested initially in V1.5.0.1285a (x64), but just now while i tried to update, i then found there's the 2nd page in the post viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9787&start=50, so i expected the bugs here maybe already notified & fixed, but then it carried out to be not, while even with 1 more bug. ^^

=================================in V1.5.0.1285a (x64) start================================
a folder with around 10000 files,
1.2 in the column "Type"(while there're around totally 20 types, i tested back & forth around 8 times, so can get different results):
1.2.1 value ONLY being "文件夹"(means "folder" in Chinese) & "文件"(means "file" in Chinese), while there're around totally 22 types;
1.2.2 value missing several types(means: the .csv only with around 7 or 9 or 13 types(not in certain, but the poins is missing types, not all);
=================================in V1.5.0.1285a (x64) end================================

1. why the column "Filename" still being English while i've set the language being User Default(Chinese Simplified)?
2. why the column "Name" & "Path" are missing, while "Filename" combine them up?
3. why can't export all the types in the column "Type"?
4. why the column "Attributes" not being "D" & "A" as in previous versions?

1. the column "Filename" shows the correct language version which is preset;
2. show the column "Name" & "Path" separately;
3. all the types in the column "Type" can be exported correctly & 100%;
4. the column "Attributes" being "D" & "A" as in previous versions, not as the number "32" or "16" currently.

Thanks for the investigation and possible optimisation.
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Re: File->Export->CSV issue with around 3 columns: "Filename", "Type", "Attributes" etc.

Post by void »

Thank you for your post void_hero,
1. why the column "Filename" still being English while i've set the language being User Default(Chinese Simplified)?
My initial goal was to export what you see.

There have been several requests to export the whole filename, instead of Name and Path.
version 1283 and later experiment with exporting the filename instead of name and path by default.

Other dialogs will export the filename too and this makes the export format consistent. (File list slot export and file list editor export)

I have not added a localization string for Filename yet.
Ideally, all headers should be in English for external parsing.

2. why the column "Name" & "Path" are missing, while "Filename" combine them up?
To restore the old format:
  • In, Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
  • If successful, csv_name_and_path=1 is shown in the status bar for a few seconds.
Are you parsing the CSV?
Could you give an example of your CSV export usage?
I will consider enabling csv_name_and_path by default.

I am considering adding another export type, eg: "Display CSV" which will export to CSV as information is displayed.

3. why can't export all the types in the column "Type"?
Everything will only export 'gathered' and indexed information.
Information is gathered when displayed.

Please gather all extended information before exporting:
  • In Everything, from the Edit menu, click Select All.
  • From the File menu, click Read Extended Information.
    Reading extended information status is shown in the status bar.

4. why the column "Attributes" not being "D" & "A" as in previous versions?
This was changed to make it easier to parse the attributes externally.
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Re: File->Export->CSV issue with around 3 columns: "Filename", "Type", "Attributes" etc.

Post by void_hero »

Thanks for your prompt reply void.
Could you give an example of your CSV export usage?
not specifically, but mainly just as your mentioned: the "Display CSV", i expect it to be the same as what displayed.
separate or comeine them up, i think 50%/50% useful, so the perfect way maybe total 3 ones: add the "Name" & "Path" back;
I have not added a localization string for Filename yet.
yup, this is what i can expect.
Ideally, all headers should be in English for external parsing.
i don't have other external parsing currently, so, localization is preferred currently.
Please gather all extended information before exporting:
just now i tried it for the 1st time, and it worked like charm, no information is left behind, which is great!

while the remaing point is: from time to time, all the type can be exported without touching the "Read Extended Information" button(i even don't noticed it yet before you mentioned), which means no pattern to follow(why this in this time and why that in that time).
This was changed to make it easier to parse the attributes externally.
as a normal user, this is not much important piece of information, just noticed the difference with previous version, so get it a note.

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Re: File->Export->CSV issue with around 3 columns: "Filename", "Type", "Attributes" etc.

Post by globiliw »

i also understand it like void_hero.
In the stable release Version (x64) the csv export works like it written

Example: Column - Name,Größe,Pfad,Geändert am
"Name","Größe","Pfad","Geändert am"
"01-1.mp4",6650944,"C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test",2021-12-26 15:57:53
"02-1.mp4",10265776,"C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test",2021-12-26 16:27:48

If i change the column the output also change
Example: Column - Pfad,Name,Größe,Geändert am
"Pfad","Name","Größe","Geändert am"
"C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test","01-1.mp4",6650944,2021-12-26 15:57:53
"C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test","02-1.mp4",10265776,2021-12-26 16:27:48

And If i change the column from 4 to 3 pieces, the output also change
Example: Column - Name,Größe,Geändert am
"Name","Größe","Geändert am"
"01-1.mp4",6650944,2021-12-26 15:57:53
"02-1.mp4",10265776,2021-12-26 16:27:48

In i get the follow output
Example: Column - Name,Path,Size,Date Modified
Filename,Size,Date Modified
"C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test\01-1.mp4",6650944,2021-12-26 15:57:53
"C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test\02-1.mp4",10265776,2021-12-26 16:27:48

Example: Column - Path,Name,Size,Date Modified
Filename,Size,Date Modified
"C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test\01-1.mp4",6650944,2021-12-26 15:57:53
"C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test\02-1.mp4",10265776,2021-12-26 16:27:48

Example: Column - Name,Path,Size,Date Modified
Name,Path,Size,Date Modified
"01-1.mp4","C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test",6650944,2021-12-26 15:57:53
"02-1.mp4","C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test",10265776,2021-12-26 16:27:48

Example: Column - Path,Name,Size,Date Modified
Name,Path,Size,Date Modified
"01-1.mp4","C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test",6650944,2021-12-26 15:57:53
"02-1.mp4","C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test",10265776,2021-12-26 16:27:48

Here i change the Column Path with Name and i get the same result.

Example: Column - Name,Size,Date Modified
Name,Path,Size,Date Modified
"01-1.mp4","C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test",6650944,2021-12-26 15:57:53
"02-1.mp4","C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test",10265776,2021-12-26 16:27:48

Here i change the Column without Path and i get the same result.

Here you wrote
"Right click the result list column header and toggle which columns you want exported."

Is this now obsolet?

Nothing for happen, i really like your work and program.
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Re: File->Export->CSV issue with around 3 columns: "Filename", "Type", "Attributes" etc.

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback globiliw,

I will revert the CSV export change in Everything 1.5 back to the original Everything 1.4 export behavior.
Should be available in the next alpha update.

I will look into adding another CSV export type for the full path and filename with raw values.
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Re: File->Export->CSV issue with around 3 columns: "Filename", "Type", "Attributes" etc.

Post by void »

Everything reverts CSV exporting to the Everything 1.4 style (what you see is what you get).

Everything adds a csv_type ini setting to customize CSV formatting.

To export the whole path and filename with detailed values:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
  • If successful, csv_type=1 is shown in the status bar for a few seconds.
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