Change Everything.ini without restarting Everything

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Change Everything.ini without restarting Everything

Post by jams »

It's been a while since I've been away from this forum, happy to be back here!

I'm currently starting Everything using "-startup" option to run in background.
I'd like to change the Everything.ini from my own application to add or remove specific monitored folders.

As explained in the documentation, I stop Everything before doing the changes in the ini file and then restart.
The problem is that's it's not "transparent" for the user because he is prompted every time with an elevated command prompt when Everything is restarted.

How can change the monitored folders (from ini file or IPC) without the need to restart, or can I avoid the elevated prompt each on each startup (it's ok to have it once for all)?

Thanks for any help.
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Re: Change Everything.ini without restarting Everything

Post by NotNull »

The recommended way to run Everything is to run it as a regular user. That way you don't get the UAC prompt (amongst many other advantages).

To run Everything as a regular user:
  • Go to Menu:Tools > Options > General
  • Enable Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything
  • Disable Run as administrator
  • Enable Everything Service
  • Click the OK button
  • Exit Everything (right-click the Everything icon in the systemtray and choose Exit)
  • Start Everything

Ah .. you might not have control over the way Everything is configured on the system that your program is installed on...
What I usually do (on my own systems) is (1) exit Everything, (2) add the new, updated entries at the end of the Everything.ini file and (3) start Everything.
That works because the last entry is the one that is being used:

Code: Select all

yields car=blue in Everything (using the Windows API's this would yield car=red)

Be aware that in the meantime Everything 1.5 is available to the public with more options
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