Why path: is not replaced by fullpath:

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Why path: is not replaced by fullpath:

Post by Stamimail »

And why pathpart: is not mentioned at all in
Help -> Search Syntax

I was trying to search the path column. (without name column)
path: was the first attempt to get results from the path column only. I think it's the most intuitive.

Do you want to add the suffix "column" to make more intuitive?

Also, why Ctrl+U is called "Match Path" instead of "Match Fullpath"?
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Re: Why path: is not replaced by fullpath:

Post by void »

It's a lot more to type.
It can be left vague (meaning it could refer to the path part or full path) as the basename is always included in the search.

In the path: documentation I clarify full path matching.

I was trying to search the path column. (without name column)
path: was the first attempt to get results from the path column only. I think it's the most intuitive.
What about changing the Path column to Path Part or Location?
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Re: Why path: is not replaced by fullpath:

Post by Stamimail »

What about changing the Path column to Path Part or Location?
Location sounds good.
This mean location: will be the same as pathpart:

I think you have to use the same methodology for all "search for <column header>".
It's a lot more to type.
The clarity, what path: including exactly, it is more important.
Path meaning is problematic. I found this discussion:

We still need to find better terminology for each part of path. It should be clear and intuitive to the user, which exact term he should use to search for exactly what he wants.
for example:
According to Everything, since the first column is named Name, I will use name: to search for in the Name column, which means that the search includes:

Currently, the user has no intuitive way of knowing which term to use to search for only the filename part without the extension. (firstname: :?:)
The same for pathpart:, I don't think the term pathpart: is intuitive enough. How should the user know about it?
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Re: Why path: is not replaced by fullpath:

Post by void »

Thank you for the feedback Stamimail,

I will trial Location instead of Path in the next update.

We still need to find better terminology for each part of path.
Example full path: c:\folder\foo.txt

Everything naming convention:

Stem = foo
Extension = txt
Name or Basename = foo.txt
Path or Location = c:\folder
Parent Name = folder


I will use name: to search for in the Name column
Right clicking the Name column and clicking search Name will set the search to name: in the next alpha update.
name: is already an alias for basename:

Right clicking the Location column and clicking search Location will set the search to location in the next alpha update.

Right clicking any column and clicking search for xxx will set the search to the column-name: in the next alpha update.

I will the Everything terminology for each part of path in the help -> Search Syntax for the next update.
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Re: Why path: is not replaced by fullpath:

Post by Stamimail »

Example full path: c:\folder\foo.txt

Everything naming convention:

Stem = foo
Extension = txt
Name or Basename = foo.txt
Path or Location = c:\folder
Parent Name = folder
Stem - I didn't know the Stem term before (and even the word... checking its translation doesn't clarify to me that you mean "foo" part), but it's OK.

Basename - is problematic term IMHO. If I hadn't read your sources, I would have been sure that it was the filename without the extension.

Path - if you define that path=location this mean that path: = location:, "copy path" = "copy location"
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Re: Why path: is not replaced by fullpath:

Post by void »

I am mixing in the current terminology, the next update Everything will use:

Stem = foo
Extension = txt
Name = foo.txt
Location = c:\folder
Parent Name = folder

Basename is vague as it can refer to both the filename with or without the extension.
Path is vague as it can refer to the full path or just the location without the name.

Everything may use Basename or Path when clarity is not needed.
Otherwise, I will use the well defined terms from above.
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Re: Why path: is not replaced by fullpath:

Post by void »

Everything renames the Path column to Location.
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