[Solved] Select Filter

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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[Solved] Select Filter

Post by w64bit »

Is there any setting to use in order to disable automatic saving for:
Last edited by w64bit on Sat Mar 04, 2023 1:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Select Filter

Post by therube »

OK, now we need a 'Display Only Selected Results' toggle.
Matter of fact, that would be really nice even aside from any Select Filter.

So any time you have (in some way or another) selected multiple results, a hotkey that only displays those particular items, do what you want to do with said files, all together as selected, or only on particular ones, then hotkey back to where you were before, displaying all items.

So it would be something like an Omit, in that it would Omit anything not selected.
Clear that & you're back to where you started (+/- any changes made during that time).
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Re: Select Filter

Post by froggie »

I am missing something. I get the dialog, but no results at all. How is this used?
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Re: Select Filter

Post by therube »

Maybe your returned results are "out of focus".
So it appears that nothing has happened.

Hit the 'hide/show highlighted results' toggle & you should see what you're missing ;-).
(Well, since you can't do that, instead...)

Check the statusbar & see if it doesn't say something along the lines of "36 objects selected".
Or just scroll down through the results window & see if various items are not in fact selected.

And you are on 1338a.
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Re: Select Filter

Post by harryray2 »

Same sort of problem, sometimes it appears to work, sometimes not. It also gives results not related to the query.
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Re: Select Filter

Post by froggie »

The debug console shows no sign of a search
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Re: Select Filter

Post by NotNull »

Select Filter doesn't change the search. It selects files/folders in the resultlist to do something with (copy/delete/...

Example from my system:
  • In the searchbar, type "c:\program files\"
    Statusbar: 1558 object
  • Press ' CTRL + SHIFT + A'
  • Fill in like:
    2023-02-16 22_58_08-_c__program files__  - Everything (1.5a) (x64).png
    2023-02-16 22_58_08-_c__program files__ - Everything (1.5a) (x64).png (12.77 KiB) Viewed 9108 times
  • Press OK
    Statusbar: 3 of 1558 objects selected
When scrolling through the list, it turns out that Everything 1.5a (folder), Everything-1.5a.ini and Everything64.exe (files) are marked.
Now pressing 'CTRL + C' will put these 3 selected results on the clipboard, ready to copy them elsewhere (not a good idea in this case, but you get the idea)

Clicking another file will remove the made selection, just like when these files were marked manually.
In the statusbar, the text "3 of 1558 objects selected" is gone.
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Re: Select Filter

Post by froggie »

Thank you NotNull, for that clear explanation of how this is supposed to work.
But it still doesn't work for me.

Search and then manually select 3 objects from the results.
Statusbar says 3 of 146 objects selected.
Press ' CTRL + SHIFT + A' to get the Select filter, clear all checks, select "Select files & Folders" and enter a search term and then OK
Statusbar says 3 of 146 objects selected.
Press ' CTRL + SHIFT + A' to get the Select filter,check "Clear Selection", select "Select files & Folders" and enter a search term and then OK
Statusbar says 146 of 146 objects selected

The search term is ignored (should have matched 2 of the results), but the clear works.
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Re: Select Filter

Post by void »

Moved from Select Filter.

Thank you for all the feedback.

Select Filter is a bad name.
I'll likely rename this to Select Find or something better..

The Select Filter will select items in your results matching the specified filter.

It allows you to perform a secondary search without altering your primary search.

OK, now we need a 'Display Only Selected Results' toggle.
I will consider an option to show selected items only.

I'm playing with a command to focus the next / previous selected item too.
Possibly with the F4 / Shift + F4 key.

Is there any setting to use in order to disable automatic saving for:
I will consider adding an option to disable this history.
Thank you for the suggestion.
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Re: Select Filter

Post by void »

The search term is ignored (should have matched 2 of the results), but the clear works.
Thank you for the issue report froggie,

I'll add some debugging information in the next update to try and work out what is going on.
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Re: Select Filter

Post by therube »

a filter matching 0 items
is not obvious
because statusbar will show (## objects)
(which is the total of all objects)
- oh, i see

if Select finds something, it says:
(xx objects SELECTED)
if Select doesn't find anything, it simply says:
(xx objects)

- ok, but until you realize that...
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Re: Select Filter

Post by therube »

- works well with Rename :-)

so long as you can Select enough common & enough unique (so as to not get unwanted results)
(or so long as you create a RegEx to do so ;-))
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Re: Select Filter

Post by therube »

- Alt+R "hotkey" toggle (whatever you call it) for _R_egEx
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Re: Select Filter

Post by therube »

- somehow, selects 'Select folders only' - sometimes (by itself) - maybe?
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Re: Select Filter

Post by void »

The search term is ignored (should have matched 2 of the results), but the clear works.
I found the issue froggie,

Everything is not supporting special sorts yet (for example: mixing files/folders, recent changes or run history)

I have a fix soon.

Thank you for the feedback therube,
a filter matching 0 items
is not obvious
because statusbar will show (## objects)
(which is the total of all objects)
Maybe Everything should play the system beep on no matches?

- Alt+R "hotkey" toggle (whatever you call it) for _R_egEx
I have Alt keyboard shortcuts available in the next alpha update.

Thank you for the suggestions.

- somehow, selects 'Select folders only' - sometimes (by itself) - maybe?
I've put this on my TODO list to watch.
I haven't seen it yet, but there's probably a setting being overwritten.

I've renamed Select Filter to Find and Select.
F4/Shift + F4 to navigate selection is working well.
Find and Select in Everything will be close to the Find and Select in Excel. Even Excel uses F4 to navigate selection.
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Re: Select Filter

Post by therube »

how do you match a drive letter, only, like if you have these displayed, Y:\X\Y & W:\Y\X
you can do y\, but finds both items from both Y: & W:
> Y:

oh, that's why
i suppose it is not searching directories, at all
& in that respect, 'Select folders only'
will never return any results

(heh. no wonder i couldn't figure it out.)

or maybe not, in any case, it's not too clear

so... you must have:

\ (back slashes, not forward, /)
\\ (two back slashes are required, not 1)
backslash is required even if you're looking for just "Y:"
(as in not Y:\X, as in you can't just enter driverletter:, you need driveletter:\\)

so... Y:\\ works

& in general, RegEx will requires \\ for path parts

without RegEx, i still haven't figured out that just find driveletter ?

(heh. no wonder i couldn't figure it out :-).)
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Re: Select Filter

Post by therube »

- is modal

Should it be non-modal ?

i guess it's modal because it is actually related to a particular window,
where other dialogs (history, undo, index journal ) are "global" in scope

so in that respect, maybe it should not be non-modal

but then, would it make sense to be non-modal - to the particular window?
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Re: Select Filter

Post by therube »

'*' key to Reverse selected / deselected

(not sure how such a key would work out
as Select dialog is focused on Filter:
- maybe * could be eaten - no it couldn't, cause it's a wildcard
so maybe it would have to be a checkbox?

that way if you have Y\X item selected, Reverse would select X\Y
(actually, anything not selected)
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Re: Select Filter

Post by therube »

Select causes statusbar to no longer display Size.
The area where the size should display is there, only nothing displays.

statusbar shows
x Objects selected

but at that point,
no longer shows Size
(which would be nice to still show)
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Re: Select Filter

Post by therube »

Possibly with the F4 / Shift + F4 key
Odd selection, I'd think.

F3 / Shift + F3 would be more typical, I'd think.
(Or even n / p.)
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Re: Select Filter

Post by void »

Thank you for the feedback therube,
Should it be non-modal ?
I will consider a modeless dialog. (like Excel/Visual Studio)
For now, it will stay as a modal dialog as the selection is applied to the current results.

'*' key to Reverse selected / deselected
The best option here is to use the main Edit -> Invert Selection option.

I will consider an option to invert the selection, or allow a NOT operator from the Find and Select dialog.

I forgot to mention that I want to add full search syntax support, eg:

abc !123 size:10mb..20mb

It's on my TODO list, for now, only the simple filename filter will be supported.

Select causes statusbar to no longer display Size.
The area where the size should display is there, only nothing displays.
Ah, I'm not calculating the selection size correctly.
I have put this on my Things to fix list.

Possibly with the F4 / Shift + F4 key
Odd selection, I'd think.
This is what Excel and Visual Studio use.
F3 / Shift F3 is for find.
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Re: Select Filter

Post by void »

Thanks again for the all the feedback,

Everything makes the following changes to Find and Select:

Renamed from Select Filter to Find and Select.

Fixed an issue with selecting mixed/run-history/recent-change sorted results.
Fixed an issue with folders only being set when opening a new search window.
Fixed an issue with calculating the total selection size.

Search history now obeys your Tools -> Options -> History -> Enable Search History setting.
Previous search history can be cleared under Tools -> Options -> History -> Search History -> Clear Now.

Added a customizable command to focus the next/previous selection (F4 / Shift + F4 by default)
Added debug information.
Added Alt keyboard shortcuts.

Find and Select
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