Bookmarks ins and outs for newcomers

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Bookmarks ins and outs for newcomers

Post by HarryL »

My first post so apologies in advance if not quite right area / wording ..

THANKYOU to all who've had a part in this amazing Everything search tool. Just a wonderful effort.

I've been using Everything on and off for some time (it appears 'only a fraction of it's capabaility) . I recently discovered bookmarks CtrlD and CtrlShiftB and wish I'd known years ago (like some I expect).

I'm now interested to know more but from a newcomers point of view should anyone be happy to share newcomers tips.

For instance, I've built up a page long list of "Add" ed bookmarks but can't add more, despite no error message, so assume there's a limit to number of "Add"s. That true? If so, any suggestions for how to handle longer lists (beyond more carefully culling & renaming etc.).

Anyone know of anyway to create sub headings and / or longer lists? Any ideas welcome.

PS. I'm quietly creating a path ( summary document ) I can follow as a newcomer to effective computer searching. I'd value having occassional private dialoue with anyone interested. Cheers - Harry (Cronulla, NSW Aust.)
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Re: Bookmarks ins and outs for newcomers

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback HarryL,

There's no limit to the number of bookmarks you can add.

Please make sure your Bookmarks.csv is not set to read-only.

It does get difficult to view a large number of bookmarks.
There should be a Down button at the bottom of the bookmark context menu to scroll down.

There's a hidden menu_folders option in Everything 1.4.
Please see add sub menus to bookmarks to enable this hidden option.

Bookmarks has been rewritten for Everything 1.5
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Joined: Sat Feb 25, 2023 12:47 am

Re: Bookmarks ins and outs for newcomers

Post by HarryL »

Many thaknsfor your quick reply. THanks to your useful (quick) feedback, I explored a little further and can see the CtrlShiftB list DOES show "Add"s but, to me, I'm unlikely to use that as soo slow compared to the first screen that pops up when I click the Everything > Bookmarks menu to single click what I'm interested in (the difference between used & useful and not when time starved as I seem to so often be).

Will assume that's as far as we can go for now unless hear back.

FYI I'm in final stages of testing a 'very used & very useful' new hardware software comnbo of latest macbookAir with Parallels (Windows enabler) so can use your fantastic Everything search tool. This may mean I'm limited .. hope not but maybe.

PS. Know if anyone's produced a OnePager for Newcomers type summary? I'd love to see it .. I'm already hooked but keen to move from newcomer to superuser (& reckon that, or sometihng succinct to help get newcomer's confidence to push for the next level of knowhow might do the trick for me. Cheers - Harry - CronnyRetreat (Cronulla - South of Syndey)
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