Could you add time constants too same as with date constants so we can search files created/modified <last|past|prev|current|this|coming|next> min/hour...etc
This is very helpful in diagnosing OS problems from newly created files and clearing specific cache files from many programs.
Adding time Constants
Re: Adding time Constants
I have implemented the option to search for files and folders in the last few minutes / hours for the next release of Everything.
The syntax for this will be:
The specified value will be relative to now.
For example, files modified in the last 10 minutes from now:
The syntax for this will be:
The specified value will be relative to now.
For example, files modified in the last 10 minutes from now:
Code: Select all
Re: Adding time Constants
Good to know you are working on this.
BTW, i noticed when you use the Functions dc,dm and attrib as search syntax alone without any search term the program freezes for couple of seconds and the CPU usage jumps to 100% !
The program freezes right after you type the colon.
BTW, i noticed when you use the Functions dc,dm and attrib as search syntax alone without any search term the program freezes for couple of seconds and the CPU usage jumps to 100% !
The program freezes right after you type the colon.
Re: Adding time Constants
Everything does not index file dates. This information is gathered when needed.
Try limiting the search to a specific folder before searching for dates.
For example, only files in C:\somefolder modified today:
Try limiting the search to a specific folder before searching for dates.
For example, only files in C:\somefolder modified today:
Code: Select all
c:\somefolder\ dm:today
Re: Adding time Constants
Is there some slick way to do this or do you have to look at every file in the system to check the date stamp?void wrote:I have implemented the option to search for files and folders in the last few minutes / hours for the next release of Everything....
Re: Adding time Constants
This method has to gather date stamps for all files.
I am working on a new implementation of recent changes, which would make this a lot faster..
I am working on a new implementation of recent changes, which would make this a lot faster..