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that have their individual window that can be maximized. Everything however does not remember that user viewed them in a maximized mode and opens them in a restored down mode
I searched for
in the, but only found info about editor_maximized - and after setting it to 1 it did not made the File List Editor to be opened automatically in a maximized window every time when I choose to run it
I am using version (x64) on Windows 10 Enterprise 20H2 19042.746 x64
Index Journal (I did not look at the others) can be sized (drag the borders, kind of thing) to the size you want, & that size is retained.
So if you size it to (essentially) "maximized", it should reopen "essentially maximized".
Index Journal and Advanced Search
open fine here with the last set windows sizes.
Just drag the borders to the desired sizes.
Windows 11 Home x64 Version 21H2 (OS Build 22000.832)
Everything (x64)
Yes- size and position of not maximized windows are remembered. And thank you for suggestions, but I was already aware of such workaround. But:
1] Unfortunately I personally have a consonantly docked software than very often I unfold to a bigger form. It will simply be hard to always have to remember to not unfold it when some other program is showing a window with some feature. And even I would remember- then not being able to use Everything fully along that other software, or wait with unfolding of that other software when using Everything's sub-feature, would be not convenient and would be counter productive
2] What if a user wants to compare data from Everything's feature with data from some other software? Then instead of clicking an icon in, a corner has to be grabbed and a manual change has to be performed. And later on that process has to be reversed, also in a totally manual way. [I myself open every software window maximized - and when I sometimes need it to be smaller then I press Restore Down which yields a relatively very small window, with its size pre-chosen by me precisely for that purpose. I even once performed a simple hack of a program which did not have a fullscreen option, so that I would not have to chase its X icons around the screen, coming out from its multiple instances]
I have put on my TODO list to remember the maximized state for all windows (that can be maximized).
Thank you for the suggestion.
Tools > File List Editor... should remember this maximized state already.
Please make sure Everything is not running when you edit your Everything.ini.