Thank you for the stack dump.
Everything will call this function when a new volume is available.
There is an issue with Windows and the global WM_DEVICECHANGE notification.
Calling GetVolumeInformation from this WM_DEVICECHANGE notification can cause more WM_DEVICECHANGE notifications to be sent.
You can probably confirm this from looking at the
debug console output.
For Everything 1.4, please disable "Automatically include new volumes":
- In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
- Click the NTFS tab on the left.
- Uncheck Automatically include new fixed volumes.
- Uncheck Automatically include new removable volumes.
- Uncheck Automatically remove offline volumes.
- Click OK.
The issue should be fixed in
Everything 1.5.
Everything 1.5 will detect locked volumes and avoid accessing volume information from locked volumes.