Searching firefox bookmarks and history using the everything search infrastructure as frontend ?

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Searching firefox bookmarks and history using the everything search infrastructure as frontend ?

Post by shodan »

With everything being the most exquisite search tool ever made.

I am wondering what other things could I search with it.

I am curious whether firefox bookmarks and history could be somehow searched ?

Those are stored in an sqlite file called places.sqlite

I imagine two approaches to take full advantages of everything.

One, would be to insert the contents of the sqlite bookmarks database into the everything database, as file representations

Two, create files replicating the directory structure of the bookmarks storage, with files having the title of the bookmarks and the contents being URLs.

I think the second approach would be the easiest and work with everything out of the box. Metadata is going to be hard, but currently browser still store almost no metadata about links, just htmltitles and URLs, not even the text of the page, back button history and the like.

However, with the first aproach. It would avoid cluttering the hard drives with 10s of thousands of extra tiny files and it could make metadata interpretation easier since everything wouldn't have to gather it.

First step, how is the data stored in the sqlite

Turns out it's pretty simple, moz_places seem to contain URL and title, if there was one collected
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I'm going to ask chatgpt
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2023-06-11 18_31_21-ChatGPT — Mozilla Firefox.png (99.66 KiB) Viewed 5601 times
ok maybe I got this ! Will let you know
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Re: Searching firefox bookmarks and history using the everything search infrastructure as frontend ?

Post by NotNull »


Maybe you don't need the results stored as files on disk. Everything can also connect to or read from data in an EFU file list (Options > Indexes > File Lists), even if these EFU files are differently organized.
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