Result list does not auto update after number of files becomes greater than count:

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Re: Result list does not auto update after number of files becomes greater than count:

Post by NotNull »

(Moved to the Everything 1.5 forum)

That is by design. Otherwise changing the sort or sort-order would give different results for example.

To update the results, change the search-query to:

Code: Select all

requery:10000   C:\tmp   dc:today   count:3
This will update the results every 10 seconds.

Posts: 16413
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Result list does not auto update after number of files becomes greater than count:

Post by void »

Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention enduser,

count: will be improved in the next alpha update.
New results will show correctly when using count:

I'll make another post here once this is ready for testing.
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Re: Result list does not auto update after number of files becomes greater than count:

Post by void »

Everything improves the count: search function.

count: will now add new files/folders in real-time.
The count: search quota is enforced each time the result list grows.

Please note: Deleting files will not fill in the missing items.

For example:

If the following files are shown with a count:3 search:


You delete: abc.txt and 123.txt

Only foo.txt is shown.
a bar.txt file might match your search which will not be shown.

Only new files/folders are added to your results.
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