1.If I know for sure the USB is going to allot G , H ,I or whatever as my drives , would it be possible to add them manually rather than only when connected so long as the syntax is right.
2.Suppose near settings of g:\ or whatever , if something like adopt the same settings for (Radio button) 1.ALL or 2.Choose (enabling the user to block from the folders box) and finally ADOPT button can make it easier if the addition in the folders is numerous and the default settings may need a slight modification.
3.Why does on addition of a drive and pressing Apply , even the NTFS drives are scanned?
Ability to add folders directly
Re: Ability to add folders directly
It is not possible to add a folder that does not exist in the UI.1.If I know for sure the USB is going to allot G , H ,I or whatever as my drives , would it be possible to add them manually rather than only when connected so long as the syntax is right.
This is a limitation with the Windows browse for folder dialog.
It is possible with the Everything.ini file by setting the folders ini setting.
Code: Select all
folders="C:\a folder that does not exist"
I will consider an option to apply settings to all the folder indexes.2.Suppose near settings of g:\ or whatever , if something like adopt the same settings for (Radio button) 1.ALL or 2.Choose (enabling the user to block from the folders box) and finally ADOPT button can make it easier if the addition in the folders is numerous and the default settings may need a slight modification.
For now, it might be easier to modify the settings via the Everything.ini.
Folder indexing uses the following ini settings:
A comma delimited list of folders to index.
Please double quote any paths that contain a ,
A comma delimited list of monitors for each folder in the folders ini setting.
0 = Don't monitor
1 = Monitor
A comma delimited list of update types for each folder in the folders ini setting.
0 = Never
1 = Interval
2 = Daily
A comma delimited list of which day to update for each folder in the folders ini setting.
0 = Everyday
1 = Sunday
2 = Monday
3 = Tuesday
4 = Wednesday
5 = Thursday
6 = Friday
7 = Saturday
A comma delimited list of which hour to update for each folder in the folders ini setting.
The update time in hours (0-23).
A comma delimited list of update intervals for each folder in the folders ini setting.
These values can be in minutes or hours depending on the interval type.
A comma delimited list of interval types for each folder in the folders ini setting.
0 = minutes
1 = hours
Example: Lets say you have the following folders indexed:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
The rebuild is necessary because the entire database needs to be resorted.3.Why does on addition of a drive and pressing Apply , even the NTFS drives are scanned?
It is possible to rebuild these indexing from the database that is already in memory.
This is a lot of work and is on my Wish list.
I plan to add an index menu with the option to add folder indexes real time in a future release.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Re: Ability to add folders directly
Can you reconsider on this?
2.Can the folder list display the folders in Bold which are Online and in itallic those which are Offline/Unavailable or on similiar lines by colors.. For the folders added first time, on clicking apply the states would be known. For others already in the list the states would be evident when they get updated during their periodical updates. Over that pressing update all now would demarcate the folder list instantaneously.
1.There are some apps which provide for this type of an arrangement. If a user wants to add a folder manually it opens up a single line /expandable text box.User keys in or pastes the path of the folder.On pressing OK this gets added to the folder list so long as the syntax is right. Might be on manual addition lot of folders /drives can be separated by a semicolon which when added follows one below the other in the list.It is not possible to add a folder that does not exist in the UI.
This is a limitation with the Windows browse for folder dialog.
2.Can the folder list display the folders in Bold which are Online and in itallic those which are Offline/Unavailable or on similiar lines by colors.. For the folders added first time, on clicking apply the states would be known. For others already in the list the states would be evident when they get updated during their periodical updates. Over that pressing update all now would demarcate the folder list instantaneously.
Re: Ability to add folders directly
I will review the add folder dialog, I will probably have to implement my own..
I like the idea of adding a semi-colon delimited list of folders.
One problem I can see is if you add an 'offline' folder, the folder's case is not corrected.
Example: I wish to add the folder \\Server\Share, but it is offline and I add the folder \\server\share, the folder will be added without the capital S.
Unfortunately, with the current version of Everything simply changing the case is not possible without a full rebuild.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I like the idea of adding a semi-colon delimited list of folders.
One problem I can see is if you add an 'offline' folder, the folder's case is not corrected.
Example: I wish to add the folder \\Server\Share, but it is offline and I add the folder \\server\share, the folder will be added without the capital S.
Unfortunately, with the current version of Everything simply changing the case is not possible without a full rebuild.
A warning icon could work too, I will consider these options.2.Can the folder list display the folders in Bold which are Online and in itallic those which are Offline/Unavailable or on similiar lines by colors.. For the folders added first time, on clicking apply the states would be known. For others already in the list the states would be evident when they get updated during their periodical updates. Over that pressing update all now would demarcate the folder list instantaneously.
Thanks for the suggestions.