Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by Biff »

Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM and is often greyed out when trying to access it. In the status bar it reads "Rescanning:...D:" altought that USB stick is not plugged in:


Is there anything I could do to avoid the high CPU usage / no response?
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by void »

Please send a mini crash dump:

Please send your Help -> Troubleshooting information to support@voidtools.com
This shows your setup and what properties you are indexing.

Please send your Tools -> Debug -> Statistics to support@voidtools.com
This shows database memory usage.

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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by Biff »


How could I see the content of that dump file?
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by void »

windbg or Visual Studio

The contents will be the stack for each thread and some thread information.
There shouldn't be any filenames on the stack unless Everything is currently processing a file.
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by Biff »

OK, thank you. So there is no other way than to install one of these programs to see the content.
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by NotNull »

There is no need to install these programs. They do understand the dump file format and will return technical information about the crashing process that is gibberish for normal people like you and me.
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by Biff »

Yes yes, I understand. But actually I would like to take a little look at the content of that log. So many logs contain so much private information....
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by NotNull »

Good point!
I believe @void when he says that there is not a lot of personal data in these dump files.

Also: you don't have to post it on the forum for everyone to see, but can send it to @void directly.
And he will handle it with sincerity and respect to your privacy.

You can always install one of the two mentioned applications (windbg would be my choice), check the dump file and remove the application afterwrds.
I am not aware of other applications that can analyze dump files.
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by Biff »

I believe @void when he says that there is not a lot of personal data in these dump files.
Yes, if he said so, in any case, of course, me too. Unfortunately not a lot of personal data (in relation to non-private data in the log), is not no private data. And (even) a (little) log might contain extremely large amounts of data, so maybe the not a lot of personal data could be quite a lot viewed absolutely, respectively too much data. And even if it was not a lot of personal data, I even might be too much, especially if it were the “wrong” private data. And not knowing what kind of personal data you are actually disseminating may not be such a pleasant feeling either.
Also: you don't have to post it on the forum for everyone to see, but can send it to @void directly.
And he will handle it with sincerity and respect to your privacy.
Yes, of course, I have no doubt about that at all. May be there is another person....or another one...or...

And how often (insane) circumstances have arisen that I would never have thought of. And I do not have any idea of "everything" / nothing. This makes things even more difficult.
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by NotNull »

Just realized that this issue might be related to your high-CPU usage during content-searching (mentioned in this thread).

Content searching can use quite a bit of RAM too as each file has to be loaded in memory multiple times (3 times, IIRC; that is just how Windows works).
Maybe that can explain the a-typical numbers you are seeing.

Do you see the same numbers without content-searching?
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by therube »

I have no idea what the "tools" (windbg ...) show, nor what is "in" a .dmp, but you can use tools to view stuff in a dump.

After all it is only a file.

So you could open it in notepad or a hex viewer or ... & peruse its' contents.

You could look for (dump) "text strings" with something as basic as (Sysinternals) Strings or use a GUI, BinText.

(I happen to use an older version of BinText, 2.04, as the "newer" [all are now decades old ;-)] had issues - way back when, so I just stick with what worked, since that time.)
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by Biff »

Just realized that this issue might be related to your high-CPU usage during content-searching (mentioned in this thread).
Yes, so it can certainly be. There the CPU usage is high because of the content search, here it uses so much CPU without me using Everything.
Do you see the same numbers without content-searching?
Of the processors being in use? The loading times? How could I see that? Or CPU usage?
So you could open it in notepad or a hex viewer or ... & peruse its' contents.
Yes, I had tried it with Notepad....now again, something like that is shown everywhere:

So I generally close the files then immediately, but now I didn't. And now, after some time, these signs / depiction has turned into text / (more or less) normal characters:


Obviously waiting time is needed to show the file somehow like it should be shown. But 8361 lines...so I guess, quite a lot to peruse.
You could look for (dump) "text strings" with something as basic as (Sysinternals) Strings or use a GUI, BinText.
Many thanks. The first one does not start here. The second one shows quite a few lines:
(I happen to use an older version of BinText, 2.04, as the "newer" [all are now decades old ;-)] had issues - way back when, so I just stick with what worked, since that time.)
Okey, actually programs that are decades old fit my crappy not working Lenovo IdeaPad 3 perfectly.
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by NotNull »

Biff wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 8:27 pm
Do you see the same numbers without content-searching?

Of the processors being in use? The loading times? How could I see that? Or CPU usage?
As this topic is about high RAM-usage ... RAM usage :D
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by Biff »

Holy...OK, I think I lack this ability to combine things, very sorry. So the CPU numbers.
Do you see the same numbers without content-searching?
No, I don't. content-searching with numbers like 80 has by far the highest CPU numbers, if I remember / understand correctly. 25, 40 numbers of RAM when Everything does anything without me using it. Sometimes I have to close Everything with the Task Manager when that high usage does not stop after 10, 30 minutes or so because I cannot access Everything (No respond, greyed out) anymore.
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by void »

Please consider sending a debug log if you don't want to send a dmp file:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, check Verbose.
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, check Start Debug Logging.
  • Wait for Everything to use a lot of CPU/RAM.
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, click Stop Debug Logging.
  • The Everything Debug Log will open in Notepad.
  • Please save this file to the Desktop and send to support@voidtools.com
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by Biff »

OK, thank you.

It looks like it would become a huge log, already 65.000 lines after 1, 3 minutes or so running the dubugging.

Actually I could imagine that there is a very high chance that it is simply my garbage computer causing the high CPU usage.
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by void »

It's most likely Everything causing the troubles.

There's a good chance I can help you and others if you send your debug log to support@voidtools.com
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by Biff »

Yes, thank you very much, I really appreciate that very much.

If only there weren't all this (unknown) information that you wouldn't want to leave the computer especially with these huge logs that cannot be controlled due to the sheer volume.
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by void »

Please send your Help -> Troubleshooting information to support@voidtools.com
This shows your basic setup and what properties you are indexing.

Otherwise, please try resetting Everything:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Import and Export Settings....
  • Check Reset settings.
  • Click Next.
  • Click Reset.
  • Click Yes.
  • Click OK.
Does the issue persist?
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Re: Everything often uses about 25, 40 % of RAM

Post by Biff »

Please send your Help -> Troubleshooting information to support@voidtools.com
This shows your basic setup and what properties you are indexing.
OK, done.
Otherwise, please try resetting Everything:
Somehow sounds as if I could lose settings / anything else? So I should export the settings before? Or rather back up the entire Everything?
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