1373 breaks transfer of .db & reading on another compter

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

1373 breaks transfer of .db & reading on another compter

Post by therube »

1373 breaks transfer of a .db from one computer, copying it to another, & reading it on that other computer.

(Maybe it was with 1372, not sure offhand. I was using 1371's .exe in my HOME Profile & hadn't copied the .db to my other computer - which I had been doing on an almost daily basis ... oh, not sure, but I did skip a few days - at least. Kind of wish, now, that I knew the date of the prior .db.)

Program opens & runs just fine.
Only it shows '0 items'.

I think.
Thinking the .db format itself must have changed with 1373 (as reverting to older Everything.exe still does not get things working).

I'll also note, that Troubleshooting Information, Binary: Profile: Database: point to (seemingly) the original computers .db location rather then on the other computer.


Code: Select all

:: BU-HOME.bat - back up Everything 15 .db for use elsewhere
:: SjB 03-15-2024

@echo off

:: save to DISK (rather then just RAM) -instance 15's .db
:: takes a moment, so throw in a pause, & wait, a few sec

everything.exe -instance 15 -save-db
ECHO Saving .db to disk...


COPY /y %EVERYTHINGDIR%\"Everything-15.db"        "Everything-HOME.db"
COPY /y %EVERYTHINGDIR%\"Search History-15.csv"   "Search History-HOME.csv"
COPY /y %EVERYTHINGDIR%\"Run History-15.csv"      "Run History-HOME.csv"

:: skipping Everything-15.ini as i make changes to the layout in HOME version that i want to keep
::    COPY /y %EVERYTHINGDIR%\Everything-15.ini       Everything-HOME.ini
ECHO Files copied...

:: update (freshen, actually)
ARJ32 f E-HOME.arj -jt1 -g?

Code: Select all

:: open_home.bat SjB 03-15-2024
:: extract files from .arj - but, only new files or newer files
:: IOW, any unchanged files are not "re-extracted", needlessly

arj32 e E-HOME.arj -u -g?

Code: Select all

cmd /c start .\everything.exe -instance HOME -read-only -no-auto-include
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: 1373 breaks transfer of .db & reading on another compter

Post by void »

Thank you for the issue report therube,

The database format hasn't changed.

I haven't been able to reproduce the issue.
1373 is loading my Everything.db files from 1371.

Could you please make sure there's free disk space available and the db file is copying correctly.
Could you please check your search? -Is there anything shown in the status bar on the right?

On the PC showing 0 items, could you please send your Tools -> Debug -> Statistics to support@voidtools.com

Debug logs would also show if loading the database fails.
In read-only mode, Everything will not perform a reindex if the db fails to load.
You will see an empty index.
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1373 breaks transfer of .db & reading on another compter

Post by therube »

> free disk space available

Shouldn't be an issue.

> and the db file is copying correctly

From what I can tell, looks OK.

> Could you please check your search? -Is there anything shown in the status bar on the right?

PATH|!PUNC|STOPPED|UNIQ (UNIQ is a distinct: filter)

Everything - GOOD vs FAIL - .db file header.png
Everything - GOOD vs FAIL - .db file header.png (119.83 KiB) Viewed 11824 times
(2.02 KiB) Downloaded 555 times
(2.83 KiB) Downloaded 351 times

Aside from the file header, both .db have the text string "Unsupported DB version" towards the very end of the .db
so i have to figure both were written out - fully.
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1373 breaks transfer of .db & reading on another compter

Post by therube »

So... I was thinking...

it was an outright issue with 1373, that the .db changed in some way?
then that it might have be a mish-mash issue with Everything versions?
perhaps ? as early as 1367, but if not, then 1371..1373, & where i was using one version to do this, & another to do that?

so i took a 1372.db, as it was when i Quit 1372, & tried "stuff" with that, & that was OK, except that it was wanting to do "Indexing Properties..." - which looked like it was going to be time consuming.

& i took a 1371.db, with the same results, again "Indexing Properties" (which looked like was going to be time consuming).

On an -update of an older .db (like my 1371/1372 .db's), I can understand where it picks up changes to bring things current. I can understand where it wants to Index Properties of files.

Is that Indexing related to only new/changed files, or was that Indexing indexing everything anew (i.e., all files, new & old)?

If the former, & it was a bit time consuming, then OK.
If the latter, then why? Or is there an option to only Index new/changed files, rather then re-indexing all files?

1371.db was from 4-22, so not that long ago, so my expectation would be that any updates needed would be relatively quick.

Does an -update do the same as an Everything Quit?

does -update do anything different then that what is done when one Quits Everything?
if it does not, then for those that actually Quit Everything (say nightly or so)
you would expect that if my suposition about it being an issue with -update,
that there would be reports of "oh i Quit, & the next day when I started
Everything, it had to..." [rather then simply picking off from where it had been
the day before])

if -update is different..., if -update is relatively little used, that could be why there are no such reports...

in my batch file, as it is, when i do an -update, existing Everything window comes to foreground
& goes opaque, for a moment (as it's updating the .db, i surmise), then returns to normal
& it is at that point when i [hit <CR> &] copy the files
(iow, to me, that is a visual indicator that things are done, that i am not copying
before the -update has finished)
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1373 breaks transfer of .db & reading on another compter

Post by therube »

Anyhow, even though I ran into this "bad" .db, when I run my BU-HOME.bat, again, having changed nothing at all (in methodology or program versions) - it worked.
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1373 breaks transfer of .db & reading on another compter

Post by therube »

it worked
It worked - on the computer I'm backing up from.

I created the backup (as I have always been doing).
I throw the .ARJ into a directory & extract its' contents.
I run GO-HOME-HOME.BAT, & it worked.
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1373 breaks transfer of .db & reading on another compter

Post by therube »


Copied that same .ARJ, & thew it on my current machine.
I throw the .ARJ into a directory & extract its' contents.


Code: Select all

Everything: (x86)
OS:	Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
Admin:	0
Service:	6 (connected / partially installed)
Command line:	-instance HOME -read-only -no-auto-include
Binary:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Everything.exe
Profile:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Everything-HOME.ini
Database:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Everything-HOME.db
Instance:	HOME
Config:	match_path=1
Config:	ignore_punctuation=1
Config:	shell_execute_short_parameters=1
Config:	show_mouseover=0
Config:	dupe_group_colors=1
Config:	highlight_max_or_paths=256
Config:	zoom=134
Config:	auto_include_fixed_volumes=0
Config:	auto_remove_offline_ntfs_volumes=0
Config:	auto_move_ntfs_volumes=0
Config:	auto_move_refs_volumes=0
Config:	auto_move_fat_volumes=0
Config:	find_first_file_path_not_found_retry_timeout=30000
Config:	icon_blend_hidden=1
Config:	thumbnail_medium_text_lines=3
Config:	thumbnail_large_text_lines=2
Config:	filelist_context_menu=0
Config:	open_many_files_warning_threshold=9
Config:	set_foreground_window_attach_thread_input=0
Config:	home_sort=1
Config:	snap_toggle_on_shift=1
Config:	rename_overwrite=1
Config:	allow_literal_operators=1
Config:	convert_forward_slash_to_backslash=1
Config:	operator_precedence=1
Config:	size_format=1
Config:	size_number_format=4
Config:	ellipsis=0
Config:	jump_to_timeout=99999
Config:	folder_rescan_timeout=60000
Config:	find_and_select_clear_selection=0
Config:	find_and_select_select_folders=0
Config:	find_and_select_select_files=0
Config:	context_menu_parent_folder=1
Config:	custom_open_command01=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\mpv.net\mpvnet.exe" %*)
Config:	custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\BIN\XXhash64.BAT" %*)
Config:	filter=UNIQ
Config:	preview_icon=1
Config:	treeview_everything_expand_button=1
Config:	findbar_highlight_all=0
Config:	search_for_text_when_you_start_typing=1
Config:	search_history_always_suggest=1
Config:	ntfs_volumes=[{"path":"C:" ...
Config:	properties=[{"name":"Length","include_only_files":"*.3gp;*.asf;*.asx;*.avi;*.divx;*.f4v;*.flv;*.m2t;*.m2ts;*.m2v;*.m4v;*.mkv;*.mp4;*.mpe;*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.mov;*.mts;*.ogm;*.ogv;*.qt;*.ram;*.rm;*.rmvb;*.smil;*.swf;*.ts;*.vob;*.vp6;*.webm;*.wmv;*.h264;*.srt;*.part","fast_sort":1}]
does ntfs_volumes= matter (which would not be the same between the two different computers - though it hadn't been in the past)?


Code: Select all

Location:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Everything-HOME.db
Indexed file properties:	Name, Path
Indexed folder properties:	Name, Path
Fast sorts:	Name, Path, 
Folder count:	0
File count:	0
Total item count:	0
FAT index count:	0
NTFS index count:	0
ReFS index count:	0
Network drive index count:	0
Folder index count:	0
File list index count:	0
Network index count:	0
Total index count:	0
Folder data size:	0 bytes
File data size:	0 bytes
Total data size:	0 bytes
Folder index size:	0 bytes
File index size:	0 bytes
Total index size:	0 bytes
Total size:	0 bytes
Folders created:	0
Folders modified:	0
Folders deleted:	0
Folders moved:	0
Files created:	0
Files modified:	0
Files deleted:	0
Files moved:	0

Enabled:	Yes
ID:	01d990470d1b9eb7
Size:	0 bytes
Max size:	1,048,576 bytes
First item ID:
Next item ID:	1
Item count:	0

Count:	0
Total duration:	
Minimum duration:	
Maximum duration:	
Average duration:	
Last duration:	
Last build date:	
Last rebuild reason:	Unable to open database file.

Count:	0
Total duration:	
Minimum duration:	
Maximum duration:	
Average duration:	
Last duration:	
Last update date:	

Count:	0
Total duration:	
Minimum duration:	
Maximum duration:	
Average duration:	
Last duration:	
Last load date:	

Count:	0
Total duration:	
Minimum duration:	
Maximum duration:	
Average duration:	
Last duration:	
Last save date:	
Next scheduled save date:	05/04/2024 04:00 AM
Total bytes written:	0

Count:	1
Total duration:	00:00
Minimum duration:	0.000644 seconds
Maximum duration:	0.000644 seconds
Average duration:	0.000644 seconds
Last duration:	0.000644 seconds
Last query date:	05/03/2024 11:06 AM
Total result count:	0
Maximum result count:	0
Average result count:	0
Last result count:	0

Count:	0
Total duration:	
Minimum duration:	
Maximum duration:	
Average duration:	
Last duration:	
Last sort date:	

Again, I'll note:

Code: Select all

Command line:	-instance HOME -read-only -no-auto-include
Binary:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Everything.exe
Profile:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Everything-HOME.ini
Database:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Everything-HOME.db
Instance:	HOME

Code: Select all

Location:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Everything-HOME.db
These paths are not correct.

While there is C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME, while there is Everything.exe & -HOME.ini & -HOME.db in that location,
I copied E-HOME.arj into, & extracted its' contents into, & ran GO-HOME-HOME.BAT from C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y,
a subdirectory of where troubleshooting/statistics is pointing to?
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1373 breaks transfer of .db & reading on another compter

Post by therube »

And I read the debug link.
And I Quit Everything.

And I restart Everything - having done nothing more, & it works, it sees my files.
(Somewhere along the line, I might have change from my UNIQ filter to the Everything filter.)

And now, when I look at troubleshooting it correctly shows, \HOME\Y:

Code: Select all

Command line:	-instance HOME -read-only -no-auto-include
Binary:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y\Everything.exe
Profile:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y\Everything-HOME.ini
Database:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y\Everything-HOME.db
UNIQ (filter):

Code: Select all

Search:  video: sort:name: distinct: 
Keyboard shortcut:  Alt+U
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1373 breaks transfer of .db & reading on another compter

Post by therube »

I take the very same .ARJ, copy it into a new directory, named \ZZZ\, extract its' contents, run GO-HOME-HOME.BAT, & it worked.

The very same actions, the very same file, only a moment ago - failed?

Code: Select all

Command line:	-instance HOME -read-only -no-auto-include
Binary:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y\ZZZ\Everything.exe
Profile:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y\ZZZ\Everything-HOME.ini
Database:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y\ZZZ\Everything-HOME.db
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1373 breaks transfer of .db & reading on another compter

Post by therube »

Oh, oh, oh, on this computer, I've not had a chance to update (my normal running) Everything from (x86) [uptime, 3 months ago (12:07:47 PM 01/11/2024)].

Though in my .ARJ, I have a copy of Everything1373.exe, & it is that that runs & opens the .db - though the service (is it using the existing service, as if so) is 1367a.

Here is a debug of a fail, 0 items, & oddly, this time it does show correct paths.

Code: Select all

2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: disconnected from service
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Everything: (x86)
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: OS: Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Admin: 0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Service: 6 (connected / partially installed)
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Command line: -instance HOME -read-only -no-auto-include
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Binary: C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y\ZZZ\Z3\Everything.exe
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Profile: C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y\ZZZ\Z3\Everything-HOME.ini
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Database: C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y\ZZZ\Z3\Everything-HOME.db
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Instance: HOME
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: match_path=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: ignore_punctuation=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: shell_execute_short_parameters=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: show_mouseover=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: dupe_group_colors=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: highlight_max_or_paths=256
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: zoom=134
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: auto_include_fixed_volumes=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: auto_remove_offline_ntfs_volumes=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: auto_move_ntfs_volumes=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: auto_move_refs_volumes=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: auto_move_fat_volumes=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: find_first_file_path_not_found_retry_timeout=30000
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: icon_blend_hidden=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: thumbnail_medium_text_lines=3
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: thumbnail_large_text_lines=2
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: filelist_context_menu=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: open_many_files_warning_threshold=9
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: set_foreground_window_attach_thread_input=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: snap_toggle_on_shift=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: rename_overwrite=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: allow_literal_operators=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: convert_forward_slash_to_backslash=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: operator_precedence=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: size_format=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: size_number_format=4
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: ellipsis=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: jump_to_timeout=99999
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: folder_rescan_timeout=60000
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: find_and_select_clear_selection=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: find_and_select_select_folders=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: find_and_select_select_files=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: context_menu_parent_folder=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: custom_open_command01=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\mpv.net\mpvnet.exe" %*)
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\BIN\XXhash64.BAT" %*)
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: filter=EVERYTHING
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: preview_icon=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: treeview_everything_expand_button=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: findbar_highlight_all=0
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: search_for_text_when_you_start_typing=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: search_history_always_suggest=1
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: ntfs_volumes=[{"path":"C:",...
2024-05-03 12:08:32.032: Config: properties=[{"name":"Length","include_only_files":"*.3gp;*.asf;*.asx;*.avi;*.divx;*.f4v;*.flv;*.m2t;*.m2ts;*.m2v;*.m4v;*.mkv;*.mp4;*.mpe;*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.mov;*.mts;*.ogm;*.ogv;*.qt;*.ram;*.rm;*.rmvb;*.smil;*.swf;*.ts;*.vob;*.vp6;*.webm;*.wmv;*.h264;*.srt;*.part","fast_sort":1}]
2024-05-03 12:08:36.026: WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00010530
2024-05-03 12:08:36.026:  lastfocus 00112758
2024-05-03 12:08:36.026:  current focus 00112758
2024-05-03 12:08:36.026:  current foreground 00142764
2024-05-03 12:08:36.026:  minimized 00000000
2024-05-03 12:08:38.787: WM_ACTIVATE 00000001 00010530
2024-05-03 12:08:38.787:  lastfocus 00112758
2024-05-03 12:08:38.787:  current focus 00010530
2024-05-03 12:08:38.787:  current foreground 00142764
2024-05-03 12:08:38.787:  minimized 00000000
2024-05-03 12:08:38.787: FOCUS 0 
2024-05-03 12:08:38.787: FOCUS restore 00112758
2024-05-03 12:08:38.787: FOCUS restore 00112758
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: FindFirstFileW C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y\ZZZ\Z3\Session-HOME.json 2
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: MoveFile:
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y\ZZZ\Z3\Session-HOME.json.tmp
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: to:
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: C:\DEV\LOCATE\HOME\Y\ZZZ\Z3\Session-HOME.json
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: search 'NCMAIN.EXE' filter '' sort 18 ascending 0
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: FOLDER TERM START 050ef7f0 M 003bde58 N 003bdf68
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: 050ef7f0 20e81104 M 003bde58 N 003bdf68 OP 41 NCMAIN.EXE
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: FILE TERM START 050ef7f0 M 003bde58 N 003bdf68
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: 050ef7f0 20e81104 M 003bde58 N 003bdf68 OP 41 NCMAIN.EXE
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: found 0 files with 0 threads in 0.000053 seconds
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: found 0 folders with 0 threads in 0.000029 seconds
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: SET SORT 0
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: set sort 18 ascending 0 is valid 1 case 0
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: fill with name arrays
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: sort complete 0121b7f4, valid 1
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: finished sort, time taken 0.000049 seconds
2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: update selection 0.000001 seconds
2024-05-03 12:08:38.927: ready
2024-05-03 12:08:38.927: DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting for _db_search_thread_proc...
2024-05-03 12:08:38.927: DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000024 seconds
2024-05-03 12:08:38.927: new results 0
2024-05-03 12:08:39.770: ui_search_history_end
2024-05-03 12:08:39.785: add nav NCMAIN.EXE
2024-05-03 12:08:39.785: search 'NCMAIN.EXE' filter '' sort 18 ascending 0
2024-05-03 12:08:39.785: FOLDER TERM START 051af850 M 003bee18 N 003bef28
2024-05-03 12:08:39.785: 051af850 20e81104 M 003bee18 N 003bef28 OP 41 NCMAIN.EXE
2024-05-03 12:08:39.785: FILE TERM START 051af850 M 003bee18 N 003bef28
2024-05-03 12:08:39.785: 051af850 20e81104 M 003bee18 N 003bef28 OP 41 NCMAIN.EXE
2024-05-03 12:08:39.785: same results
2024-05-03 12:08:39.785: count 0
2024-05-03 12:08:39.785: new results 0
2024-05-03 12:08:43.015: SYSCOMMAND 0000f095 00430261
2024-05-03 12:08:45.479: COMMAND 40210
NCMAIN.EXE, with a "failed" .db:

Code: Select all

2024-05-03 12:08:38.912: found 0 files with 0 threads in 0.000053 seconds
NCMAIN.EXE, with a "working" .db:

Code: Select all

new results 19
FindFirstFileW W:\H\TMPS\X\NCMAIN.EXE.not 3
FindFirstFileW H:\TMPS\X\NCMAIN.EXE.not 3
FindFirstFileW W:\LIB\NORTON\NC5\nc55_expanded\SAFE\NCMAIN.EXE 3
FindFirstFileW W:\LIB\NORTON\NC5\nc55_expanded\NCMAIN.EXE 3
FindFirstFileW W:\H\XP43_C\NC\NCMAIN.EXE 3
FindFirstFileW W:\H\TMPS\LeechFTP\LEECHTMP\BOOTDISK\X\ncmain.exe 3
FindFirstFileW L:\LIB\Z_cold_LIB\NORTON\NC5\nc55_expanded\SAFE\NCMAIN.EXE 3
FindFirstFileW L:\LIB\Z_cold_LIB\NORTON\NC5\nc55_expanded\NCMAIN.EXE 3
FindFirstFileW H:\XP43_C\NC\NCMAIN.EXE 3
add nav NCMAIN.EXE
search 'NCMAIN.EXE' filter '' sort 18 ascending 0
FOLDER TERM START 12fce708 M 0034f050 N 0034f160
12fce708 20e81104 M 0034f050 N 0034f160 OP 41 NCMAIN.EXE

(Next on the agenda, Vim, & why, with 9.1, I'm seeing some messages there, that I've not encountered in the past ;-).)
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1373 breaks transfer of .db & reading on another compter

Post by therube »

(Just noting that I have not had this re-occur since... [knock on wood].)
Post Reply