WebM files contain no metadata

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WebM files contain no metadata

Post by qxx »

This is isn't an issue with the voidtools software hence I'm posting in the off topic discussion but here's my issue: I'm having an issue with WebM files on Windows and I'm hoping someone here might have some insights. When I right-click on a WebM file and go to Properties, there's no detailed information available. Unlike other video formats like MP4 or AVI, I don't see codec information, duration, frame rate, height, width or other metadata. This makes many of the property search features useless. Any fix for this?

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Re: WebM files contain no metadata

Post by NotNull »

Windows itself does not know how to read the file properties of WEBM files (apparently; no WEBM files on this system). A shell extension is needed to add this.
Icaros is one of the programs that can provide this (and lots of other features).

I expect that after installation (and maybe a reboot) these properties are available in Everything too.
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Re: WebM files contain no metadata

Post by therube »

What OS?

Does Windows Explorer show any metadata for said files?

On my end, Win7, W/E does not show any metadata for .webm.

Though at the same time, Everything does display Length: for said files.
(Unsure of other metadata Properties?)

Results may also depend on particular codecs used in particular files.

I have 2 .webm that look to be somewhat "broken", & they do not display Length:.
If I (use ffmpeg to) "copy" said files, the copied files then do show Length.


Code: Select all

@echo off
:: ccopy
:: SjB 04-30-2022
:: does a ffmpeg -c copy, on a set of files

set /p MASK=Enter file mask to -c copy: 
echo About to work on:
dir /b %mask%*

for %%i in (%mask%*) do echo About to work on: %%i
:: exit

for %%i in (%mask%*) do ffmpeg -i "%%i" -c copy out."%%i" && echo out.%%i && pause

(In addition to Icaros, I believe Void added some specific code to deal with at least certain Properties of certain media types [that were not generally, not supported at the OS level].)
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2023 4:17 pm

Re: WebM files contain no metadata

Post by qxx »

Activating properties on Icaros fixed this.

Thank you bros
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