Everything - Filelist - Associate EFU

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Everything - Filelist - Associate EFU

Post by therube »

Everything - Filelist - Associate EFU

When you Associate EFU, that sets up a (Windows) Registry key,

And what happens when you open (externally) a .efu is that it opens into current window/tab.

Now, now that can be changed to open also open in a new tab or a new window.
As it is, you need to (manually) edit the Registry to do that.

Would it make sense if, Tools | Options | General -> EFU,
could have an associated [Current|Tab|Window|] selector
(which would then display a C or a T or a W)
which then changes the (open) action
to either (default) current window/tab, or to New Tab, or New Window
(so removing or adding -new-tab or -new-window to the open command action in the Registry key)
(easier then manually editing the Registry)

(eh, would doing that be worth it ?)
(& if so, suppose similar could be said about 'es: URL protocol')
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Re: Everything - Filelist - Associate EFU

Post by void »

I will consider a [Current|Tab|Window|] selector for EFU association and ES: protocol.

Thank you for the suggestion.

For now, Everything will default to only having one window.

To open EFU files and ES: URLs in a new window:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the UI tab on the left.
  • Check Create a new window when running Everything.
  • Uncheck Open searches in tabs.
  • Click OK.
To open EFU files and ES: URLs in a new tab:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the UI tab on the left.
  • Check Open searches in tabs.
  • Click OK.
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