When I use 'es' to call Everything for searching, I notice that when I search for 'student' files, the 'bin', '01' and other files inside the 'student' folder, which do not contain 'student' in their filenames, are also searched. This is not what I want. Is there a way to only query files that have 'student' in their filenames, just like when using Everything's GUI?
Looking forward to the experts to help me out
I originally did not have an es.ini file, so I created one and wrote match_path=0 in it (this is also the only line in the entire file), but it still didn't work. What else might I be missing?
I thought -p was for limiting the scope of directory access; I never doubted that! My problem is solved, thank you so much! You are such a kind person.
A new issue has emerged.
Previously, when I was using Everything to search with ES, I used to combine and exclude folder paths by separating them with spaces and a pipe symbol "|" or a space and an exclamation mark "!".
like "D:\xlj\ERP2022 |D:\xlj\360se6 |D:\xlj\IISDir".
However, this method seems to have stopped working now. Do you know the reason? Moreover, when I tried to revert the -path back to -p, it only detected the first directory path, which indicates that this is probably not the cause.
I tried your methods, but it didn't work.
I tried using "es -n 300 -path D:\ ^| C:\ xlj" to search for folders containing "xlj" in both the D and C drives, but the result was only one item, which was the same as when using "es -n 300 -path D:\ xlj".
When I used "es -n 300 -path C:\ xlj", I was able to find two results.
I also tried the "`|" , and the result was also empty.
Did I make a mistake in some part of it?