Inlined View

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Posts: 468
Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:44 pm

Inlined View

Post by meteorquake »

It would be very helpful to have a linear view where results are presented not in a grid but 'inline' one after another like a sequence of html span tags (obviously with appropriate styling), so that you can maximise the number of results appearing in the pane.
Given this is not a grid view I would think it might lose the efficiency of the grid however I am thinking it would be useful for tasks that are only showing a limited number of results such as hundreds rather than millions of items in alphabetic order and where efficiency is not the consideration in the face of wanting to maximise number of items presented in view.
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Re: Inlined View

Post by void »

Currently, Everything only supports detail and thumbnail views.

I will consider support for "list" view.
"list" view shows multiple items per row.

Thank you for the suggestion.
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