When I open a filelist of items that exist and have the preview pane open or thumbs view, it only shows the file icon. Strangely I don't recall that being the case in the past but maybe it was.
But it stands to reason if you have any of those views it's because you think there should be something to see.
* Can I recommend thumbs and preview pane work for filelists just as they do for live content.
Super, so it really was trivial then!
I wonder how I ended up with the settings altered from what I had in the past.
Should their default be set to on rather than off, or else a concept of ask on first use? I suspect 'ask on first use' is something that might be helpful with many settings.
There's no option to enable thumbnails for filelists in Everything 1.4.
The option was added in 1.5.
Everything 1.4 does show filelist previews.
There's no option to disable previews for filelists in Everything 1.4.
I will review the default setting for filelist previews.
Showing thumbnails may try to access offline data.
This can cause the system or Everything freeze.
It will also cause Everything to stop gathering thumbnails while the offline data request time out.
Everything will try to avoid accessing offline data by default.
Perhaps it could be adaptive and show thumbnails/previews for drives that are online and of type local disc but not presume to show others unless asked.
In the empty preview box where that didn't apply it could even have the message "click to show all previews and thumbs" which could be clicked and turn it on just for that filelist session?