Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU, & Everything GUI went opaque.

Never seen that before.

Had to kill GUI, & then also the Service.
(As in killing the GUI did not affect the hungry Service.)

Everything Service 100 of 1 CPU after Index Pause.png
Everything Service 100 of 1 CPU after Index Pause.png (65.87 KiB) Viewed 5317 times

Of late*

Of late, heh. Of late, very infrequently (on office computer) when I'll go to Safely Remove a couple of USB (flash &/or SSD) drives, I'll get a "busy".

AFAIK, there is no "busy", as in I have nothing open... on the drives.

Though, in particular instances of Everything - those that actually Index said USB drives (& that is all they index, only said USB drives, & no other drives, & no other instances index those USB drives), if I 'Index | Pause Updates' (followed immediately by 'Index | Resume Updates), I can then Safe Remove the USB drive - every time.

Checking other avenues, manually "sync'ing"... provide no relief.
Index, Pause, Index, Resume, works.

So yesterday, I Index, Pause, (& I suppose I then also Index, Resume, as I would normally do), & for whatever reason Everything Service starting eating CPU & GUI went opaque. And at that point, I was unable to interact with either the Service (-uninstall-service) or the GUI (& had to kill both).

In all the years, I've never had issues with Safely Remove.
More recently, yes.
My USB's (well except for any HDD based in a USB adapter) have always been "flash" drives (with Kingston, my "regular"). More recently I picked up a newer (old) PNY (flash) drive, & more recently again, I got a M.2 SSD that I put into a USB adapter.

Initially, it was the SSD that I ran into troubles with (Safely Remove), never having had any issues with the Kingston. And initially, it was only on my home computer*. More recently, very, very infrequently, the Kingston also failed to Safely Remove. And now, I've seen it on both computers (but more often on home).

*Home computer.
Oh, I pretty sure is on its way out. Motherboard most likely. At least some of my M/B SATA connectors have gone bad. Or at least when multiple disks are (now) plugged in, depending on which SATA connectors are in use, a drive may or may not be there, or may be there but at some will hang the computer (out of the blue, & totally). So I'm avoiding those particular connectors, & I believe I'm good, at present.

So some of my issues (seen on home computer) may be hardware related.

Anyhow, this Service issue was not on my home, & I've never see that before.
(Which drive was it that it hung on... was going to say, not sure, don't recall, but thinking, not certain, it was on Kingston - cause SSD (S.M.A.R.T.) reports Unsafe Shutdowns, & I don't think (?) that it incremented? (Or might I have actually Safely Removed after killing GUI, Service, & then restarting both & going through the Index, Pause procedure?)

(Yeah, & I would have gotten around to bring up the Safely Remove issue, at some point, but since I ran into the Service issue...)

KKK, 60K files, 800 GB, .db is only 2 MB:

Code: Select all

Everything: (x86)
OS:	Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
Admin:	0
Service:	6 (connected / partially installed)
Command line:	-instance KKK -no-auto-include
Binary:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\KKK\Everything.exe
Profile:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\KKK\Everything-KKK.ini
Database:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\KKK\Everything-KKK.db
Instance:	KKK
Config:	match_path=1
Config:	ignore_punctuation=1
Config:	shell_execute_short_parameters=1
Config:	show_mouseover=0
Config:	dupe_group_colors=1
Config:	highlight_max_or_paths=256
Config:	zoom=134
Config:	auto_include_fixed_volumes=0
Config:	auto_remove_offline_ntfs_volumes=0
Config:	auto_move_ntfs_volumes=0
Config:	auto_move_refs_volumes=0
Config:	auto_move_fat_volumes=0
Config:	find_first_file_path_not_found_retry_timeout=30000
Config:	icon_blend_hidden=1
Config:	thumbnail_medium_text_lines=3
Config:	thumbnail_large_text_lines=2
Config:	filelist_context_menu=0
Config:	open_many_files_warning_threshold=9
Config:	set_foreground_window_attach_thread_input=0
Config:	home_sort=1
Config:	snap_toggle_on_shift=1
Config:	rename_overwrite=1
Config:	allow_literal_operators=1
Config:	convert_forward_slash_to_backslash=1
Config:	operator_precedence=1
Config:	size_format=1
Config:	size_number_format=4
Config:	ellipsis=0
Config:	jump_to_timeout=99999
Config:	folder_rescan_timeout=60000
Config:	find_and_select_clear_selection=0
Config:	find_and_select_select_folders=0
Config:	find_and_select_select_files=0
Config:	context_menu_parent_folder=1
Config:	custom_open_command01=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\mpv.net\mpvnet.exe" %*)
Config:	custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\BIN\chk.4.EVERYTHING.exe" %*)
Config:	filter=EVERYTHING
Config:	preview_icon=1
Config:	treeview_everything_expand_button=1
Config:	findbar_highlight_all=0
Config:	search_for_text_when_you_start_typing=1
Config:	search_history_always_suggest=1
Config:	columns=[{"name":"Name","width":315},{"name":"Path","width":148},{"name":"Size","width":84},{"name":"Length","width":54},{"name":"Extension","width":36},{"name":"Date Modified","width":112}]
Config:	ntfs_volumes=[{...
Config:	properties=[{"name":"Length","include_only_files":"*.3gp;*.asf;*.asx;*.avi;*.divx;*.f4v;*.flv;*.m2t;*.m2ts;*.m2v;*.m4v;*.mkv;*.mp4;*.mpe;*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.mov;*.mts;*.ogm;*.ogv;*.qt;*.ram;*.rm;*.rmvb;*.smil;*.swf;*.ts;*.vob;*.vp6;*.webm;*.wmv;*.h264;*.srt;*.part","fast_sort":1}]
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by void »

Thank you for the issue report therube,

I am reviewing the service code and what happens when a volume goes offline.

Maybe Everything is getting hung reading some sort of cache over and over on the offline volume..

If you see this issue again, could you please send a mini crash dump of the Everything Service process.
The mini crash dump will show what Everything was doing when it hung.
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

I've never had issues with Safely Remove.
More recently, yes.
if/when i cannot Safely Remove
ideas on what (else) to try, to look for (prior to using the Pause Updates/Update Indexes "fix") ?

Might System Volume Information &/or $RECYCLE.BIN (if existent) be playing in?
(One drive has $RECYCLE.BIN, but it is empty [save the desktop.ini].
System Volume Information, I've not bothered to enable access to, so not sure what might or might not be there, offhand. But based on Size, which Everything shows, I'd say, not much, 88 & 20,480 bytes ;-))
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by void »

Debug logs would show if Everything receives the removal request:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, check Start Debug Logging.
    ---Attempt to remove your device.
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, click Stop Debug Logging.
    ---Your %TEMP%\Everything Debug Log will open in Notepad.
  • Please reply with the contents of this file.
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

Code: Select all

Safely Remove (fail)
Safely Remove (fail) (heh, not sure if i did it the 2nd time here?)
Safely Remove (fail) (heh, ditto, i think i did this here?)
Index | Pause Updates
(at which time i heard "disk" activity, as if they were being flushed
- odd, cause no spinner disks are monitored in this instance-KKK)
Index | Update Indexes
Safely Remove (success)

O: drive, the one that wouldn't remove (actually, I didn't try K:,
cause i need that to copy this on to) does have a $Recycle.Bin, in
case that has any bearing & I assume it is set (in Device Manager)
for Quick Removal

2024-11-22 09:27:05.637: disconnected from service
2024-11-22 09:27:05.637: Everything: (x86)
2024-11-22 09:27:05.637: OS: Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
2024-11-22 09:27:05.637: Admin: 0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.637: Service: 6 (connected / partially installed)
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Command line: -instance KKK -no-auto-include
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Binary: C:\DEV\Locate\K-DRIVE\Everything.exe
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Profile: C:\DEV\Locate\K-DRIVE\Everything-KKK.ini
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Database: C:\DEV\Locate\K-DRIVE\Everything-KKK.db
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Instance: KKK
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: match_path=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: ignore_punctuation=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: shell_execute_short_parameters=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: show_mouseover=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: dupe_group_colors=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: highlight_max_or_paths=256
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: zoom=134
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: select_focus_on_lost_selection=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: auto_include_fixed_volumes=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: auto_remove_offline_ntfs_volumes=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: auto_move_ntfs_volumes=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: auto_move_refs_volumes=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: auto_move_fat_volumes=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: find_first_file_path_not_found_retry_timeout=30000
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: icon_blend_hidden=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: thumbnail_medium_text_lines=3
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: thumbnail_large_text_lines=2
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: filelist_context_menu=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: open_many_files_warning_threshold=9
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: set_foreground_window_attach_thread_input=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: snap_toggle_on_shift=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: rename_overwrite=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: allow_literal_operators=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: convert_forward_slash_to_backslash=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: operator_precedence=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: size_format=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: size_number_format=4
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: ellipsis=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: jump_to_timeout=99999
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: folder_rescan_timeout=60000
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: find_and_select_clear_selection=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: find_and_select_select_folders=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: find_and_select_select_files=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: context_menu_parent_folder=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: custom_open_command01=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\mpv.net\mpvnet.exe" %*)
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\BIN\chk.4.EVERYTHING.exe" %*)
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: custom_open_command03=$exec("C:\BIN\MI_COMPARE.BAT" %*)
2024-11-22 09:27:05.647: Config: custom_open_command04=$exec("C:\BIN\HEX.exe" %*)
2024-11-22 09:27:05.648: Config: filter=EVERYTHING
2024-11-22 09:27:05.648: Config: preview_icon=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.648: Config: treeview_everything_expand_button=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.648: Config: findbar_highlight_all=0
2024-11-22 09:27:05.648: Config: search_for_text_when_you_start_typing=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.648: Config: search_history_always_suggest=1
2024-11-22 09:27:05.648: Config: columns=[{"name":"Name","width":315},{"name":"Path","width":148},{"name":"Size","width":84},{"name":"Extension","width":36},{"name":"Date Modified","width":112}]
2024-11-22 09:27:05.648: Config: ntfs_volumes=[{"path":"K:","volume_name":"\\\\?\\Volume{...}"},{"path":"O:","volume_name":"\\\\?\\Volume{...}"},{"path":"P:","volume_name":"\\\\?\\Volume{...}"}]
2024-11-22 09:27:11.399: MoveFile:
2024-11-22 09:27:11.399: C:\DEV\Locate\K-DRIVE\Session-KKK.json.tmp
2024-11-22 09:27:11.399: to:
2024-11-22 09:27:11.399: C:\DEV\Locate\K-DRIVE\Session-KKK.json
2024-11-22 09:27:11.739: WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:11.739:  lastfocus 00080320
2024-11-22 09:27:11.739:  current focus 00080320
2024-11-22 09:27:11.739:  current foreground 00010050
2024-11-22 09:27:11.739:  minimized 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:17.303: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00008001 0019dd80
2024-11-22 09:27:17.315: stop monitor dbh 06554278
2024-11-22 09:27:17.315: stop ntfs monitor 030da3d0
2024-11-22 09:27:17.315: stop ntfs_monitor O: 8 007f0500
2024-11-22 09:27:17.315: stop refs monitor 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:17.409: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00008002 0019dd80
2024-11-22 09:27:17.409: update m 8 030da3d0
2024-11-22 09:27:17.409: update index O:
2024-11-22 09:27:17.409: USN DATA_OVERWRITE $TxfLog.blf
2024-11-22 09:27:17.409: USN CLOSE DATA_OVERWRITE $TxfLog.blf
2024-11-22 09:27:17.409: USN CLOSE $TxfLog.blf
2024-11-22 09:27:17.409: read usn journal O: in 0.000156 seconds
2024-11-22 09:27:17.429: updated O: in 0.020042 seconds
2024-11-22 09:27:17.429: resume ntfs monitor 8
2024-11-22 09:27:17.429: unable to add ntfs file: $TxfLog.blf: parent 000100000000001d not found
2024-11-22 09:27:17.429: processed 2 usn records in 0.000019 seconds
2024-11-22 09:27:17.429: DB_WAIT: _db_monitor_finished_process_fd_update_events_event_proc waiting for _db_monitor_ntfs_process_fd_update_events_thread_proc...
2024-11-22 09:27:17.429: DB_WAIT: _db_monitor_finished_process_fd_update_events_event_proc waited 0.000014 seconds
2024-11-22 09:27:19.429: WM_ACTIVATE 00000001 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:19.429:  lastfocus 00080320
2024-11-22 09:27:19.429:  current focus 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:19.429:  current foreground 000f0386
2024-11-22 09:27:19.429:  minimized 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:19.429: FOCUS 0 
2024-11-22 09:27:19.429: FOCUS restore 00080320
2024-11-22 09:27:19.430: FOCUS restore 00080320
2024-11-22 09:27:21.590: WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:21.590:  lastfocus 00080320
2024-11-22 09:27:21.590:  current focus 00080320
2024-11-22 09:27:21.590:  current foreground 00010050
2024-11-22 09:27:21.590:  minimized 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:42.380: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00008001 0019dd80
2024-11-22 09:27:42.380: stop monitor dbh 06554278
2024-11-22 09:27:42.380: stop ntfs monitor 030da3d0
2024-11-22 09:27:42.380: stop ntfs_monitor O: 8 007f0500
2024-11-22 09:27:42.388: stop refs monitor 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:42.489: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00008002 0019dd80
2024-11-22 09:27:42.489: update m 8 030da3d0
2024-11-22 09:27:42.489: update index O:
2024-11-22 09:27:42.489: USN DATA_OVERWRITE $TxfLog.blf
2024-11-22 09:27:42.489: USN CLOSE DATA_OVERWRITE $TxfLog.blf
2024-11-22 09:27:42.489: USN CLOSE $TxfLog.blf
2024-11-22 09:27:42.489: read usn journal O: in 0.000143 seconds
2024-11-22 09:27:42.509: updated O: in 0.019655 seconds
2024-11-22 09:27:42.509: resume ntfs monitor 8
2024-11-22 09:27:42.509: unable to add ntfs file: $TxfLog.blf: parent 000100000000001d not found
2024-11-22 09:27:42.509: processed 2 usn records in 0.000021 seconds
2024-11-22 09:27:42.509: DB_WAIT: _db_monitor_finished_process_fd_update_events_event_proc waiting for _db_monitor_ntfs_process_fd_update_events_thread_proc...
2024-11-22 09:27:42.509: DB_WAIT: _db_monitor_finished_process_fd_update_events_event_proc waited 0.000017 seconds
2024-11-22 09:27:46.380: WM_ACTIVATE 00000001 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:46.380:  lastfocus 00080320
2024-11-22 09:27:46.380:  current focus 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:46.380:  current foreground 000f0386
2024-11-22 09:27:46.380:  minimized 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:46.380: FOCUS 0 
2024-11-22 09:27:46.380: FOCUS restore 00080320
2024-11-22 09:27:46.380: FOCUS restore 00080320
2024-11-22 09:27:48.369: SYSCOMMAND 0000f095 00c3017d
2024-11-22 09:27:50.059: COMMAND 41804
2024-11-22 09:27:50.059: monitor thread exit
2024-11-22 09:27:50.059: monitor cleanup
2024-11-22 09:27:50.059: service client monitor clear all
2024-11-22 09:27:50.059: service client monitor clear all2 
2024-11-22 09:27:50.059: processed 0 usn records in 0.000001 seconds
2024-11-22 09:27:50.059: service client monitor clear all
2024-11-22 09:27:50.059: service client monitor clear all2 
2024-11-22 09:27:50.060: disconnected from service
2024-11-22 09:27:50.060: RDC START 00000000 0
2024-11-22 09:27:50.060: REMOVE _db_indexed_property_request_available_event_proc
2024-11-22 09:27:50.061: online status changed
2024-11-22 09:27:54.774: SYSCOMMAND 0000f095 00cb0185
2024-11-22 09:27:55.988: COMMAND 41803
2024-11-22 09:27:55.988: index NTFS 0 K: 1 start monitor
2024-11-22 09:27:55.988: index NTFS 0 O: 1 start monitor
2024-11-22 09:27:55.988: index NTFS 0 P: 1 start monitor
2024-11-22 09:27:56.415: start all monitors (ntfs: 3 refs: 0)
2024-11-22 09:27:56.415: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:27:56.416: opened 00000290 0.001342
2024-11-22 09:27:56.416: RegisterDeviceNotification volume_handle 00000290
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: ntfs monitor 065d63f0 00000000 ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: opened 00000290 0.000137
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: RegisterDeviceNotification volume_handle 00000290
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: ntfs monitor 065d6410 00000000 ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: opened ffffffff 0.000049
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: RegisterDeviceNotification volume_handle ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: opened ffffffff 0.000039
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: RegisterDeviceNotification service_volume_handle ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: ntfs service monitor 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 0
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: ntfs monitor 00000000 00000000 ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: RDC START 00000000 0
2024-11-22 09:27:56.417: service monitor offline m 0 030da388
2024-11-22 09:27:56.418: check for folder updates 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:56.418: _db_indexed_property_request_available_event_proc 0
2024-11-22 09:27:56.418: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:27:56.419: opened 000002b4 0.001159
2024-11-22 09:27:56.419: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-11-22 09:27:56.419: opened 00000638 0.000112
2024-11-22 09:27:56.419: online status changed
2024-11-22 09:27:59.128: WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:59.128:  lastfocus 00080320
2024-11-22 09:27:59.128:  current focus 00080320
2024-11-22 09:27:59.128:  current foreground 00010050
2024-11-22 09:27:59.128:  minimized 00000000
2024-11-22 09:28:03.474: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00008001 0019dd80
2024-11-22 09:28:03.474: stop monitor dbh 065d6410
2024-11-22 09:28:03.474: stop ntfs monitor 065d4a68
2024-11-22 09:28:03.474: stop ntfs_monitor O: 4294967295 007f04d8
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: monitor thread exit
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: monitor cleanup
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: start all monitors (ntfs: 3 refs: 0)
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: ntfs monitor 065d63f0 00000000 ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: ntfs monitor 065d6410 00000000 ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: opened ffffffff 0.000053
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: RegisterDeviceNotification volume_handle ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: opened ffffffff 0.000039
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: RegisterDeviceNotification service_volume_handle ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: ntfs service monitor 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 1
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: ntfs monitor 00000000 00000000 ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: stop refs monitor 00000000
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: service monitor offline m 1 030da388
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:28:03.475: online status changed
2024-11-22 09:28:03.476: opened 000002e8 0.001102
2024-11-22 09:28:03.476: online status changed
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00008003 0019dd80
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: dbch_devicetype 6, dbch_size 44
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: stop monitor dbh 065d6410
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: stop ntfs monitor 065d4a68
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: stop ntfs_monitor O: 4294967295 007f07a8
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: monitor thread exit
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: monitor cleanup
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: start all monitors (ntfs: 3 refs: 0)
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: ntfs monitor 065d63f0 00000000 ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: ntfs monitor 065d6410 00000000 ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: opened ffffffff 0.000029
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: RegisterDeviceNotification volume_handle ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:28:03.618: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-11-22 09:28:03.619: opened ffffffff 0.000018
2024-11-22 09:28:03.619: RegisterDeviceNotification service_volume_handle ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.619: ntfs service monitor 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 2
2024-11-22 09:28:03.619: ntfs monitor 00000000 00000000 ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.619: stop refs monitor 00000000
2024-11-22 09:28:03.619: service monitor offline m 2 030da388
2024-11-22 09:28:03.619: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:28:03.619: online status changed
2024-11-22 09:28:03.620: opened 00000638 0.000991
2024-11-22 09:28:03.621: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00000007 00000000
2024-11-22 09:28:03.621: online status changed
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00008004 0019df20
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: dbch_devicetype 2, dbch_size 20
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: unregister_device_notification dbv 00004000
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: unregister_device_notification volume 065d4a68
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: stop ntfs_monitor O: 4294967295 007f0370
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: monitor thread exit
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: monitor cleanup
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: start all monitors (ntfs: 3 refs: 0)
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: ntfs monitor 065d63f0 00000000 ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: ntfs monitor 065d6410 00000000 ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: opened ffffffff 0.000028
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: RegisterDeviceNotification volume_handle ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: opened ffffffff 0.000017
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: RegisterDeviceNotification service_volume_handle ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: ntfs service monitor 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 3
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: ntfs monitor 00000000 00000000 ffffffff
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: service monitor offline m 3 030da388
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:28:03.701: online status changed
2024-11-22 09:28:03.702: opened 000002e8 0.000787
2024-11-22 09:28:03.702: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-11-22 09:28:03.702: online status changed
2024-11-22 09:28:03.702: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{a7} 3
2024-11-22 09:28:03.702: opened ffffffff 0.000031
2024-11-22 09:28:03.702: ntfs monitor read error 3 retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-11-22 09:28:03.702: online status changed
2024-11-22 09:28:03.739: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00000007 00000000
2024-11-22 09:28:03.745: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00000007 00000000
2024-11-22 09:28:03.747: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00000007 00000000
2024-11-22 09:28:03.748: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00000007 00000000
2024-11-22 09:28:04.250: SHCNE 00000080 O:\ 
2024-11-22 09:28:04.251: SHCNE 00001000 Computer 
2024-11-22 09:28:06.113: WM_ACTIVATE 00000001 00000000
2024-11-22 09:28:06.113:  lastfocus 00080320
2024-11-22 09:28:06.113:  current focus 00000000
2024-11-22 09:28:06.113:  current foreground 000f0386
2024-11-22 09:28:06.113:  minimized 00000000
2024-11-22 09:28:06.113: FOCUS 0 
2024-11-22 09:28:06.113: FOCUS restore 00080320
2024-11-22 09:28:06.113: FOCUS restore 00080320
2024-11-22 09:28:06.114: SYSCOMMAND 0000f095 00c8020f
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: Check for volume change.
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: is rebuild required
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{24} | C: |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{24} | FLAME96C8 (C:) |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{16} | E: |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{16} | E-WIN7-X64 (E:) |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{63} | H: |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{63} | HIT2G (H:) |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{64} | I: |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{64} | HIT4TB (I:) |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{7d} | K: |  | 1 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{7d} | KINGSTON-DTX-128 (K:) |  | 1 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{7d} | K: |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{7d} | Win10-ISO (K:) |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{3a} | L: |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{3a} | LIB (L:) |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{94} | M: |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{94} | MUSIC (M:) |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{a7} | O: |  | 1 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{a7} | MSI2TBSSD (O:) |  | 1 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{7d} | P: |  | 1 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{7d} | USB20FD (P:) |  | 1 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{94} | T: |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{94} | TOSH_8TB (T:) |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{c3} | V: |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{c3} |  (V:) |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{71} | W: |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{71} | easystore (W:) |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: config ntfs volume: \\?\Volume{2e} | Y: |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{2e} | Y-NOT26 (Y:) |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: VEH 066f1218
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: volume \\?\Volume{24}: drive type 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName 234
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName OK C:\
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName C:
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: ignoring new excluded volume 3 \\?\Volume{24} C: 
2024-11-22 09:28:06.622: volume \\?\Volume{16}: drive type 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName 234
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName OK E:\
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName E:
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: ignoring new excluded volume 3 \\?\Volume{16} E: 
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: volume \\?\Volume{94}: drive type 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName 234
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName OK M:\
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName M:
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: ignoring new excluded volume 3 \\?\Volume{94} M: 
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: volume \\?\Volume{3a}: drive type 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName 234
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName OK L:\
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName L:
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: ignoring new excluded volume 3 \\?\Volume{3a} L: 
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: volume \\?\Volume{2e}: drive type 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName 234
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName OK Y:\
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName Y:
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: ignoring new excluded volume 3 \\?\Volume{2e} Y: 
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: volume \\?\Volume{c3}: drive type 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName 234
2024-11-22 09:28:06.623: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName OK V:\
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName V:
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: ignoring new excluded volume 3 \\?\Volume{c3} V: 
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: volume \\?\Volume{94}: drive type 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName 234
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName OK T:\
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName T:
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: ignoring new excluded volume 3 \\?\Volume{94} T: 
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: volume \\?\Volume{5d}: drive type 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName 234
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName OK S:\
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName S:
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: found volume 3 \\?\Volume{5d} S: 
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: check media \\?\Volume{5d}
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: add found volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{5d} | S: |  | 1
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: existing volume: 00000000
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: add new found volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{5d} | S: |  | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: add volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{5d} | SEAGATE-EXOS-8TB (S:) |  | 0 | 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: volume \\?\Volume{71}: drive type 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName 234
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName OK W:\
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName W:
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: ignoring new excluded volume 3 \\?\Volume{71} W: 
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: volume \\?\Volume{7d}: drive type 2
2024-11-22 09:28:06.624: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName 234
2024-11-22 09:28:06.625: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName OK K:\
2024-11-22 09:28:06.625: GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName K:
2024-11-22 09:28:06.625: K:
2024-11-22 09:28:06.625: QueryDosDevice K: \Device\HarddiskVolume59
2024-11-22 09:28:06.625: dos device \Device\HarddiskVolume59
2024-11-22 09:28:06.625: found volume 2 \\?\Volume{7d} K: 
2024-11-22 09:28:06.625: check media \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:28:06.625: add found volume: 1 | \\?\Volume{7d} | K: |  | 1
2024-11-22 09:28:06.625: existing volume: 064f7b90
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{24} C:  0 0 1 0 0 1 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{16} E:  0 0 1 0 0 1 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{63} H:  0 0 1 0 0 1 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{64} I:  0 0 1 0 0 1 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{7d} K:  1 0 1 0 1 1 2
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{7d} K:  0 0 1 0 0 1 2
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{3a} L:  0 0 1 0 0 1 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{94} M:  0 0 1 0 0 1 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{a7} O:  1 0 1 0 0 1 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{7d} P:  1 0 1 0 0 1 2
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{5d} S:  0 0 1 0 1 1 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{94} T:  0 0 1 0 0 1 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{c3} V:  0 0 1 0 0 1 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{71} W:  0 0 1 0 0 1 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: VOLUME \\?\Volume{2e} Y:  0 0 1 0 0 1 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: volume list created in 0.004080 seconds
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: refs volume list count cur: 0 db: 0
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: update register device notify (ntfs: 3 refs: 0)
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{a7} 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: opened ffffffff 0.000044
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{a7} 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: opened ffffffff 0.000039
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: opened ffffffff 0.000040
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-11-22 09:28:06.626: opened ffffffff 0.000038
2024-11-22 09:28:09.146: COMMAND 40209
2024-11-22 09:28:10.728: SYSCOMMAND 0000f095 00c6021b
2024-11-22 09:28:12.933: COMMAND 40210
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

This was from the other day, & I couldn't Safely Remove - at all - even after having closed Everything (-instance KKK, only).
I saw that Handle to O:, & I thought, ah..., but seems ? that might not be out of the ordinary (as in checking just before a Safely Remove - that did work, I also saw Handle to O:).

And again, can't rule out hardware issues (at least partially playing in, sometimes)?
Everything - could NOT Safely Remove O - even AFTER closing E-KKK.png
Everything - could NOT Safely Remove O - even AFTER closing E-KKK.png (510.98 KiB) Viewed 5067 times
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by void »

Thank you for the logs.
2024-11-22 09:27:17.303: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00008001 0019dd80
2024-11-22 09:27:17.315: stop monitor dbh 06554278
2024-11-22 09:27:17.315: stop ntfs monitor 030da3d0
2024-11-22 09:27:17.315: stop ntfs_monitor O: 8 007f0500
2024-11-22 09:27:17.315: stop refs monitor 00000000
2024-11-22 09:27:17.409: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00008002 0019dd80
Everything does not monitor system volumes for device changes.

I wonder why Windows is treating this O: drive as a system drive.
Is there a page file on this drive? are you using the drive for quick boot?

I am working on adding support for monitoring system volumes for device changes..
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by void »

After working on this...
2024-11-22 09:27:17.315: stop ntfs_monitor O: 8 007f0500
The Everything client is sending a request to the Everything Service to stop monitoring your O: drive.
The stop is successful. (server returns with no error)
2024-11-22 09:27:17.409: WM_DEVICECHANGE 00008002 0019dd80
The system immediately fails the device removal.
Something is still holding an open handle..

If you can reproduce the issue, could you please send the Everything Service verbose debug logs:
  • Plug in your device.
  • In Everything, Hold down Shift, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, check Service verbose.
  • Hold down Shift, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, click Start Service Debug Logging...
  • Attempt to remove your device.
  • Hold down Shift, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, click Stop Service Debug Logging...
    Open your C:\Windows\Temp\Everything Service Debug Log-1.5a.txt
  • Please reply with the contents of the file.
The log will show if the Everything Service has closed all handles...
I'm wondering if there's a stale client with an open handle.

Please make sure you are using the latest version of Everything for your service.
Client requests to stop monitoring was only recently added.
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

I wonder why Windows is treating this O: drive as a system drive.
Is there a page file on this drive? are you using the drive for quick boot?
No & No.

It is a M2 SSD, in a housing like, M.2 SATA SSD Enclosure Reader (though I believe mine does both NVMe [that is what's in there] & also SATA).
Please make sure you are using the latest version of Everything for your service.
Pretty sure it will be 1383 (& x86 at that), but I'll check.

(In the meantime...
So this morning, when it would not Safely Remove...

I specifically first attempted SR while I was creating a backup, so some fairly heavy I/O & CPU usage, & it failed.
After backup done, I threw in a few sync's, to no avail, & then Pause Updates - which I expected to work, but that also did not.
So then I figured that Quitting Everything (GUI) -instance KKK would also fail to help, but it did, I was able to Safely Remove.)
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by void »

I have a similar drive.

One issue I ran into was an old stale FAT index using the same volume name and drive letter. (from before I reformatted as NTFS?)
Everything will hold a handle open to this volume.
Please check for any volumes under Tools -> Options -> FAT that are using the same drive letter as your NTFS volume that cannot be removed.
-If there are any, please click Remove.
Please also check ReFS, Network drives and Folders.
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

Everything Service Debug Logs.

Service (version) IS 1383.

I'm not getting a Service Debug Log (I even searched for it with Everything ;-))?
1383 x86, using named instance (all my instances are self-named)

x64, i only had 1340 x64 on hand, so i ran that with default name (1.5)
(in case x64 or 1.5 [name] mattered)
& still no SDL
(though that assumes that SDL existed in 1340, March 2023)

(anyhow, even though i didn't get a SDL, i also didn't run into the problem again - yet :evilgrin:)

Service itself is ambidextrous, working with both x86 & x64 GUI's,
but is the Service the same in x86 & x64? (Or is there even a concept of such a thing?)
(I tried uninstall-service x86, then install x64 - oh, that's not going to matter as 1340 is too
old anyhow.)
so... i'm out of ideas (without a 1383 x64 to test [now downloading...])

1383 x64 & still not seeing it (SDL)?
OK, I'm blind (or I was doing it wrong, or ?).
So SDL is there in 1383 - the menu items.
It's been there since 1357.


Now that I actually have SDL enabled, I see it wrote to
E:\Windows\Temp\Everything Service Debug Log-1.5a.txt

And while E: is my system drive, it is not my %TMP% drive.
C:\>echo %tmp%

OK, now that that's all settled, all I need to do is to not Safely Remove.

(Heh. I don't have access to, E:\Windows\Temp\ - now I do.)
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

One issue I ran into was an old stale FAT index using the same volume name and drive letter. ...
Pretty sure FAT will be empty.

Pretty sure NTFS will have some dup'd drive letters, with some marked as (Offline)
(that I've just left hang around).

Though the particular drive I most often have trouble with is O:, & that is a letter I'd not used before.

There might be a Network Index (G:) displaying, but not Included/Indexed.
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by void »

Everything fixes an issue with Everything and the Everything Service getting stuck in a loop when reading the USN Journal fails.

There's now a 30 second delay before retrying.

Everything also fixes an issue with hanging on to a volume handle when there was an indexed volume with a different file system than expected.
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

something along the lines of:

Safely Remove (fail)
Safely Remove (fail)
Safely Remove (fail)
changed tabs in Everything -instance-KKK
(as in, clicked tab, then next tab, then next tab...)
Safely Remove (fail)
Index | Pause
Safely Remove - success
Index | Resume

-instance-KKK, only two USB drives are monitored/indexed - no others
K: is plane jane USB flash drive
O: is SSD NVMe in a USB adapater
O: is the more troublesome one (by far)
neither are troublesome on my work computer (except for an odd time or two), only on my home computer
*hardware issues may be involved?

below, O: failed to Safely Remove, though it did, once I (in Everything -instance KKK) Index | Pause Updates
(i did not have to do anything with my normal instance, which was open all along, though does not monitor/index K: or O:)

Code: Select all

2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: Everything (x86)
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: OS: Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: Admin: 1
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: Service: 1 (connected / installed and running)
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: Command line: -svc
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: Binary: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1385\Everything.exe
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: Profile: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1385\Everything-1.5a.ini
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: Database: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1385\Everything-1.5a.db
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: Instance: 1.5a
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: 
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: Config:
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: columns=[{"name":"Name","width":256},{"name":"Path","width":256},{"name":"Size","width":96},{"name":"Date Modified","width":153}]
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: write pipe 0 288
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: Found additional FRN 00cb00000000a893
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: GET FRN 00cb00000000a893 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: GOT FILEID 000000000000a893 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 00cb00000000a893 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: ATTRIBUTE 30 168 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: FILENAME 0001000000000e7b Everything Service Debug Log-1.5a.txt
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: SIZE 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: got ntfs file record cb00000000a893 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: GET FD 00cb00000000a893 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: write pipe 0 131
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: Found additional FRN 0001000000000e7b
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: GET FRN 0001000000000e7b ...
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: GOT FILEID 0000000000000e7b ...
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0001000000000e7b ...
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Temp
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: got ntfs file record 1000000000e7b 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: GET FD 0001000000000e7b RET:1
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: write pipe 0 65
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:33:43.530: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:33:43.531: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:33:43.531: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: 
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: Policy:
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: 
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: Plugins:
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: 
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: client 0 00000168 1 0 8
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor count: 10
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 0: \\?\Volume{24} 2 1 0 0 000001c0 00000180
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 1: \\?\Volume{16} 1 1 0 1000 000001c4 00000188
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 2: \\?\Volume{63} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 3: \\?\Volume{64} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 4: \\?\Volume{3a} 2 1 0 0 000001f4 00000190
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 5: \\?\Volume{94} 2 1 0 0 000001f8 00000198
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 6: \\?\Volume{5d} 2 1 0 0 000001f0 000001a0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 7: \\?\Volume{4} 2 1 0 0 000001c8 000001a8
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 8: \\?\Volume{3} 2 1 0 0 000001e8 000001b0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 9: \\?\Volume{2e} 2 1 0 0 000001ec 000001b8
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: refs monitor count: 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: client 1 0000017c 1 0 8
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor count: 10
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 0: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 1: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 2: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 3: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 4: \\?\Volume{a7} 3 1 0 0 ffffffff 000001fc
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 5: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 6: \\?\Volume{a7} 3 1 0 0 ffffffff 00000204
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 7: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 8: \\?\Volume{a7} 2 1 0 0 00000214 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor 9: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: refs monitor count: 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: client 5 000001e4 0 1 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: ntfs monitor count: 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: refs monitor count: 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: client 5 wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: client 5 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: GetOverlappedResult failed 109
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: update read failed
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: server awake
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: event 1 008c5678
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: disconnect client 5
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: client disconnected
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: listen_handle 00000230
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: pipe listen GetOverlappedResult 996
2024-12-03 09:33:43.541: server wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:33:43.610: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:43.610: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:44.531: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:44.531: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:44.610: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:44.610: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:45.531: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:45.531: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:33:45.531: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-03 09:33:45.531: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:33:45.610: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:45.610: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:46.531: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:46.531: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:33:46.610: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:46.610: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:47.531: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:47.531: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:33:47.610: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:47.610: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:48.531: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:48.531: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:33:48.610: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:48.610: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:49.531: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:49.531: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:33:49.610: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:49.610: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:50.531: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:50.531: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:33:50.610: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:50.610: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:51.531: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:51.531: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:33:51.610: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:51.610: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:51.788: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:51.788: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:51.788: data read size 4
2024-12-03 09:33:51.788: read pipe 36 12
2024-12-03 09:33:51.788: 1: got command 24 4
2024-12-03 09:33:51.788: monitor stopped 8
2024-12-03 09:33:51.788: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:33:51.788: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: data read size 4
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: read pipe 37 12
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: 1: got command 25 4
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: monitor restarted 8
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: opened 0000020c 0.000079
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: open volume 8 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: update monitor 8 read: hcjoverlapped 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: data available on ntfs monitor 8
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:51.892: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: opened 00000214 0.000046
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: write pipe 0 280
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: BytesPerFileRecordSegment 1024
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: Found additional FRN 0001000000000020
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: alloc frob
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: GET FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: GOT FILEID 0000000000000020 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: FILENAME 000100000000001d $TxfLog.blf
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: SIZE 65536
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: got ntfs file record 1000000000020 65536
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: GET FD 0001000000000020 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: write pipe 0 79
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: Found additional FRN 000100000000001d
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: GET FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: GOT FILEID 000000000000001d ...
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: FILENAME 000100000000001b $TxfLog
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: got ntfs file record 100000000001d 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: GET FD 000100000000001d RET:1
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: write pipe 0 71
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: 1: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: RESUME NTFS 8 3
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:33:51.893: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.531: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:52.531: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:52.893: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: write pipe 0 176
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:52.921: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: Found additional FRN 006b00000000ac27
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: GET FRN 006b00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: GOT FILEID 000000000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 006b00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx.0
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: SIZE 330208
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: got ntfs file record 6b00000000ac27 330208
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: GET FD 006b00000000ac27 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: write pipe 0 77
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:52.922: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:33:52.923: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:52.923: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:52.923: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:52.923: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:52.923: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:33:52.923: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:33:52.923: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:33:52.923: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:33:52.923: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:53.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:53.893: update monitor 8 read: hcjoverlapped 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:33:53.893: READING NTFS 8 9
2024-12-03 09:33:53.893: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:53.923: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:53.923: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:54.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:54.893: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: write pipe 0 752
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:33:54.923: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: Found additional FRN 032c0000000004e8
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: GET FRN 032c0000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: GOT FILEID 00000000000004e7 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: FRN not in use 32c0000000004e8
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: got ntfs file record 32c0000000004e8 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: DID NOT GET SIZE
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: GET FD 032c0000000004e8 RET:0
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: _os_OpenFileById failed 87
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: last error 2
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: write pipe 2 12
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: Found additional FRN 006b00000000ac27
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: GET FRN 006b00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: GOT FILEID 000000000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 006b00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: SIZE 781768
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: got ntfs file record 6b00000000ac27 781768
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: GET FD 006b00000000ac27 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:33:54.924: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:33:54.925: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:55.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:55.893: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: open volume \\?\Volume{63}
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{63} 3
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: opened ffffffff 0.000062
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{63}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: open volume \\?\Volume{64}
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{64} 3
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: opened ffffffff 0.000032
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{64}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:33:55.925: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:33:56.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:56.893: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:56.925: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:56.925: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:33:56.925: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-03 09:33:56.925: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:33:57.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:57.893: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:57.925: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:57.925: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:33:58.894: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:58.894: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:33:58.926: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:58.926: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:33:59.866: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:59.866: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:59.866: data read size 4
2024-12-03 09:33:59.866: read pipe 36 12
2024-12-03 09:33:59.866: 1: got command 24 4
2024-12-03 09:33:59.866: monitor stopped 8
2024-12-03 09:33:59.866: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:33:59.866: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:33:59.866: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: opened ffffffff 0.000061
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume 0 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: update monitor 0 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: opened ffffffff 0.000032
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume 1 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: opened ffffffff 0.000031
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: opened ffffffff 0.000033
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: opened ffffffff 0.000032
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume 5 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: update monitor 5 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: opened ffffffff 0.000031
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume 7 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: update monitor 7 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: opened ffffffff 0.000030
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: open volume 9 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: update monitor 9 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.867: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:59.926: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:59.926: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: data read size 4
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: read pipe 37 12
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: 1: got command 25 4
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: monitor restarted 8
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: opened 0000020c 0.000071
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: open volume 8 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: update monitor 8 read: hcjoverlapped 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: data available on ntfs monitor 8
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: opened 00000214 0.000053
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: write pipe 0 280
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:59.978: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: BytesPerFileRecordSegment 1024
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: Found additional FRN 0001000000000020
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: alloc frob
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: GET FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: GOT FILEID 0000000000000020 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: FILENAME 000100000000001d $TxfLog.blf
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: SIZE 65536
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: got ntfs file record 1000000000020 65536
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: GET FD 0001000000000020 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: write pipe 0 79
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: Found additional FRN 000100000000001d
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: GET FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: GOT FILEID 000000000000001d ...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: FILENAME 000100000000001b $TxfLog
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: got ntfs file record 100000000001d 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: GET FD 000100000000001d RET:1
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: write pipe 0 71
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: 1: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: RESUME NTFS 8 3
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:33:59.979: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:00.926: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:00.926: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:00.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:00.979: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:01.178: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:01.178: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-03 09:34:01.178: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:34:01.178: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:01.178: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:01.178: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:01.178: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:01.178: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:01.178: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:01.178: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:01.178: write pipe 0 176
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: Found additional FRN 032d0000000004e8
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: GET FRN 032d0000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: GOT FILEID 00000000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 032d0000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx.0
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: ATTRIBUTE 80 80 0
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: SIZE 64
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: got ntfs file record 32d0000000004e8 64
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: GET FD 032d0000000004e8 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: write pipe 0 77
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:01.179: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:01.180: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:01.180: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:01.180: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:01.180: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:34:01.180: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:01.180: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:01.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:01.979: update monitor 8 read: hcjoverlapped 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:34:01.979: READING NTFS 8 9
2024-12-03 09:34:01.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:02.180: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:02.180: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:02.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:02.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: write pipe 0 752
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:03.180: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: Found additional FRN 006b00000000ac27
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: GET FRN 006b00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: GOT FILEID 000000000000ac26 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: FRN not in use 6b00000000ac27
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: got ntfs file record 6b00000000ac27 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: DID NOT GET SIZE
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: GET FD 006b00000000ac27 RET:0
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: _os_OpenFileById failed 87
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: last error 2
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: write pipe 2 12
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: Found additional FRN 032d0000000004e8
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: GET FRN 032d0000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: GOT FILEID 00000000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 032d0000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: SIZE 781768
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: got ntfs file record 32d0000000004e8 781768
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: GET FD 032d0000000004e8 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:03.181: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-03 09:34:03.182: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:03.182: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:03.182: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:03.182: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:03.182: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:03.182: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:03.182: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:03.182: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:34:03.182: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:03.182: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:03.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:03.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:04.182: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:04.182: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:34:04.182: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-03 09:34:04.182: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:04.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:04.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:05.182: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:05.182: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:05.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:05.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:06.182: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:06.182: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:06.802: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:06.802: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-03 09:34:06.802: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:34:06.802: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:06.802: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: write pipe 0 328
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: Found additional FRN 001b00000000e6fd
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: GET FRN 001b00000000e6fd ...
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6fd ...
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 001b00000000e6fd ...
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: ATTRIBUTE 30 136 0
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad SYNC.EXE-817ED2B6.pf
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: SIZE 14362
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: got ntfs file record 1b00000000e6fd 14362
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: GET FD 001b00000000e6fd RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: write pipe 0 97
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:06.803: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:06.804: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:06.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:06.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:07.804: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:07.804: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:07.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:07.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: write pipe 0 328
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:08.804: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: Found additional FRN 001b00000000e6fd
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: GET FRN 001b00000000e6fd ...
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6fd ...
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 001b00000000e6fd ...
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: ATTRIBUTE 30 136 0
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad SYNC.EXE-817ED2B6.pf
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: SIZE 14362
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: got ntfs file record 1b00000000e6fd 14362
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: GET FD 001b00000000e6fd RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: write pipe 0 97
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:08.805: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:08.806: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:08.806: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:08.806: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:08.806: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:08.806: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:34:08.806: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:08.806: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:08.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:08.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:09.806: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:09.806: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:09.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:09.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: write pipe 0 328
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:10.806: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: Found additional FRN 001b00000000e6fd
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: GET FRN 001b00000000e6fd ...
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6fd ...
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 001b00000000e6fd ...
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: ATTRIBUTE 30 136 0
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad SYNC.EXE-817ED2B6.pf
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: SIZE 14362
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: got ntfs file record 1b00000000e6fd 14362
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: GET FD 001b00000000e6fd RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: write pipe 0 97
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:10.807: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:10.808: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:10.808: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:10.808: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:10.808: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:34:10.808: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:10.808: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:10.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:10.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:11.808: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:11.808: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:11.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:11.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:12.808: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:12.808: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:34:12.808: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-03 09:34:12.808: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:12.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:12.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:13.808: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:13.808: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:13.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:13.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:14.808: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:14.808: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:14.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:14.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:15.808: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:15.808: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:15.979: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:15.979: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:16.809: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:16.809: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:16.980: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:16.980: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:17.809: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:17.809: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:17.980: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:17.980: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:18.687: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:18.687: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:18.687: data read size 4
2024-12-03 09:34:18.687: read pipe 36 12
2024-12-03 09:34:18.687: 1: got command 24 4
2024-12-03 09:34:18.687: monitor stopped 8
2024-12-03 09:34:18.687: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:18.687: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: data read size 4
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: read pipe 37 12
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: 1: got command 25 4
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: monitor restarted 8
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: opened 0000020c 0.000068
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: open volume 8 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: update monitor 8 read: hcjoverlapped 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: data available on ntfs monitor 8
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:18.794: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: opened 00000214 0.000057
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: write pipe 0 280
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: BytesPerFileRecordSegment 1024
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: Found additional FRN 0001000000000020
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: alloc frob
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: GET FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: GOT FILEID 0000000000000020 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: FILENAME 000100000000001d $TxfLog.blf
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: SIZE 65536
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: got ntfs file record 1000000000020 65536
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: GET FD 0001000000000020 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: write pipe 0 79
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: Found additional FRN 000100000000001d
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: GET FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: GOT FILEID 000000000000001d ...
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: FILENAME 000100000000001b $TxfLog
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: got ntfs file record 100000000001d 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: GET FD 000100000000001d RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: write pipe 0 71
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: 1: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: RESUME NTFS 8 3
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:18.795: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:18.809: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:18.809: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:19.504: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:19.504: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-03 09:34:19.504: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:34:19.504: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:19.504: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: write pipe 0 176
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: Found additional FRN 006c00000000ac27
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: GET FRN 006c00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: GOT FILEID 000000000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 006c00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx.0
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: SIZE 330208
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: got ntfs file record 6c00000000ac27 330208
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: GET FD 006c00000000ac27 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: write pipe 0 77
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:19.505: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:19.506: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:19.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:19.795: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:20.506: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:20.506: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:20.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:20.795: update monitor 8 read: hcjoverlapped 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:34:20.795: READING NTFS 8 9
2024-12-03 09:34:20.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: write pipe 0 1184
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:21.506: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: Found additional FRN 032d0000000004e8
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: GET FRN 032d0000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: GOT FILEID 00000000000004e7 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: FRN not in use 32d0000000004e8
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: got ntfs file record 32d0000000004e8 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: DID NOT GET SIZE
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: GET FD 032d0000000004e8 RET:0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: _os_OpenFileById failed 87
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: last error 2
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: write pipe 2 12
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: Found additional FRN 006c00000000ac27
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: GET FRN 006c00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: GOT FILEID 000000000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 006c00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: ATTRIBUTE 80 80 0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: SIZE 781768
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: got ntfs file record 6c00000000ac27 781768
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: GET FD 006c00000000ac27 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.507: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: Found additional FRN 045700000000abf3
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: GET FRN 045700000000abf3 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: GOT FILEID 000000000000abf3 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 045700000000abf3 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: ATTRIBUTE 30 176 0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad DEVICEDISPLAYOBJECTPROVIDER.E-8FA3784A.pf
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: SIZE 40124
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: got ntfs file record 45700000000abf3 40124
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: GET FD 045700000000abf3 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: write pipe 0 139
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:21.508: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:21.509: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:21.509: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:21.509: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:34:21.509: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:21.509: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:21.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:21.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:22.509: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:22.509: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:22.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:22.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:23.509: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:23.509: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:34:23.509: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-03 09:34:23.509: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:23.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:23.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:24.509: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:24.509: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:24.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:24.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:25.509: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:25.509: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:25.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:25.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: open volume \\?\Volume{63}
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{63} 3
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: opened ffffffff 0.000054
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{63}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: open volume \\?\Volume{64}
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{64} 3
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: opened ffffffff 0.000031
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{64}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:34:26.509: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:26.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:26.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:27.509: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:27.509: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:27.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:27.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:28.509: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:28.509: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:28.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:28.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:29.509: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:29.509: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:29.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:29.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:30.509: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:30.509: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: opened ffffffff 0.000058
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume 0 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: update monitor 0 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: opened ffffffff 0.000032
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume 1 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: opened ffffffff 0.000030
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: opened ffffffff 0.000031
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: opened ffffffff 0.000030
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume 5 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: update monitor 5 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: opened ffffffff 0.000030
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume 7 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: update monitor 7 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: opened ffffffff 0.000033
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: open volume 9 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: update monitor 9 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:34:30.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:31.509: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:31.509: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:31.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:31.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:32.509: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:32.509: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:32.795: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:32.795: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:33.509: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:33.509: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:33.796: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:33.796: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:34.510: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:34.510: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:34.796: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:34.796: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:35.510: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:35.510: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:35.796: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:35.796: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:36.510: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:36.510: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:36.796: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:36.796: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:37.510: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:37.510: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:37.796: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:37.796: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:38.510: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:38.510: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:38.796: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:38.796: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:39.510: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:39.510: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:39.796: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:39.796: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:40.396: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:40.396: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:40.396: data read size 4
2024-12-03 09:34:40.396: read pipe 36 12
2024-12-03 09:34:40.396: 1: got command 24 4
2024-12-03 09:34:40.396: monitor stopped 8
2024-12-03 09:34:40.396: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:40.396: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: data read size 4
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: read pipe 37 12
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: 1: got command 25 4
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: monitor restarted 8
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: opened 0000020c 0.000078
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: open volume 8 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: update monitor 8 read: hcjoverlapped 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: data available on ntfs monitor 8
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: opened 00000214 0.000054
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: write pipe 0 280
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:40.495: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: BytesPerFileRecordSegment 1024
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: Found additional FRN 0001000000000020
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: alloc frob
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: GET FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: GOT FILEID 0000000000000020 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: FILENAME 000100000000001d $TxfLog.blf
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: SIZE 65536
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: got ntfs file record 1000000000020 65536
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: GET FD 0001000000000020 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: write pipe 0 79
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: Found additional FRN 000100000000001d
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: GET FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: GOT FILEID 000000000000001d ...
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: FILENAME 000100000000001b $TxfLog
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: got ntfs file record 100000000001d 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: GET FD 000100000000001d RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: write pipe 0 71
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: 1: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: RESUME NTFS 8 3
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:40.496: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:40.510: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:40.510: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.496: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:41.496: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.510: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:41.510: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.719: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:41.719: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.719: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.719: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:41.719: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.719: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:41.719: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:41.719: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:41.719: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:41.719: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: write pipe 0 176
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: Found additional FRN 032e0000000004e8
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: GET FRN 032e0000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: GOT FILEID 00000000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 032e0000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx.0
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: SIZE 330208
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: got ntfs file record 32e0000000004e8 330208
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: GET FD 032e0000000004e8 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: write pipe 0 77
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.720: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:41.721: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:42.496: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:42.496: update monitor 8 read: hcjoverlapped 0000020c
2024-12-03 09:34:42.496: READING NTFS 8 9
2024-12-03 09:34:42.496: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:42.721: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:42.721: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:43.496: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:43.496: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: write pipe 0 752
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-03 09:34:43.721: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: Found additional FRN 006c00000000ac27
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: GET FRN 006c00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: GOT FILEID 000000000000ac26 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: FRN not in use 6c00000000ac27
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: got ntfs file record 6c00000000ac27 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: DID NOT GET SIZE
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: GET FD 006c00000000ac27 RET:0
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: _os_OpenFileById failed 87
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: last error 2
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: write pipe 2 12
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: Found additional FRN 032e0000000004e8
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: GET FRN 032e0000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: GOT FILEID 00000000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 032e0000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: SIZE 781768
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: got ntfs file record 32e0000000004e8 781768
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: GET FD 032e0000000004e8 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:43.722: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-03 09:34:43.723: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:43.723: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:43.723: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:43.723: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:43.723: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:43.723: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:43.723: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:43.723: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:34:43.723: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:43.723: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:44.496: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:44.496: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:44.723: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:44.723: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:45.496: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:45.496: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:45.723: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:45.723: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:34:45.723: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-03 09:34:45.723: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:46.496: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:46.496: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:46.723: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:46.723: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:47.496: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:47.496: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: data read size 0
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: read pipe 81 8
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: 1: got command 51 0
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: client 1 wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: data read size 0
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: read pipe 81 8
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: 1: got command 51 0
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:47.582: client 1 wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:34:47.602: client 1 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:47.602: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:47.602: GetOverlappedResult failed 109
2024-12-03 09:34:47.602: update read failed
2024-12-03 09:34:47.602: server awake
2024-12-03 09:34:47.602: event 1 0087ea80
2024-12-03 09:34:47.602: disconnect client 1
2024-12-03 09:34:47.602: client disconnected
2024-12-03 09:34:47.602: listen_handle 00000230
2024-12-03 09:34:47.602: pipe listen GetOverlappedResult 996
2024-12-03 09:34:47.602: server wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:34:47.723: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:47.723: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:48.723: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:48.723: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:49.723: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:49.723: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:50.723: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:50.723: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:51.724: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:51.724: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:52.724: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:52.724: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:53.724: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:53.724: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:54.724: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:54.724: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:55.724: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:55.724: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:55.954: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:55.954: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-03 09:34:55.954: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:34:55.954: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:55.954: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:55.954: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:55.954: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:55.954: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:55.954: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:55.954: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:55.954: write pipe 0 176
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: Found additional FRN 006d00000000ac27
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: GET FRN 006d00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: GOT FILEID 000000000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 006d00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx.0
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: SIZE 330208
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: got ntfs file record 6d00000000ac27 330208
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: GET FD 006d00000000ac27 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: write pipe 0 77
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:55.955: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:55.956: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:55.956: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:55.956: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:55.956: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:55.956: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:55.956: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:34:55.956: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:55.956: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: open volume \\?\Volume{63}
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{63} 3
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: opened ffffffff 0.000076
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{63}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: open volume \\?\Volume{64}
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{64} 3
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: opened ffffffff 0.000033
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{64}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: write pipe 0 752
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:56.956: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: Found additional FRN 032e0000000004e8
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: GET FRN 032e0000000004e8 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: GOT FILEID 00000000000004e7 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: FRN not in use 32e0000000004e8
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: got ntfs file record 32e0000000004e8 18446744073709551615
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: DID NOT GET SIZE
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: GET FD 032e0000000004e8 RET:0
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: _os_OpenFileById failed 87
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: last error 2
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: write pipe 2 12
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: data read size 12
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: Found additional FRN 006d00000000ac27
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: GET FRN 006d00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: GOT FILEID 000000000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:56.957: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 006d00000000ac27 ...
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: SIZE 781768
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: got ntfs file record 6d00000000ac27 781768
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: GET FD 006d00000000ac27 RET:1
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: data read size 44
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:34:56.958: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:57.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:57.958: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-03 09:34:58.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:58.958: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000188
2024-12-03 09:34:58.958: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-03 09:34:58.958: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:34:59.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:34:59.958: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:35:00.224: server awake
2024-12-03 09:35:00.224: listen_handle 00000230
2024-12-03 09:35:00.224: c 0087ea80, read buf 0088ea80, write buf 0087ea80
2024-12-03 09:35:00.224: client 6 connected
2024-12-03 09:35:00.224: listen_handle ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:35:00.224: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:00.224: listening...
2024-12-03 09:35:00.224: client 6 wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:35:00.224: connect error 997
2024-12-03 09:35:00.224: server wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:35:00.236: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:00.236: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:35:00.236: data read size 0
2024-12-03 09:35:00.236: read pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:35:00.236: 6: got command 00 0
2024-12-03 09:35:00.236: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-03 09:35:00.236: client 6 wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:35:00.237: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:00.237: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:35:00.237: data read size 89
2024-12-03 09:35:00.237: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-03 09:35:00.237: 6: got command 20 89
2024-12-03 09:35:00.237: 6: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-03 09:35:00.237: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: client 6 wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: data read size 89
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: 6: got command 20 89
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: 6: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: client 6 wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: pipe read event
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: data read size 0
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: 6: got command 50 0
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: 2 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{a7} 3
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: opened ffffffff 0.000056
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: open volume 0 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: update monitor 0 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: online status change on monitor 0 2
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{a7}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: opened ffffffff 0.000041
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: open volume 1 ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: online status change on monitor 1 2
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-03 09:35:00.238: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:35:00.239: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-03 09:35:00.239: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:35:00.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:00.958: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:35:01.239: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:01.239: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:35:01.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:01.958: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:35:02.239: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:02.239: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:35:02.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:02.958: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:35:03.239: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:03.239: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:35:03.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:03.958: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:35:04.239: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:04.239: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:35:04.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:04.958: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:35:05.239: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:05.239: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:35:05.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:05.958: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:35:06.239: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:06.239: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: server awake
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: listen_handle 000001d4
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: c 008c5678, read buf 008d5678, write buf 008c5678
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: client 7 connected
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: listen_handle ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: client 7 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: listening...
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: connect error 997
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: server wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: data read size 0
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: read pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: 7: got command 00 0
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: data read size 0
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: read pipe 101 8
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: 7: got command 65 0
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: data read size 0
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: read pipe 98 8
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: 7: got command 62 0
2024-12-03 09:35:06.939: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-03 09:35:06.940: ReadFile failed 109
2024-12-03 09:35:06.940: update read failed
2024-12-03 09:35:06.940: server awake
2024-12-03 09:35:06.940: event 1 008c5678
2024-12-03 09:35:06.940: disconnect client 7
2024-12-03 09:35:06.940: client disconnected
2024-12-03 09:35:06.940: listen_handle 00000208
2024-12-03 09:35:06.940: pipe listen GetOverlappedResult 996
2024-12-03 09:35:06.940: server wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:35:06.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:06.958: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:35:07.239: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:07.239: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:35:07.958: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:07.958: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:35:08.239: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:08.239: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:35:08.959: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:08.959: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:35:09.240: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:09.240: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:35:09.959: client 0 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:09.959: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-03 09:35:10.240: client 6 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:10.240: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-03 09:35:10.886: server awake
2024-12-03 09:35:10.886: listen_handle 00000208
2024-12-03 09:35:10.886: c 008c5678, read buf 008d5678, write buf 008c5678
2024-12-03 09:35:10.886: client 8 connected
2024-12-03 09:35:10.887: listen_handle ffffffff
2024-12-03 09:35:10.887: client 8 awake
2024-12-03 09:35:10.887: listening...
2024-12-03 09:35:10.887: connect error 997
2024-12-03 09:35:10.887: server wait 2 0
2024-12-03 09:35:10.887: data read size 0
2024-12-03 09:35:10.887: read pipe 0 8
2024-12-03 09:35:10.887: 8: got command 00 0
2024-12-03 09:35:10.887: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-03 09:35:10.887: data read size 0
2024-12-03 09:35:10.887: read pipe 97 8
2024-12-03 09:35:10.887: 8: got command 61 0
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: Profile: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1385\Everything-1.5a.ini
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: Database: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1385\Everything-1.5a.db
2024-12-03 09:33:43.529: Instance: 1.5a
How did I manage that?

Oh, so the Service is an Instance 1.5a, regardless of what the GUI -instance may happen to be.

But then it also shows the .ini & .db to be "1.5a" too, so... did I forget to use the -instance name when I opened Everything?

The "profile" location is correct, 15.1385, but seems the .ini & .db name will also always be "1.5a", regardless of what the GUI -instance name is.
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

It went something like:

safely remove (fail)
safely remove (fail)
Pause Updates
Update Indexes
safely remove - success

This was O:.
And note that while O: is SSD in an external USB adapter, it is seen as a "fixed" drive (I'm pretty sure) to Windows.
(At least Everything automatically adds it with, 'Automatically include new fixed volumes'.)

Code: Select all

2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: Everything (x86)
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: OS: Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: Admin: 1
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: Service: 1 (connected / installed and running)
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: write pipe 0 288
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: Command line: -svc
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: Binary: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1387\Everything.exe
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:27.024: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: Found additional FRN 00cb00000000a893
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: GET FRN 00cb00000000a893 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: Profile: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1387\Everything-1.5a.ini
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: GOT FILEID 000000000000a893 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 00cb00000000a893 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: ATTRIBUTE 30 168 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: FILENAME 0001000000000e7b Everything Service Debug Log-1.5a.txt
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: SIZE 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: got ntfs file record cb00000000a893 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: GET FD 00cb00000000a893 RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: write pipe 0 131
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: Database: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1387\Everything-1.5a.db
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: Instance: 1.5a
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: 
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: Config:
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: Found additional FRN 0001000000000e7b
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: GET FRN 0001000000000e7b ...
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: GOT FILEID 0000000000000e7b ...
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0001000000000e7b ...
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Temp
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: got ntfs file record 1000000000e7b 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: GET FD 0001000000000e7b RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: write pipe 0 65
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: columns=[{"name":"Name","width":256},{"name":"Path","width":256},{"name":"Size","width":96},{"name":"Date Modified","width":153}]
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:27.025: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:27.026: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:27.026: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:27.026: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-11 09:37:27.026: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-11 09:37:27.026: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-11 09:37:27.026: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:27.026: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: 
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: Policy:
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: 
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: Plugins:
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: 
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: client 0 00000160 1 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor count: 10
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 0: \\?\Volume{24} 2 1 0 0 000001c8 00000188
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 1: \\?\Volume{16} 1 1 0 1000 000001cc 00000190
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 2: \\?\Volume{63} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 3: \\?\Volume{64} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 4: \\?\Volume{3a} 2 1 0 0 000001f4 00000198
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 5: \\?\Volume{94} 2 1 0 0 000001f8 000001a0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 6: \\?\Volume{5d} 2 1 0 0 000001e8 000001a8
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 7: \\?\Volume{94} 2 1 0 0 000001e4 000001b0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 8: \\?\Volume{c3} 2 1 0 0 000001ec 000001b8
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 9: \\?\Volume{2e} 2 1 0 0 000001f0 000001c0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: refs monitor count: 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: client 1 00000184 1 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor count: 15
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 0: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 1: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 2: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 3: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 4: \\?\Volume{a7} 3 1 0 0 ffffffff 00000164
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 5: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 6: \\?\Volume{a7} 3 1 0 0 ffffffff 00000208
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 7: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 8: \\?\Volume{a7} 3 1 0 0 ffffffff 00000214
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 9: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 10: \\?\Volume{a7} 3 1 0 0 ffffffff 00000218
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 11: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 12: \\?\Volume{7d} 2 1 0 0 00000230 00000220
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 13: \\?\Volume{a7} 2 1 0 0 00000234 00000228
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor 14: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: refs monitor count: 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: client 7 00000240 0 1 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: ntfs monitor count: 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: refs monitor count: 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: client 7 wait 2 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.034: client 7 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:27.035: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:27.035: GetOverlappedResult failed 109
2024-12-11 09:37:27.035: update read failed
2024-12-11 09:37:27.035: server awake
2024-12-11 09:37:27.035: event 1 00654728
2024-12-11 09:37:27.035: disconnect client 7
2024-12-11 09:37:27.035: client disconnected
2024-12-11 09:37:27.035: listen_handle 000001e0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.035: pipe listen GetOverlappedResult 996
2024-12-11 09:37:27.035: server wait 2 0
2024-12-11 09:37:27.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:27.893: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:28.026: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:28.026: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-11 09:37:28.026: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-11 09:37:28.026: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:28.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:28.893: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: open volume \\?\Volume{63}
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{63} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: opened ffffffff 0.000059
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{63}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: open volume \\?\Volume{64}
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{64} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: opened ffffffff 0.000032
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{64}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:29.026: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:29.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:29.893: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:30.026: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:30.026: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:30.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:30.893: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:31.026: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:31.026: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:31.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:31.893: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:32.026: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:32.026: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:32.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:32.893: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:33.026: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:33.026: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:33.893: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:33.893: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:34.026: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:34.026: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:34.258: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:34.258: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:34.258: data read size 4
2024-12-11 09:37:34.258: read pipe 36 12
2024-12-11 09:37:34.258: 1: got command 24 4
2024-12-11 09:37:34.258: monitor stopped 13
2024-12-11 09:37:34.258: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:34.258: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: data read size 4
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: read pipe 37 12
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: 1: got command 25 4
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: monitor restarted 13
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: opened 00000228 0.000071
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: open volume 13 00000228
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: update monitor 13 read: hcjoverlapped 00000228
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: data available on ntfs monitor 13
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: opened 00000234 0.000059
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: write pipe 0 280
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: BytesPerFileRecordSegment 1024
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: Found additional FRN 0001000000000020
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: alloc frob
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: GET FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: GOT FILEID 0000000000000020 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: FILENAME 000100000000001d $TxfLog.blf
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: SIZE 65536
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: got ntfs file record 1000000000020 65536
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: GET FD 0001000000000020 RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: write pipe 0 79
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: Found additional FRN 000100000000001d
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: GET FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: GOT FILEID 000000000000001d ...
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: FILENAME 000100000000001b $TxfLog
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: got ntfs file record 100000000001d 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: GET FD 000100000000001d RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: write pipe 0 71
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: 1: got command 21 44
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: RESUME NTFS 13 3
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:34.362: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:35.026: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:35.026: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:35.362: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:35.362: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:35.583: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:35.583: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-11 09:37:35.583: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-11 09:37:35.583: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-11 09:37:35.583: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:35.583: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:35.583: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:35.583: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:35.583: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: write pipe 0 176
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: Found additional FRN 003b0000000187c2
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: GET FRN 003b0000000187c2 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: GOT FILEID 00000000000187c2 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 003b0000000187c2 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx.0
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: SIZE 330208
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: got ntfs file record 3b0000000187c2 330208
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: GET FD 003b0000000187c2 RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: write pipe 0 77
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:37:35.584: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:35.585: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:36.362: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:36.362: update monitor 13 read: hcjoverlapped 00000228
2024-12-11 09:37:36.362: READING NTFS 13 9
2024-12-11 09:37:36.362: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:36.585: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:36.585: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.362: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:37.362: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: write pipe 0 1520
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.585: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: Found additional FRN 001e0000000187c0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: GET FRN 001e0000000187c0 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: GOT FILEID 00000000000187c0 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 001f0000000187c0 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: get fd: sequence number changed 30 != 31
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: got ntfs file record 1e0000000187c0 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: DID NOT GET SIZE
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: GET FD 001e0000000187c0 RET:0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: _os_OpenFileById failed 87
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: last error 2
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: write pipe 2 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: Found additional FRN 003b0000000187c2
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: GET FRN 003b0000000187c2 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: GOT FILEID 00000000000187c2 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 003b0000000187c2 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: SIZE 781768
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: got ntfs file record 3b0000000187c2 781768
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: GET FD 003b0000000187c2 RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.586: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: Found additional FRN 069400000000067f
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: GET FRN 069400000000067f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: GOT FILEID 000000000000067f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 069400000000067f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE 30 176 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad DEVICEDISPLAYOBJECTPROVIDER.E-8FA3784A.pf
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: SIZE 39740
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: got ntfs file record 69400000000067f 39740
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: GET FD 069400000000067f RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: write pipe 0 139
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: Found additional FRN 001f0000000187c0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: GET FRN 001f0000000187c0 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: GOT FILEID 00000000000187c0 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 001f0000000187c0 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE 30 144 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad RUNDLL32.EXE-E0F1393F.pf
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: SIZE 19584
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: got ntfs file record 1f0000000187c0 19584
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: GET FD 001f0000000187c0 RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: write pipe 0 105
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:37.587: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:37.588: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:37.588: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:37.588: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:37.588: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:37.588: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:37.588: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-11 09:37:37.588: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-11 09:37:37.588: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-11 09:37:37.588: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:37.588: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:38.362: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:38.362: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:38.588: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:38.588: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:39.363: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:39.363: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:39.589: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:39.589: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-11 09:37:39.589: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-11 09:37:39.589: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:40.363: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:40.363: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:40.589: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:40.589: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: opened ffffffff 0.000056
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume 0 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: update monitor 0 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: opened ffffffff 0.000032
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume 1 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: opened ffffffff 0.000031
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: opened ffffffff 0.000032
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: opened ffffffff 0.000031
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume 5 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: update monitor 5 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: opened ffffffff 0.000030
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume 7 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: update monitor 7 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: opened ffffffff 0.000031
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume 9 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: update monitor 9 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: opened ffffffff 0.000030
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume 11 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: update monitor 11 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: opened ffffffff 0.000030
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: open volume 14 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: update monitor 14 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:41.363: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:41.589: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:41.589: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:42.363: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:42.363: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:42.589: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:42.589: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:42.648: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:42.648: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:42.648: data read size 4
2024-12-11 09:37:42.648: read pipe 36 12
2024-12-11 09:37:42.648: 1: got command 24 4
2024-12-11 09:37:42.648: monitor stopped 13
2024-12-11 09:37:42.648: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:42.648: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: data read size 4
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: read pipe 37 12
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: 1: got command 25 4
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: monitor restarted 13
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: opened 00000228 0.000069
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: open volume 13 00000228
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: update monitor 13 read: hcjoverlapped 00000228
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: data available on ntfs monitor 13
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: opened 00000234 0.000051
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: write pipe 0 280
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: BytesPerFileRecordSegment 1024
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: Found additional FRN 0001000000000020
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: alloc frob
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: GET FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: GOT FILEID 0000000000000020 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:42.721: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: FILENAME 000100000000001d $TxfLog.blf
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: SIZE 65536
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: got ntfs file record 1000000000020 65536
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: GET FD 0001000000000020 RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: write pipe 0 79
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: Found additional FRN 000100000000001d
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: GET FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: GOT FILEID 000000000000001d ...
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: FILENAME 000100000000001b $TxfLog
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: got ntfs file record 100000000001d 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: GET FD 000100000000001d RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: write pipe 0 71
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: 1: got command 21 44
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: RESUME NTFS 13 3
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:42.722: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:43.589: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:43.589: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:43.695: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:43.695: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-11 09:37:43.695: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-11 09:37:43.695: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-11 09:37:43.695: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:43.695: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:43.695: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:43.695: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:43.695: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:43.695: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:43.695: write pipe 0 176
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: Found additional FRN 002a0000000187c4
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: GET FRN 002a0000000187c4 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: GOT FILEID 00000000000187c4 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 002a0000000187c4 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx.0
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: SIZE 330208
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: got ntfs file record 2a0000000187c4 330208
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: GET FD 002a0000000187c4 RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: write pipe 0 77
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:43.696: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:43.697: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:43.722: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:43.722: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-11 09:37:44.697: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:44.697: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:44.722: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:44.722: update monitor 13 read: hcjoverlapped 00000228
2024-12-11 09:37:44.722: READING NTFS 13 9
2024-12-11 09:37:44.722: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: write pipe 0 1520
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.697: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: Found additional FRN 003b0000000187c2
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: GET FRN 003b0000000187c2 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: GOT FILEID 00000000000187c2 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 003c0000000187c2 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: get fd: sequence number changed 59 != 60
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: got ntfs file record 3b0000000187c2 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: DID NOT GET SIZE
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: GET FD 003b0000000187c2 RET:0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: _os_OpenFileById failed 87
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: last error 2
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: write pipe 2 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: Found additional FRN 002a0000000187c4
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: GET FRN 002a0000000187c4 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: GOT FILEID 00000000000187c4 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 002a0000000187c4 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx
2024-12-11 09:37:45.698: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: SIZE 781768
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: got ntfs file record 2a0000000187c4 781768
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: GET FD 002a0000000187c4 RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: Found additional FRN 069400000000067f
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: GET FRN 069400000000067f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: GOT FILEID 000000000000067f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 069400000000067f ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: ATTRIBUTE 30 176 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad DEVICEDISPLAYOBJECTPROVIDER.E-8FA3784A.pf
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: SIZE 39740
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: got ntfs file record 69400000000067f 39740
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: GET FD 069400000000067f RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: write pipe 0 139
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: Found additional FRN 003c0000000187c2
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: GET FRN 003c0000000187c2 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.699: GOT FILEID 00000000000187c2 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 003c0000000187c2 ...
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: ATTRIBUTE 30 144 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad RUNDLL32.EXE-7601B074.pf
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: SIZE 19584
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: got ntfs file record 3c0000000187c2 19584
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: GET FD 003c0000000187c2 RET:1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: write pipe 0 105
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:45.700: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:37:45.722: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:45.722: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:46.700: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:46.700: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-11 09:37:46.700: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-11 09:37:46.700: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:46.722: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:46.722: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:47.700: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:47.700: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:47.722: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:47.722: client 1 wait 4 1
2024-12-11 09:37:48.326: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:48.326: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:48.326: data read size 0
2024-12-11 09:37:48.326: read pipe 81 8
2024-12-11 09:37:48.326: 1: got command 51 0
2024-12-11 09:37:48.337: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:48.337: client 1 wait 2 0
2024-12-11 09:37:48.337: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:48.337: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:48.337: data read size 0
2024-12-11 09:37:48.337: read pipe 81 8
2024-12-11 09:37:48.337: 1: got command 51 0
2024-12-11 09:37:48.337: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:48.337: client 1 wait 2 0
2024-12-11 09:37:48.338: client 1 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:48.338: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:48.338: GetOverlappedResult failed 109
2024-12-11 09:37:48.338: update read failed
2024-12-11 09:37:48.338: server awake
2024-12-11 09:37:48.338: event 1 0061efe8
2024-12-11 09:37:48.338: disconnect client 1
2024-12-11 09:37:48.338: client disconnected
2024-12-11 09:37:48.338: listen_handle 000001e0
2024-12-11 09:37:48.338: pipe listen GetOverlappedResult 996
2024-12-11 09:37:48.338: server wait 2 0
2024-12-11 09:37:48.700: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:48.700: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:49.700: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:49.700: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:50.700: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:50.700: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:51.700: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:51.700: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:52.417: server awake
2024-12-11 09:37:52.417: listen_handle 000001e0
2024-12-11 09:37:52.418: c 0061efe8, read buf 0062efe8, write buf 0061efe8
2024-12-11 09:37:52.418: client 8 connected
2024-12-11 09:37:52.418: listen_handle ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:52.418: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:52.418: client 8 wait 2 0
2024-12-11 09:37:52.418: listening...
2024-12-11 09:37:52.418: connect error 997
2024-12-11 09:37:52.418: server wait 2 0
2024-12-11 09:37:52.423: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:52.423: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:52.423: data read size 0
2024-12-11 09:37:52.423: read pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:52.423: 8: got command 00 0
2024-12-11 09:37:52.423: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-11 09:37:52.423: client 8 wait 2 0
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: data read size 89
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: 8: got command 20 89
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: 8: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: data read size 0
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: 8: got command 50 0
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: 1 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: opened ffffffff 0.000046
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: open volume 0 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:52.425: update monitor 0 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:52.426: online status change on monitor 0 2
2024-12-11 09:37:52.426: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-11 09:37:52.426: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:52.426: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:52.426: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:37:52.700: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:52.700: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:53.426: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:53.426: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:37:53.700: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:53.700: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:54.426: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:54.426: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:37:54.700: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:54.700: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:55.426: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:55.426: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:37:55.700: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:55.700: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:56.427: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:56.427: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:37:56.701: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:56.701: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:57.427: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:57.427: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:37:57.701: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:57.701: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:58.427: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:58.427: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:37:58.701: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:58.701: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:37:59.427: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:59.427: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: open volume \\?\Volume{63}
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{63} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: opened ffffffff 0.000056
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{63}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: open volume \\?\Volume{64}
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{64} 3
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: opened ffffffff 0.000034
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{64}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:37:59.701: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: data read size 89
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: 8: got command 20 89
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: 8: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: data read size 0
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: 8: got command 50 0
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: 2 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: opened ffffffff 0.000044
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: open volume 1 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: online status change on monitor 1 2
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:38:00.297: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: data read size 89
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: 8: got command 20 89
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: 8: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: data read size 0
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: 8: got command 50 0
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: 3 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: opened ffffffff 0.000024
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: online status change on monitor 2 2
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:38:00.378: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: data read size 89
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: 8: got command 20 89
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: 8: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: data read size 0
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: 8: got command 50 0
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: 4 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: opened ffffffff 0.000021
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: online status change on monitor 3 2
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-11 09:38:00.495: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:00.701: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:00.701: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:38:01.495: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:01.495: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:01.678: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:01.678: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-11 09:38:01.678: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-11 09:38:01.678: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-11 09:38:01.678: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:01.678: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:01.678: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: write pipe 0 176
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: Found additional FRN 002c0000000187c5
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: GET FRN 002c0000000187c5 ...
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: GOT FILEID 00000000000187c5 ...
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 002c0000000187c5 ...
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx.0
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: SIZE 330208
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: got ntfs file record 2c0000000187c5 330208
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: GET FD 002c0000000187c5 RET:1
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: write pipe 0 77
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:38:01.679: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:38:01.680: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:01.680: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:01.680: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:01.680: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:38:01.680: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-11 09:38:01.680: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-11 09:38:01.680: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-11 09:38:01.680: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:38:01.680: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:02.495: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:02.495: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:02.680: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:02.680: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.495: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:03.495: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: write pipe 0 1184
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-11 09:38:03.680: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: Found additional FRN 002a0000000187c4
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: GET FRN 002a0000000187c4 ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: GOT FILEID 00000000000187c3 ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: FRN not in use 2a0000000187c4
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: got ntfs file record 2a0000000187c4 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: DID NOT GET SIZE
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: GET FD 002a0000000187c4 RET:0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: _os_OpenFileById failed 87
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: last error 2
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: write pipe 2 12
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: Found additional FRN 002c0000000187c5
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: GET FRN 002c0000000187c5 ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: GOT FILEID 00000000000187c5 ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 002c0000000187c5 ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.681: SIZE 781768
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: got ntfs file record 2c0000000187c5 781768
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: GET FD 002c0000000187c5 RET:1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: Found additional FRN 069400000000067f
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: GET FRN 069400000000067f ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: GOT FILEID 000000000000067f ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 069400000000067f ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: ATTRIBUTE 30 176 0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad DEVICEDISPLAYOBJECTPROVIDER.E-8FA3784A.pf
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: SIZE 39720
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: got ntfs file record 69400000000067f 39720
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: GET FD 069400000000067f RET:1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: write pipe 0 139
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:38:03.682: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:38:03.683: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:03.683: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:03.683: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:03.683: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:38:03.683: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-11 09:38:03.683: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-11 09:38:03.683: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-11 09:38:03.683: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:38:03.683: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:04.495: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:04.495: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: write pipe 0 352
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:04.683: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: Found additional FRN 002b0000000187c4
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: GET FRN 002b0000000187c4 ...
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: GOT FILEID 00000000000187c4 ...
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 002b0000000187c4 ...
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: ATTRIBUTE 30 144 0
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad RUNDLL32.EXE-693CAE02.pf
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: SIZE 15932
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: got ntfs file record 2b0000000187c4 15932
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: GET FD 002b0000000187c4 RET:1
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: write pipe 0 105
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: data read size 12
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-11 09:38:04.684: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-11 09:38:04.685: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:04.685: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:04.685: pipe read event
2024-12-11 09:38:04.685: data read size 44
2024-12-11 09:38:04.685: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-11 09:38:04.685: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-11 09:38:04.685: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-11 09:38:04.685: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:38:04.685: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:05.169: server awake
2024-12-11 09:38:05.169: listen_handle 000001d0
2024-12-11 09:38:05.169: c 00654728, read buf 00664728, write buf 00654728
2024-12-11 09:38:05.169: client 9 connected
2024-12-11 09:38:05.169: listen_handle ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: client 9 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: data read size 0
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: read pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: 9: got command 00 0
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: listening...
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: connect error 997
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: server wait 2 0
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: data read size 0
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: read pipe 101 8
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: 9: got command 65 0
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: data read size 0
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: read pipe 98 8
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: 9: got command 62 0
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: ReadFile failed 109
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: update read failed
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: server awake
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: event 1 00654728
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: disconnect client 9
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: client disconnected
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: listen_handle 00000224
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: pipe listen GetOverlappedResult 996
2024-12-11 09:38:05.170: server wait 2 0
2024-12-11 09:38:05.495: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:05.495: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:05.685: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:05.685: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-11 09:38:06.495: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:06.495: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:06.685: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:06.685: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-11 09:38:06.685: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-11 09:38:06.685: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:38:07.495: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:07.495: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:07.685: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:07.685: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:38:08.495: client 8 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:08.495: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-11 09:38:08.685: client 0 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:08.685: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-11 09:38:08.888: server awake
2024-12-11 09:38:08.888: listen_handle 00000224
2024-12-11 09:38:08.888: c 00654728, read buf 00664728, write buf 00654728
2024-12-11 09:38:08.888: client 10 connected
2024-12-11 09:38:08.888: listen_handle ffffffff
2024-12-11 09:38:08.888: client 10 awake
2024-12-11 09:38:08.888: data read size 0
2024-12-11 09:38:08.888: read pipe 0 8
2024-12-11 09:38:08.888: 10: got command 00 0
2024-12-11 09:38:08.888: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-11 09:38:08.888: listening...
2024-12-11 09:38:08.889: data read size 0
2024-12-11 09:38:08.889: read pipe 97 8
2024-12-11 09:38:08.889: 10: got command 61 0

Code: Select all

Everything (x86)
OS:	Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
Admin:	0
Service:	6 (connected / partially installed)
Command line:	-instance KKK -no-auto-include
Binary:	C:\DEV\Locate\K-DRIVE\Everything.exe
Profile:	C:\DEV\Locate\K-DRIVE\Everything-KKK.ini
Database:	C:\DEV\Locate\K-DRIVE\Everything-KKK.db
Instance:	KKK

custom_open_command01=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\mpv.net\mpvnet.exe" %*)
custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\BIN\chk.4.EVERYTHING.exe" %*)
custom_open_command03=$exec("C:\BIN\MI_COMPARE.BAT" %*)
custom_open_command04=$exec("C:\BIN\HEX.exe" %*)
columns=[{"name":"Name","width":315},{"name":"Path","width":148},{"name":"Size","width":84},{"name":"Extension","width":36},{"name":"Date Modified","width":112}]



Code: Select all

Location:	C:\DEV\Locate\K-DRIVE\Everything-KKK.db
Indexed file properties:	Name, Path, Size, Date Modified
Indexed folder properties:	Name, Path, Size, Date Modified
Fast sorts:	Name, Path, Size, Date Modified
Folder count:	5,163
File count:	56,785
Total item count:	61,948
FAT index count:	0
NTFS index count:	3
ReFS index count:	0
Network drive index count:	0
Folder index count:	0
File list index count:	0
Network index count:	0
Total index count:	3
Folder data size:	195,171 bytes
File data size:	2,232,038 bytes
Total data size:	2,427,209 bytes
Average folder data size:	37 bytes
Average file data size:	39 bytes
Folder index size:	82,608 bytes
File index size:	908,560 bytes
Total index size:	991,168 bytes
Total size:	3,418,377 bytes
Folders created:	2,789
Folders modified:	214,553
Folders deleted:	223
Folders moved:	29
Files created:	40,908
Files modified:	118,645
Files deleted:	10,658
Files moved:	20,391

Enabled:	Yes
ID:	01db406b0b4d27b3
Size:	150,516 bytes
Max size:	1,048,576 bytes
First item ID:	1
Next item ID:	983
Item count:	982

Count:	14
Total duration:	00:20
Minimum duration:	0.400897 seconds
Maximum duration:	2.623137 seconds
Average duration:	1.444665 seconds
Last duration:	1.757477 seconds
Last build date:	11/26/2024 08:24 PM
Last rebuild reason:	Out of date NTFS volume K: is available

Count:	80,462
Total duration:	00:18
Minimum duration:	0.000000 seconds
Maximum duration:	0.203844 seconds
Average duration:	0.000231 seconds
Last duration:	0.000167 seconds
Last update date:	12/11/2024 09:40 AM

Count:	44
Total duration:	00:37
Minimum duration:	0.679304 seconds
Maximum duration:	1.157801 seconds
Average duration:	0.852000 seconds
Last duration:	0.794777 seconds
Last load date:	12/07/2024 08:15 AM

Count:	267
Total duration:	00:37
Minimum duration:	0.006841 seconds
Maximum duration:	13.227584 seconds
Average duration:	0.140932 seconds
Last duration:	0.014793 seconds
Last save date:	12/11/2024 08:10 AM
Next scheduled save date:	12/12/2024 04:00 AM
Total bytes written:	457,376,812

Count:	10,891
Total duration:	00:41
Minimum duration:	0.000007 seconds
Maximum duration:	0.335364 seconds
Average duration:	0.003854 seconds
Last duration:	0.001611 seconds
Last query date:	12/11/2024 09:40 AM
Total result count:	26,017,627
Maximum result count:	61,947
Average result count:	2,388
Last result count:	3,670

Count:	34
Total duration:	00:16
Minimum duration:	0.000474 seconds
Maximum duration:	15.021601 seconds
Average duration:	0.498815 seconds
Last duration:	0.062565 seconds
Last sort date:	12/03/2024 07:28 PM

NTFS Index
Volume name:	\\?\Volume{7d}
Path:	K:
Include only:	
Drive type:	Removable
Index number:	0
Date indexed:	11/26/2024 08:24 PM
Out of date:	No
Online:	Yes
Disk device index:	6
Multithreaded:	Separate device thread
Folder count:	2,671
File count:	27,745
USN Journal ID:	01db2eb4f60eef40
Next USN:	00000000000452a0

NTFS Index
Volume name:	\\?\Volume{a7}
Path:	O:
Include only:	
Drive type:	Fixed
Index number:	1
Date indexed:	11/04/2024 07:27 AM
Out of date:	No
Online:	No
Disk device index:	5
Multithreaded:	Separate device thread
Folder count:	2,481
File count:	28,545
USN Journal ID:	01db2eb4f6482887
Next USN:	0000000000135b78

NTFS Index
Volume name:	\\?\Volume{7d}
Path:	P:
Include only:	
Drive type:	Removable
Label:	USB20FD
Index number:	2
Date indexed:	09/03/2024 08:15 PM
Out of date:	No
Online:	No
Disk device index:	
Multithreaded:	Separate device thread
Folder count:	11
File count:	495
USN Journal ID:	01daeb2b1865da80
Next USN:	000000000041ebf8
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

safely remove (fail)
Pause Updates
Update Indexes
safely remove - success

And again, I only needed to Pause (then I immediately re-enabled Update), & then Safely Remove worked.
And only -instance KKK deal with O: (& K: & P:), & solely O: & K: & P:, & only -instance KKK needed to be Paused - no other instances.

Code: Select all

2024-12-12 09:36:20.731: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: Everything (x86)
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: OS: Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: Admin: 1
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: Service: 1 (connected / installed and running)
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: Command line: -svc
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: Binary: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1387\Everything.exe
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: Profile: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1387\Everything-1.5a.ini
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: Database: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1387\Everything-1.5a.db
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: Instance: 1.5a
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: 
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: Config:
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: write pipe 0 288
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: columns=[{"name":"Name","width":256},{"name":"Path","width":256},{"name":"Size","width":96},{"name":"Date Modified","width":153}]
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: 
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: Policy:
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: 
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: Plugins:
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: 
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: client 0 00000160 0 1 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor count: 10
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 0: \\?\Volume{24} 2 1 0 0 000001c8 00000188
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 1: \\?\Volume{16} 3 1 0 1000 000001cc 00000190
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 2: \\?\Volume{63} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 3: \\?\Volume{64} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 4: \\?\Volume{3a} 2 1 0 0 000001f4 00000198
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 5: \\?\Volume{94} 2 1 0 0 000001f8 000001a0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 6: \\?\Volume{5d} 2 1 0 0 000001e8 000001a8
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 7: \\?\Volume{94} 2 1 0 0 000001e4 000001b0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 8: \\?\Volume{c3} 2 1 0 0 000001ec 000001b8
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 9: \\?\Volume{2e} 2 1 0 0 000001f0 000001c0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: refs monitor count: 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: client 8 000001e0 1 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor count: 10
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 0: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 1: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 2: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 3: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:20.732: ntfs monitor 4: \\?\Volume{a7} 3 1 0 0 ffffffff 0000022c
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ntfs monitor 5: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ntfs monitor 6: \\?\Volume{a7} 3 1 0 0 ffffffff 00000234
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ntfs monitor 7: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ntfs monitor 8: \\?\Volume{a7} 2 1 0 0 00000230 00000254
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ntfs monitor 9: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: refs monitor count: 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: client 14 000001d0 0 1 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ntfs monitor count: 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: refs monitor count: 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: client 14 wait 2 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: client 14 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: GetOverlappedResult failed 109
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: update read failed
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: server awake
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: event 1 00654728
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: disconnect client 14
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: client disconnected
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: listen_handle 00000218
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: pipe listen GetOverlappedResult 996
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: server wait 2 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: Found additional FRN 00cb00000000a893
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: GET FRN 00cb00000000a893 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: GOT FILEID 000000000000a893 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 00cb00000000a893 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ATTRIBUTE 30 168 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: FILENAME 0001000000000e7b Everything Service Debug Log-1.5a.txt
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ATTRIBUTE 80 80 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: SIZE 4085
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: got ntfs file record cb00000000a893 4085
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: GET FD 00cb00000000a893 RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: write pipe 0 131
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: Found additional FRN 0001000000000e7b
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: GET FRN 0001000000000e7b ...
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: GOT FILEID 0000000000000e7b ...
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0001000000000e7b ...
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Temp
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-12 09:36:20.733: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: got ntfs file record 1000000000e7b 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: GET FD 0001000000000e7b RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: write pipe 0 65
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:20.734: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:21.374: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:21.374: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:21.735: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:21.735: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:22.375: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:22.375: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:22.735: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:22.735: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-12 09:36:22.735: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-12 09:36:22.735: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:23.375: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:23.375: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:23.735: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:23.735: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:24.375: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:24.375: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:24.735: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:24.735: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:25.375: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:25.375: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:25.735: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:25.735: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:26.375: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:26.375: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:26.735: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:26.735: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:27.375: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:27.375: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:27.735: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:27.735: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:28.375: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:28.375: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: open volume \\?\Volume{63}
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{63} 3
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: opened ffffffff 0.000056
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{63}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: open volume \\?\Volume{64}
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{64} 3
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: opened ffffffff 0.000034
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{64}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-12 09:36:28.735: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.023: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.023: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.023: data read size 4
2024-12-12 09:36:29.023: read pipe 36 12
2024-12-12 09:36:29.023: 8: got command 24 4
2024-12-12 09:36:29.024: monitor stopped 8
2024-12-12 09:36:29.024: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:29.024: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.136: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.136: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.136: data read size 4
2024-12-12 09:36:29.136: read pipe 37 12
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: 8: got command 25 4
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: monitor restarted 8
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: opened 00000254 0.000072
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: open volume 8 00000254
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: update monitor 8 read: hcjoverlapped 00000254
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: data available on ntfs monitor 8
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: 8: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: opened 00000230 0.000047
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: write pipe 0 280
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: 8: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: 8: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: BytesPerFileRecordSegment 1024
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: Found additional FRN 0001000000000020
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: alloc frob
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: GET FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: GOT FILEID 0000000000000020 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: FILENAME 000100000000001d $TxfLog.blf
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: SIZE 65536
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: got ntfs file record 1000000000020 65536
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: GET FD 0001000000000020 RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: write pipe 0 79
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: 8: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: Found additional FRN 000100000000001d
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: GET FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: GOT FILEID 000000000000001d ...
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: FILENAME 000100000000001b $TxfLog
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: got ntfs file record 100000000001d 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: GET FD 000100000000001d RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: write pipe 0 71
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: 8: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: 8: got command 21 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: RESUME NTFS 8 3
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:29.137: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: write pipe 0 176
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: Found additional FRN 0038000000018e6c
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: GET FRN 0038000000018e6c ...
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: GOT FILEID 0000000000018e6c ...
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0038000000018e6c ...
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.153: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx.0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: SIZE 330208
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: got ntfs file record 38000000018e6c 330208
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: GET FD 0038000000018e6c RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: write pipe 0 77
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:29.154: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:30.137: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:30.137: client 8 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:30.154: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:30.154: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.137: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:31.137: update monitor 8 read: hcjoverlapped 00000254
2024-12-12 09:36:31.137: READING NTFS 8 9
2024-12-12 09:36:31.137: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: write pipe 0 1088
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.154: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: Found additional FRN 03e700000000407a
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: GET FRN 03e700000000407a ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: GOT FILEID 000000000000407a ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 03e800000000407a ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: get fd: sequence number changed 999 != 1000
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: got ntfs file record 3e700000000407a 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: DID NOT GET SIZE
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: GET FD 03e700000000407a RET:0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: _os_OpenFileById failed 87
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: last error 2
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: write pipe 2 12
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: Found additional FRN 0038000000018e6c
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: GET FRN 0038000000018e6c ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: GOT FILEID 0000000000018e6c ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0038000000018e6c ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: SIZE 781768
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: got ntfs file record 38000000018e6c 781768
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: GET FD 0038000000018e6c RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:31.155: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: Found additional FRN 03e800000000407a
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: GET FRN 03e800000000407a ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: GOT FILEID 000000000000407a ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 03e800000000407a ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: ATTRIBUTE 30 144 0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad RUNDLL32.EXE-D1301E4A.pf
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: SIZE 21422
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: got ntfs file record 3e800000000407a 21422
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: GET FD 03e800000000407a RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: write pipe 0 105
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:31.156: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:32.137: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:32.137: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:32.156: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:32.156: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:33.137: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:33.137: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:33.156: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:33.156: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-12 09:36:33.156: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-12 09:36:33.156: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:34.137: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:34.137: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:34.156: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:34.156: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:35.137: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:35.137: client 8 wait 3 1
2024-12-12 09:36:35.156: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:35.156: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: data read size 0
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: read pipe 81 8
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: 8: got command 51 0
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: client 8 wait 2 0
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: data read size 0
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: read pipe 81 8
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: 8: got command 51 0
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: client 8 wait 2 0
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: client 8 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: GetOverlappedResult failed 109
2024-12-12 09:36:35.710: update read failed
2024-12-12 09:36:35.711: server awake
2024-12-12 09:36:35.711: event 1 0061efe8
2024-12-12 09:36:35.711: disconnect client 8
2024-12-12 09:36:35.711: client disconnected
2024-12-12 09:36:35.711: listen_handle 00000218
2024-12-12 09:36:35.711: pipe listen GetOverlappedResult 996
2024-12-12 09:36:35.711: server wait 2 0
2024-12-12 09:36:36.156: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:36.156: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:37.156: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:37.156: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:37.874: server awake
2024-12-12 09:36:37.874: listen_handle 00000218
2024-12-12 09:36:37.874: c 0061efe8, read buf 0062efe8, write buf 0061efe8
2024-12-12 09:36:37.874: client 15 connected
2024-12-12 09:36:37.874: listen_handle ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:37.874: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:37.874: listening...
2024-12-12 09:36:37.875: connect error 997
2024-12-12 09:36:37.875: server wait 2 0
2024-12-12 09:36:37.875: data read size 0
2024-12-12 09:36:37.875: read pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:37.875: 15: got command 00 0
2024-12-12 09:36:37.875: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-12 09:36:37.875: client 15 wait 2 0
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: data read size 89
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: 15: got command 20 89
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: 15: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: client 15 wait 2 0
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: data read size 0
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: 15: got command 50 0
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: 1 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: opened ffffffff 0.000045
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: open volume 0 ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:37.876: update monitor 0 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:37.877: online status change on monitor 0 2
2024-12-12 09:36:37.877: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-12 09:36:37.877: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:37.877: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-12 09:36:37.877: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:38.156: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:38.156: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:38.877: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:38.877: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:39.157: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:39.157: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:39.878: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:39.878: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:40.157: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:40.157: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:40.878: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:40.878: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:41.157: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:41.157: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:41.878: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:41.878: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:42.157: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:42.157: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:42.878: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:42.878: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: write pipe 0 192
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:43.096: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: Found additional FRN 033a0000000000f2
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: GET FRN 033a0000000000f2 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: GOT FILEID 00000000000000f2 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 033a0000000000f2 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: FILENAME 00130000000107fd ResCache.hit
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: SIZE 4216
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: got ntfs file record 33a0000000000f2 4216
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: GET FD 033a0000000000f2 RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: write pipe 0 81
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: Found additional FRN 00130000000107fd
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: GET FRN 00130000000107fd ...
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: GOT FILEID 00000000000107fd ...
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 00130000000107fd ...
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: FILENAME 000100000000089f rc0016
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: got ntfs file record 130000000107fd 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: GET FD 00130000000107fd RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: write pipe 0 69
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:43.097: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:43.098: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:43.098: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:43.098: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:43.098: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:43.098: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-12 09:36:43.098: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-12 09:36:43.098: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-12 09:36:43.098: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:43.098: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:43.878: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:43.878: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:44.098: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:44.098: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:44.878: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:44.878: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:45.098: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:45.098: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-12 09:36:45.098: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-12 09:36:45.098: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: data read size 89
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: 15: got command 20 89
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: 15: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: data read size 0
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: 15: got command 50 0
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: 2 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: opened ffffffff 0.000045
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: open volume 1 ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: online status change on monitor 1 2
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-12 09:36:45.618: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: data read size 89
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: 15: got command 20 89
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: 15: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: data read size 0
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: 15: got command 50 0
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: 3 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: opened ffffffff 0.000031
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: online status change on monitor 2 2
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-12 09:36:45.706: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: data read size 89
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: 15: got command 20 89
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: 15: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: data read size 0
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: 15: got command 50 0
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: 4 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: opened ffffffff 0.000026
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: online status change on monitor 3 2
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-12 09:36:45.770: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:46.098: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:46.098: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:46.770: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:46.770: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: write pipe 0 176
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: Found additional FRN 0022000000018e70
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: GET FRN 0022000000018e70 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:46.900: GOT FILEID 0000000000018e70 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0022000000018e70 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx.0
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: SIZE 330208
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: got ntfs file record 22000000018e70 330208
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: GET FD 0022000000018e70 RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: write pipe 0 77
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:46.901: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:47.770: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:47.770: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: write pipe 0 752
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:47.901: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: Found additional FRN 0038000000018e6c
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: GET FRN 0038000000018e6c ...
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: GOT FILEID 0000000000018e6b ...
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: FRN not in use 38000000018e6c
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: got ntfs file record 38000000018e6c 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: DID NOT GET SIZE
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: GET FD 0038000000018e6c RET:0
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: _os_OpenFileById failed 87
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: last error 2
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: write pipe 2 12
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: Found additional FRN 0022000000018e70
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: GET FRN 0022000000018e70 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: GOT FILEID 0000000000018e70 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0022000000018e70 ...
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-12 09:36:47.902: SIZE 781768
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: got ntfs file record 22000000018e70 781768
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: GET FD 0022000000018e70 RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:47.903: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:48.770: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:48.770: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:48.903: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:48.903: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:49.770: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:49.770: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: write pipe 0 352
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: pipe read event
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: Found additional FRN 0039000000018e6c
2024-12-12 09:36:49.903: GET FRN 0039000000018e6c ...
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: GOT FILEID 0000000000018e6c ...
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0039000000018e6c ...
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: ATTRIBUTE 30 144 0
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad RUNDLL32.EXE-30C26FD0.pf
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: SIZE 17086
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: got ntfs file record 39000000018e6c 17086
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: GET FD 0039000000018e6c RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: write pipe 0 105
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: data read size 12
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: data read size 44
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:49.904: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:50.770: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:50.770: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:50.904: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:50.904: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-12 09:36:51.208: server awake
2024-12-12 09:36:51.208: listen_handle 00000184
2024-12-12 09:36:51.208: c 00654728, read buf 00664728, write buf 00654728
2024-12-12 09:36:51.208: client 16 connected
2024-12-12 09:36:51.208: listen_handle ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: client 16 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: listening...
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: connect error 997
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: server wait 2 0
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: data read size 0
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: read pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: 16: got command 00 0
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: data read size 0
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: read pipe 101 8
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: 16: got command 65 0
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: data read size 0
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: read pipe 98 8
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: 16: got command 62 0
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: ReadFile failed 109
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: update read failed
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: server awake
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: event 1 00654728
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: disconnect client 16
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: client disconnected
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: listen_handle 00000224
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: pipe listen GetOverlappedResult 996
2024-12-12 09:36:51.209: server wait 2 0
2024-12-12 09:36:51.770: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:51.770: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:51.904: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:51.904: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-12 09:36:51.904: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-12 09:36:51.904: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:52.770: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:52.770: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:52.904: client 0 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:52.904: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-12 09:36:53.770: client 15 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:53.770: client 15 wait 2 1
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: server awake
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: listen_handle 00000224
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: c 00654728, read buf 00664728, write buf 00654728
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: client 17 connected
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: listen_handle ffffffff
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: client 17 awake
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: data read size 0
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: read pipe 0 8
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: 17: got command 00 0
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: listening...
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: data read size 0
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: read pipe 97 8
2024-12-12 09:36:53.809: 17: got command 61 0
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by void »

Thank you for persisting with the issue report.

The logs show two clients connected to the service.
I thought the issue might have something to do with having two or more clients connected to the service.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to reproduce the issue.

I now suspect the issue is caused by having multiple partitions on a single device.
Could you please confirm the device has 2 or more partitions.
I will look into this more..
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

1 on each (of the indexed/monitored) drives.

(AFAIK, none have "hidden" partitions.
Actually, K: has 66 MB unallocated, though O: shows none, where C: has a 100 MB EFI System Partition
[again, C: is not indexed here].)

two or more clients connected to the service
I may very well, not sure offhand, have some ancient named instance services hanging about?
Actually, no. That is on my work computer, I've got a 1302a service. No others on my home computer.
(And those last two reports were from my home computer. And again, certainly the possibility of a hardware issue [in general, with that computer].)
Partitions are A OK.png
Partitions are A OK.png (17.74 KiB) Viewed 4165 times
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by void »

Do you have multiple instances of Everything running? (not the service)

I am seeing two instances connecting to the service:

One that is indexing and monitoring: C:, E:, H:, I:, L:, M:, S:, T:, V: and Y:
One that is indexing and monitoring multiple P: drives and O: drives. (this one is odd -are these subst drives?)
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

Do you have multiple instances of Everything running?
One that is indexing and monitoring: C:, E:, H:, I:, L:, M:, S:, T:, V: and Y:
One that is indexing and monitoring multiple P: drives and O: drives. (this one is odd -are these subst drives?)
Two totally separate instances.
One that monitors C E H... & one that monitors only P O (& K).

POK are usb flash drives (or in the case of O:, an SSD in external USB enclosure).

In any cases where (Everything | Indexes) Pause Updates has been sufficient to Safely Remove,
I have only needed to Pause Updates on the -instance KKK (which is the POK drives).
(I have never needed to Pause Updates on CEH... drives/volumes. Never actually tried that. Suppose I can, next time Safely Remove fails.)
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by void »

I have done some more testing today with multiple partitions.

No luck finding any issues..
I've tried with the service, without the service.
All handles are closed on request and the drive can be safely removed.

Could you please send your Tools -> Debug -> Statistics for your P, O and K instance.
There's something fishy with the shared volume GUIDs.
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

(P: has not been used, plugged in, in a while.)

Code: Select all

Location:	C:\DEV\Locate\K-DRIVE\Everything-KKK.db
Indexed file properties:	Name, Path, Size, Date Modified
Indexed folder properties:	Name, Path, Size, Date Modified
Fast sorts:	Name, Path, Size, Date Modified
Folder count:	5,539
File count:	58,450
Total item count:	63,989
FAT index count:	0
NTFS index count:	3
ReFS index count:	0
Network drive index count:	0
Folder index count:	0
File list index count:	0
Network index count:	0
Total index count:	3
Folder data size:	208,860 bytes
File data size:	2,301,852 bytes
Total data size:	2,510,712 bytes
Average folder data size:	37 bytes
Average file data size:	39 bytes
Folder index size:	88,624 bytes
File index size:	935,200 bytes
Total index size:	1,023,824 bytes
Total size:	3,534,536 bytes
Folders created:	2,791
Folders modified:	214,929
Folders deleted:	223
Folders moved:	29
Files created:	40,937
Files modified:	118,877
Files deleted:	10,661
Files moved:	20,446

Enabled:	Yes
ID:	01db4e2f1f4a8522
Size:	7,319 bytes
Max size:	1,048,576 bytes
First item ID:	1
Next item ID:	36
Item count:	35

Count:	15
Total duration:	00:22
Minimum duration:	0.400897 seconds
Maximum duration:	2.623137 seconds
Average duration:	1.475550 seconds
Last duration:	1.907950 seconds
Last build date:	12/14/2024 08:50 AM
Last rebuild reason:	Out of date NTFS volume O: is available

Count:	80,676
Total duration:	00:18
Minimum duration:	0.000000 seconds
Maximum duration:	0.203844 seconds
Average duration:	0.000233 seconds
Last duration:	0.000216 seconds
Last update date:	12/17/2024 07:16 PM

Count:	45
Total duration:	00:38
Minimum duration:	0.679304 seconds
Maximum duration:	1.157801 seconds
Average duration:	0.850695 seconds
Last duration:	0.793297 seconds
Last load date:	12/12/2024 09:53 PM

Count:	273
Total duration:	00:37
Minimum duration:	0.006841 seconds
Maximum duration:	13.227584 seconds
Average duration:	0.138176 seconds
Last duration:	0.014833 seconds
Last save date:	12/16/2024 07:29 PM
Next scheduled save date:	12/17/2024 04:00 AM
Total bytes written:	468,911,172

Count:	11,333
Total duration:	00:42
Minimum duration:	0.000007 seconds
Maximum duration:	0.335364 seconds
Average duration:	0.003775 seconds
Last duration:	0.000025 seconds
Last query date:	12/17/2024 12:49 AM
Total result count:	26,540,892
Maximum result count:	61,947
Average result count:	2,341
Last result count:	0

Count:	34
Total duration:	00:16
Minimum duration:	0.000474 seconds
Maximum duration:	15.021601 seconds
Average duration:	0.498815 seconds
Last duration:	0.062565 seconds
Last sort date:	12/03/2024 07:28 PM

NTFS Index
Volume name:	\\?\Volume{74...7d}
Path:	K:
Include only:	
Drive type:	Removable
Index number:	0
Date indexed:	11/26/2024 08:24 PM
Out of date:	No
Online:	Yes
Disk device index:	6
Multithreaded:	Separate device thread
Folder count:	2,672
File count:	27,760
USN Journal ID:	01db2eb4f60eef40
Next USN:	000000000004d8c8

NTFS Index
Volume name:	\\?\Volume{37...a7}
Path:	O:
Include only:	
Drive type:	Fixed
Index number:	1
Date indexed:	12/14/2024 08:50 AM
Out of date:	No
Online:	Yes
Disk device index:	5
Multithreaded:	Separate device thread
Folder count:	2,856
File count:	30,195
USN Journal ID:	01db2eb4f6482887
Next USN:	000000000030d4d8

NTFS Index
Volume name:	\\?\Volume{53...7d}
Path:	P:
Include only:	
Drive type:	Removable
Label:	USB20FD
Index number:	2
Date indexed:	09/03/2024 08:15 PM
Out of date:	No
Online:	No
Disk device index:	
Multithreaded:	Separate device thread
Folder count:	11
File count:	495
USN Journal ID:	01daeb2b1865da80
Next USN:	000000000041ebf8
Posts: 5149
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by therube »

Safely Remove - fail
Pause Updates
Update Indexes
Safely Remove - success

Code: Select all

2024-12-20 09:34:11.221: Everything (x86)
2024-12-20 09:34:11.221: OS: Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
2024-12-20 09:34:11.221: Admin: 1
2024-12-20 09:34:11.221: Service: 1 (connected / installed and running)
2024-12-20 09:34:11.221: Command line: -svc
2024-12-20 09:34:11.221: Binary: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1389\Everything.exe
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: write pipe 0 288
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: Profile: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1389\Everything-1.5a.ini
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: Database: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1389\Everything-1.5a.db
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: Instance: 1.5a
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: Found additional FRN 002200000000fd9c
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: GET FRN 002200000000fd9c ...
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: 
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: Config:
2024-12-20 09:34:11.222: GOT FILEID 000000000000fd9c ...
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 002200000000fd9c ...
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: ATTRIBUTE 30 168 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: FILENAME 0001000000000e7b Everything Service Debug Log-1.5a.txt
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: SIZE 551
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: got ntfs file record 2200000000fd9c 551
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: GET FD 002200000000fd9c RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: write pipe 0 131
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: columns=[{"name":"Name","width":256},{"name":"Path","width":256},{"name":"Size","width":96},{"name":"Date Modified","width":153}]
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: Found additional FRN 0001000000000e7b
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: GET FRN 0001000000000e7b ...
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: GOT FILEID 0000000000000e7b ...
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0001000000000e7b ...
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Temp
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: got ntfs file record 1000000000e7b 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: GET FD 0001000000000e7b RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: write pipe 0 65
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:11.223: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:11.231: 
2024-12-20 09:34:11.231: Policy:
2024-12-20 09:34:11.231: 
2024-12-20 09:34:11.231: Plugins:
2024-12-20 09:34:11.231: 
2024-12-20 09:34:11.231: client 0 00000160 1 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:11.231: ntfs monitor count: 10
2024-12-20 09:34:11.231: ntfs monitor 0: \\?\Volume{24} 2 1 0 0 000001c8 00000188
2024-12-20 09:34:11.231: ntfs monitor 1: \\?\Volume{16} 1 1 0 1000 000001cc 00000190
2024-12-20 09:34:11.231: ntfs monitor 2: \\?\Volume{63} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 3: \\?\Volume{64} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 4: \\?\Volume{3a} 2 1 0 0 000001f4 00000198
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 5: \\?\Volume{94} 2 1 0 0 000001f8 000001a0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 6: \\?\Volume{5d} 2 1 0 0 000001e4 000001a8
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 7: \\?\Volume{94} 2 1 0 0 000001e8 000001b0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 8: \\?\Volume{c3} 2 1 0 0 000001ec 000001b8
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 9: \\?\Volume{2e} 2 1 0 0 000001f0 000001c0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: refs monitor count: 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: client 1 00000184 1 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor count: 10
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 0: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 1: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 2: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 3: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 4: \\?\Volume{a7} 3 1 0 0 ffffffff 000001fc
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 5: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 6: \\?\Volume{a7} 3 1 0 0 ffffffff 00000204
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 7: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 8: \\?\Volume{a7} 2 1 0 0 00000214 0000020c
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 9: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: refs monitor count: 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: client 5 000001e0 0 1 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor count: 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: refs monitor count: 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: client 5 wait 2 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: client 5 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: GetOverlappedResult failed 109
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: update read failed
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: server awake
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: event 1 006646c0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: disconnect client 5
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: client disconnected
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: listen_handle 00000230
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: pipe listen GetOverlappedResult 996
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: server wait 2 0
2024-12-20 09:34:11.336: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:11.336: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:12.223: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:12.223: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-20 09:34:12.223: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-20 09:34:12.223: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:12.336: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:12.336: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:13.223: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:13.223: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:13.336: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:13.336: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:14.223: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:14.223: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:14.336: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:14.336: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:15.223: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:15.223: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:15.336: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:15.336: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:16.223: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:16.223: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:16.336: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:16.336: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:17.224: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:17.224: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:17.337: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:17.337: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:18.224: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:18.224: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: opened ffffffff 0.000058
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume 0 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: update monitor 0 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: opened ffffffff 0.000032
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume 1 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: opened ffffffff 0.000030
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: opened ffffffff 0.000032
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: opened ffffffff 0.000030
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume 5 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: update monitor 5 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: opened ffffffff 0.000030
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume 7 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: update monitor 7 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: opened ffffffff 0.000031
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: open volume 9 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: update monitor 9 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.337: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:18.806: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:18.806: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:18.806: data read size 4
2024-12-20 09:34:18.806: read pipe 36 12
2024-12-20 09:34:18.806: 1: got command 24 4
2024-12-20 09:34:18.807: monitor stopped 8
2024-12-20 09:34:18.807: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:18.807: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: data read size 4
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: read pipe 37 12
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: 1: got command 25 4
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: monitor restarted 8
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: opened 0000020c 0.000079
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: open volume 8 0000020c
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: update monitor 8 read: hcjoverlapped 0000020c
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: data available on ntfs monitor 8
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: open volume \\?\Volume{a7}
2024-12-20 09:34:18.927: opened 00000214 0.000051
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: write pipe 0 280
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: BytesPerFileRecordSegment 1024
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: Found additional FRN 0001000000000020
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: alloc frob
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: GET FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: GOT FILEID 0000000000000020 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 0001000000000020 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: FILENAME 000100000000001d $TxfLog.blf
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: SIZE 65536
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: got ntfs file record 1000000000020 65536
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: GET FD 0001000000000020 RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: write pipe 0 79
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: 1: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: Found additional FRN 000100000000001d
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: GET FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: GOT FILEID 000000000000001d ...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000001d ...
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: ATTRIBUTE 30 104 0
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: FILENAME 000100000000001b $TxfLog
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: got ntfs file record 100000000001d 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: GET FD 000100000000001d RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: write pipe 0 71
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: 1: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: 1: got command 21 44
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: RESUME NTFS 8 3
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:18.928: client 1 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:19.224: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:19.224: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:19.928: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:19.928: update monitor 8 read: hcjoverlapped 0000020c
2024-12-20 09:34:19.928: READING NTFS 8 9
2024-12-20 09:34:19.928: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:20.095: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:20.095: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-20 09:34:20.095: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-20 09:34:20.095: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-20 09:34:20.095: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:20.095: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:20.095: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:20.095: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:20.095: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:20.095: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:20.095: write pipe 0 176
2024-12-20 09:34:20.095: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: Found additional FRN 001b00000000fda0
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: GET FRN 001b00000000fda0 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: GOT FILEID 000000000000fda0 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 001b00000000fda0 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx.0
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: ATTRIBUTE 80 80 0
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: SIZE 6560
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: got ntfs file record 1b00000000fda0 6560
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: GET FD 001b00000000fda0 RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: write pipe 0 77
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:20.096: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:20.097: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:20.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:20.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:20.097: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:20.097: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:20.097: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-20 09:34:20.097: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-20 09:34:20.097: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-20 09:34:20.097: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:20.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:20.928: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:20.928: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:21.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:21.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:21.928: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:21.928: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: write pipe 0 1520
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-20 09:34:22.097: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: Found additional FRN 008e00000000fa38
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: GET FRN 008e00000000fa38 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: GOT FILEID 000000000000fa38 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 008f00000000fa38 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: get fd: sequence number changed 142 != 143
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: got ntfs file record 8e00000000fa38 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: DID NOT GET SIZE
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: GET FD 008e00000000fa38 RET:0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: _os_OpenFileById failed 87
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: last error 2
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: write pipe 2 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: Found additional FRN 001b00000000fda0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: GET FRN 001b00000000fda0 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: GOT FILEID 000000000000fda0 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 001b00000000fda0 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: SIZE 781768
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: got ntfs file record 1b00000000fda0 781768
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: GET FD 001b00000000fda0 RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.098: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: Found additional FRN 00ce00000000a893
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: GET FRN 00ce00000000a893 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: GOT FILEID 000000000000a893 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 00ce00000000a893 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE 30 176 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad DEVICEDISPLAYOBJECTPROVIDER.E-8FA3784A.pf
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: SIZE 39732
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: got ntfs file record ce00000000a893 39732
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: GET FD 00ce00000000a893 RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: write pipe 0 139
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: Found additional FRN 008f00000000fa38
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: GET FRN 008f00000000fa38 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: GOT FILEID 000000000000fa38 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 008f00000000fa38 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE 30 144 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad RUNDLL32.EXE-B1D2A080.pf
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-20 09:34:22.099: SIZE 20220
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: got ntfs file record 8f00000000fa38 20220
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: GET FD 008f00000000fa38 RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: write pipe 0 105
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:22.100: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:22.928: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:22.928: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:23.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:23.100: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:23.928: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:23.928: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:24.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:24.100: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-20 09:34:24.100: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-20 09:34:24.100: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:24.928: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:24.928: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:25.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:25.100: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:25.928: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:25.928: client 1 wait 3 1
2024-12-20 09:34:26.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:26.100: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: data read size 0
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: read pipe 81 8
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: 1: got command 51 0
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: client 1 wait 2 0
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: data read size 0
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: read pipe 81 8
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: 1: got command 51 0
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:26.197: client 1 wait 2 0
2024-12-20 09:34:26.198: client 1 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:26.198: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:26.198: GetOverlappedResult failed 109
2024-12-20 09:34:26.198: update read failed
2024-12-20 09:34:26.198: server awake
2024-12-20 09:34:26.198: event 1 0062efd0
2024-12-20 09:34:26.198: disconnect client 1
2024-12-20 09:34:26.198: client disconnected
2024-12-20 09:34:26.198: listen_handle 00000230
2024-12-20 09:34:26.198: pipe listen GetOverlappedResult 996
2024-12-20 09:34:26.198: server wait 2 0
2024-12-20 09:34:27.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:27.100: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:28.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:28.100: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:29.001: server awake
2024-12-20 09:34:29.001: listen_handle 00000230
2024-12-20 09:34:29.001: c 0062efd0, read buf 0063efd0, write buf 0062efd0
2024-12-20 09:34:29.001: client 6 connected
2024-12-20 09:34:29.001: listen_handle ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:29.001: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:29.001: listening...
2024-12-20 09:34:29.001: connect error 997
2024-12-20 09:34:29.001: server wait 2 0
2024-12-20 09:34:29.001: data read size 0
2024-12-20 09:34:29.002: read pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:29.002: 6: got command 00 0
2024-12-20 09:34:29.002: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-20 09:34:29.002: client 6 wait 2 0
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: data read size 89
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: 6: got command 20 89
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: 6: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: client 6 wait 2 0
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: data read size 0
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: 6: got command 50 0
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: 1 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: opened ffffffff 0.000045
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: open volume 0 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: update monitor 0 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: online status change on monitor 0 2
2024-12-20 09:34:29.003: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-20 09:34:29.004: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:29.004: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:29.004: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:29.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:29.100: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:30.004: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:30.004: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:30.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:30.100: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:31.004: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:31.004: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:31.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:31.100: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:32.004: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:32.004: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:32.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:32.100: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:33.004: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:33.004: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:33.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:33.100: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:34.005: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:34.005: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:34.101: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:34.101: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:35.005: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:35.005: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:35.101: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:35.101: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:36.005: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:36.005: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: open volume \\?\Volume{63}
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{63} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: opened ffffffff 0.000056
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{63}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: open volume \\?\Volume{64}
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{64} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: opened ffffffff 0.000032
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{64}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:36.101: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:37.005: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:37.005: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:37.101: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:37.101: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:38.005: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:38.005: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:38.101: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:38.101: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:39.005: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:39.005: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:39.101: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:39.101: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:39.510: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:39.510: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:39.510: data read size 89
2024-12-20 09:34:39.510: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-20 09:34:39.510: 6: got command 20 89
2024-12-20 09:34:39.510: 6: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:39.510: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: data read size 0
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: 6: got command 50 0
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: 2 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: opened ffffffff 0.000097
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: open volume 1 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: online status change on monitor 1 2
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:39.511: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: data read size 89
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: 6: got command 20 89
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: 6: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: data read size 0
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: 6: got command 50 0
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: 3 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: opened ffffffff 0.000045
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: open volume 2 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: update monitor 2 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: online status change on monitor 2 2
2024-12-20 09:34:39.651: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-20 09:34:39.652: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:39.652: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:39.652: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: data read size 89
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: read pipe 32 97
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: 6: got command 20 89
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: 6: add ntfs monitor \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: data read size 0
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: read pipe 80 8
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: 6: got command 50 0
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: 4 ntfs monitors started
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: 0 refs monitors started
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: open volume \\?\Volume{7d}
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: GetVolumeInformationW \\?\Volume{7d} 3
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: opened ffffffff 0.000021
2024-12-20 09:34:39.703: open volume 3 ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:39.704: update monitor 3 read: hcjoverlapped ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:39.704: online status change on monitor 3 2
2024-12-20 09:34:39.704: write pipe 8 12
2024-12-20 09:34:39.704: check journal ids volume ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:39.704: DeviceIoControl failed 3 (\\?\Volume{7d}) retrying in 30 seconds...
2024-12-20 09:34:39.704: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:40.101: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:40.101: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:40.704: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:40.704: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:41.095: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:41.095: AVAILABLE NTFS 1
2024-12-20 09:34:41.095: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-20 09:34:41.095: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-20 09:34:41.095: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: write pipe 0 176
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: Found additional FRN 001e00000000fdac
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: GET FRN 001e00000000fdac ...
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: GOT FILEID 000000000000fdac ...
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 001e00000000fdac ...
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx.0
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: ATTRIBUTE 80 88 0
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: SIZE 330208
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: got ntfs file record 1e00000000fdac 330208
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: GET FD 001e00000000fdac RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: write pipe 0 77
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-20 09:34:41.096: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:41.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:41.704: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:41.704: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: write pipe 0 1184
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: Found additional FRN 000300000000573f
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: GET FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: GOT FILEID 000000000000573f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.097: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000300000000573f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: ATTRIBUTE 30 120 0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: FILENAME 0002000000000202 Device Metadata
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: got ntfs file record 300000000573f 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: GET FD 000300000000573f RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: write pipe 0 87
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: Found additional FRN 001b00000000fda0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: GET FRN 001b00000000fda0 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: GOT FILEID 000000000000fd9f ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: FRN not in use 1b00000000fda0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: got ntfs file record 1b00000000fda0 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: DID NOT GET SIZE
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: GET FD 001b00000000fda0 RET:0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: _os_OpenFileById failed 87
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: last error 2
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: write pipe 2 12
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: Found additional FRN 001e00000000fdac
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: GET FRN 001e00000000fdac ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: GOT FILEID 000000000000fdac ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 001e00000000fdac ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: FILENAME 000300000000573f dmrc.idx
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: ATTRIBUTE 80 80 0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: SIZE 781768
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: got ntfs file record 1e00000000fdac 781768
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: GET FD 001e00000000fdac RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-20 09:34:42.098: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: Found additional FRN 00ce00000000a893
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: GET FRN 00ce00000000a893 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: GOT FILEID 000000000000a893 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 00ce00000000a893 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: ATTRIBUTE 30 176 0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad DEVICEDISPLAYOBJECTPROVIDER.E-8FA3784A.pf
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: SIZE 39732
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: got ntfs file record ce00000000a893 39732
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: GET FD 00ce00000000a893 RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: write pipe 0 139
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:42.099: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:42.704: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:42.704: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:43.099: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:43.099: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:43.704: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:43.704: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:43.797: server awake
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: listen_handle 000001d0
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: c 006646c0, read buf 006746c0, write buf 006646c0
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: client 7 connected
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: listen_handle ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: client 7 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: listening...
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: connect error 997
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: server wait 2 0
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: data read size 0
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: read pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: 7: got command 00 0
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: data read size 0
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: read pipe 101 8
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: 7: got command 65 0
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: data read size 0
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: read pipe 98 8
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: 7: got command 62 0
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: ReadFile failed 109
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: update read failed
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: server awake
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: event 1 006646c0
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: disconnect client 7
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: client disconnected
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: listen_handle 00000208
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: pipe listen GetOverlappedResult 996
2024-12-20 09:34:43.798: server wait 2 0
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: data available on ntfs monitor 1
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: write pipe 3 12
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: write pipe 0 352
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:44.099: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: Found additional FRN 001c00000000fda0
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: GET FRN 001c00000000fda0 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: GOT FILEID 000000000000fda0 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: FILE RECORD 0001 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 001c00000000fda0 ...
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: ATTRIBUTE 30 144 0
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: FILENAME 000100000000e6ad RUNDLL32.EXE-5BA84779.pf
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: ATTRIBUTE 80 72 0
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: SIZE 15932
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: got ntfs file record 1c00000000fda0 15932
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: GET FD 001c00000000fda0 RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: write pipe 0 105
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: data read size 12
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: read pipe 35 20
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: 0: got command 23 12
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: Found additional FRN 000100000000e6ad
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: GET FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: GOT FILEID 000000000000e6ad ...
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: FILE RECORD 0003 0000000000000000
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: GOT INUSE FILE FRN 000100000000e6ad ...
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: ATTRIBUTE 10 96 0
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: ATTRIBUTE 30 112 0
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: FILENAME 0001000000000280 Prefetch
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: ATTRIBUTE 90 88 4
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: ATTRIBUTE a0 80 4
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: ATTRIBUTE b0 40 4
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: SIZE 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: got ntfs file record 100000000e6ad 18446744073709551615
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: GET FD 000100000000e6ad RET:1
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: write pipe 0 73
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: read pipe 34 52
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: 0: got command 22 44
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: write pipe 0 16
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:44.100: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:44.101: pipe read event
2024-12-20 09:34:44.101: data read size 44
2024-12-20 09:34:44.101: read pipe 33 52
2024-12-20 09:34:44.101: 0: got command 21 44
2024-12-20 09:34:44.101: RESUME NTFS 1 3
2024-12-20 09:34:44.101: write pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:44.101: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:44.704: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:44.704: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:45.101: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:45.101: client 0 wait 9 1
2024-12-20 09:34:45.704: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:45.704: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:46.101: client 0 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:46.101: update monitor 1 read: hcjoverlapped 00000190
2024-12-20 09:34:46.101: READING NTFS 1 9
2024-12-20 09:34:46.101: client 0 wait 10 1
2024-12-20 09:34:46.704: client 6 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:46.704: client 6 wait 2 1
2024-12-20 09:34:46.963: server awake
2024-12-20 09:34:46.963: listen_handle 00000208
2024-12-20 09:34:46.963: c 006646c0, read buf 006746c0, write buf 006646c0
2024-12-20 09:34:46.963: client 8 connected
2024-12-20 09:34:46.963: listen_handle ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:46.963: client 8 awake
2024-12-20 09:34:46.963: listening...
2024-12-20 09:34:46.963: connect error 997
2024-12-20 09:34:46.963: server wait 2 0
2024-12-20 09:34:46.963: data read size 0
2024-12-20 09:34:46.963: read pipe 0 8
2024-12-20 09:34:46.963: 8: got command 00 0
2024-12-20 09:34:46.964: write pipe 0 12
2024-12-20 09:34:46.964: data read size 0
2024-12-20 09:34:46.964: read pipe 97 8
2024-12-20 09:34:46.964: 8: got command 61 0
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Everything Service 'Hung' Eating CPU

Post by void »

Thanks for persisting with me therube,

There is something up with Everything making multiple monitors with the same volume name.

Code: Select all

2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 0: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 1: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 2: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 3: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 4: \\?\Volume{a7} 3 1 0 0 ffffffff 000001fc
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 5: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 6: \\?\Volume{a7} 3 1 0 0 ffffffff 00000204
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 7: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 8: \\?\Volume{a7} 2 1 0 0 00000214 0000020c
2024-12-20 09:34:11.232: ntfs monitor 9: \\?\Volume{7d} 1 2 0 30000 ffffffff ffffffff
These duplicated \\?\Volume{7d} and \\?\Volume{a7} monitors should not exist.

I have been investigating the issue.
Post Reply