Faster image preview

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Faster image preview

Post by sfly »

Currently, it looks like everything image previews are generated by a single thread and sequentially which, while it limits image previews "resource hogging" it inherently does so while sacrificing all performance making it very slow while trying dig through a lot of images (>10k) on any preview size (ideal is small-medium). I have only SSDs and it using less than a percentage of active time on any given SSD while loading previews so it makes it much less effective than it could be while not impacting regular performance at all since you would be using Everything in the foreground and would want to have the best UX.

Pretty pretty please: Multi-threaded and/or an asynchronous option to take advantage of SSD superior random read rates? Is it possible to enhance with the current way it is implemented?

Any feedback is appreciated!
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Re: Faster image preview

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback sfly,

Everything 1.4 uses a single worker thread to load image previews.
Everything 1.4 uses the UI thread to load IPreviewHandler shell extensions.

You might have a third party IPreviewHandler associated with image files?
Please try ShellExView to help determine if Preview Handler is installed for image files and see if disabling any IPreviewHandler associated with image files helps performance in Everything 1.4.

I will consider loading images with multiple threads.
Thank you for the suggestion.
Preloading the next image in the result list would also improve performance.

Everything 1.5a uses a single worker thread to load IPreviewHandler shell extensions.
This might help with performance if you are using a third party IPreviewHandler associated with image files.

I will add some more options to the next Everything 1.5a build to disable third party IPreviewHandlers for image files.

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