EV 1.5 alpha doesn't work with AutoHotkey

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EV 1.5 alpha doesn't work with AutoHotkey

Post by MandraK »

Hello my friends!

I just gave EV 1.5 alpha a try but it seems not to work with AutoHotkey.

AHK can't seem to detect WinActive and/or WinTitle properties from an EV active windows, and any global hotkey DOES NOT work if it's also called from an active EV 1.5a window. For example, I have a hotkey (CTRL+WIN) that sets window sizes according to the Window process name (like "ahk_exe everthing.exe") but with 1.5a it does nothing. I have another hotkey to open my text editor (F12) but it also doesn't work if it's called from an EV 1.5a window. Even trying to msgbox the WinTitle for EV 1.5a directly does nothing.

I think this is odd since AHK has been working seamlessly with EV 1.4 or lower.

*** IMPORTANT: EDITED 2021-11-18 13:35 ***

I just tested again and AutoHotkey seems to work SOMETIMES when hotkeys are exclusive.

For example, this works (exclusive CTRL+ALT+F1):

Code: Select all

^!F1:: MsgBox % WinGetTitle("A")
But this doesn't work (non-exclusive CTRL+ALT+F1):

Code: Select all

~^!F1:: MsgBox % WinGetTitle("A")
This would make sense if there was a conflict for that hotkey, but I checked and I don't think is the case.

Weirdly enough, my F12 global hotkey (for opening the text editor) does not work even though it's exclusive. But if I set the hotkey to CTRL+F12 the editor opens.. But then it fails to open the selected file in EV 1.5a (as it's set up and works with EV 1.4), although this part could be related somehow to my code. I've been trying other (exclusive) global hotkeys and it seems they work sometimes but sometimes they don't.

Another example is (exclusive) NUMPADENTER and the mouse MIDDLEBUTTON, which I use to open files with different programs according to their filetype (which work flawlessly with every other program in Windows, including EV 1.4, but fails in EV 1.5a).

Perhaps I'm missing something?..
Last edited by MandraK on Thu Nov 18, 2021 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EV 1.5 alpha doesn't work with AutoHotkey

Post by vsub »

Maybe you are running EV 1.5 as admin and Autohotkey is not
Autohotkey will not work on any program that is running as admin while AHK is not

Works fine here
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Re: EV 1.5 alpha doesn't work with AutoHotkey

Post by MandraK »

vsub wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 5:47 pm Maybe you are running EV 1.5 as admin and Autohotkey is not
Autohotkey will not work on any program that is running as admin while AHK is not

Works fine here
Yes!, you're right.. I should've thought of that. I had opened EV 1.5a as administrator (since I was testing it).
But after setting up the service, AutoHotkey and EV both seem to work in armony..

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Re: EV 1.5 alpha doesn't work with AutoHotkey

Post by raccoon »

AutoHotkey "exclusive" (no tilde ~ prefix) hotkeys will work when not As Administrator, because it uses the Windows API "RegisterHotKey()" function.

Hotkeys that use the tilde ~ prefix do not use the RegisterHotKey function, but instead intercept keystroke using System Hooks. System hooks require AutoHotkey to be run at the same privilege or higher (As Administrator) in order to capture input intended for other processes like Everything.
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