Do you think the introduction of the treeview lead Everything to a crossroad?

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Do you think the introduction of the treeview lead Everything to a crossroad?

Post by B1-66ER »

To choose Everything will be a file manager wise or a search focused tool?

Just feel a little confused to balance the treeview and address bar, the priority, of which should be apply exclusively for every operations.

Maybe in the future, the software functions are nearly completed, there will be a prompt to choose for user to use Everything more as a file manager or just a search tool, and then apply some set of preferences at initial launch.
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Re: Do you think the introduction of the treeview lead Everything to a crossroad?

Post by void »

For now, I would like to avoid turning Everything into a file manager.
Everything will primarily be a search box + results

For Everything 1.5, the treeview is designed to a be a temporary filter.
An address bar might be added in a future version.
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Re: Do you think the introduction of the treeview lead Everything to a crossroad?

Post by B1-66ER »

For the address bar mentioned above, I was meant to indicated the present search bar, I confused the names, Sorry.

But I do think there could be a ultimate balancing point and I definitely would like to find out.

It could be as simple as apply orders of 2 things:

The treeview be as a filter to search commands, or the inversion;
The search commands be as a filter to the treeview.

And as simple as a mouse or keyboard input could alter between 2 orders.
And another user input could temporarily turn on or off of them.
It could even to integrated to things like double focus to cycle enable and disable like double(the streak of the second) alt+d to cycle on/off. Or a Ctrl click treeview

The second D of an Alt+double D start to toggle the universal search mode of the search bar, the first D is for focus if it's not, it's cool right?!

And a visual indicator indicated which is in charge, the search bar or the treeview, like highlight the search bar. Too fancy to even imagine.
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