Column header always

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Joined: Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:31 pm

Column header always

Post by reddevil »

Loving the new 1.4.x version.

1) Please include column header in all views i.e. 'name', 'size' etc in thumbnail views as well, to facilitate easy sorting by just clicking on the column tab (like in details view).
2) Preview and filter buttons to toggle, say at the end of the search box or say another toolbar itself below search bar with buttons for easier and quicker access.
3) Fast hashing like crc32 or md5 (maybe for selected folder or set of files only to improve speed) which could help in finding exact duplicates based on content. Could add it to advanced searching.

Thanks and Regards,
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Column header always

Post by void »

1) Please include column header in all views i.e. 'name', 'size' etc in thumbnail views as well, to facilitate easy sorting by just clicking on the column tab (like in details view).
I'll look at adding an option to always show the column header.
For now, there's right click -> Sort by
2) Preview and filter buttons to toggle, say at the end of the search box or say another toolbar itself below search bar with buttons for easier and quicker access.
I plan to add full toolbar customization in Everything 1.5.
3) Fast hashing like crc32 or md5 (maybe for selected folder or set of files only to improve speed) which could help in finding exact duplicates based on content. Could add it to advanced searching.
I would like to avoid reading file contents in Everything. However this could happen in a future release.

Thanks for your suggestions.
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