I've already had this issue with previous Everything version:
http://www.voidtools.com/forum/viewtopi ... 065#p11059
I could resolved it unchecking "Exclude hidden files and folders" and "Exclude system files and folders" option and changing the system attribute bit that was set for several directories.
Now I am using Everything Version (x64) on Win7 64bit.
Again, many files cannot be found... several folders seem to be not indexed.
Rebuilding the index won't help.
I've forced rebuild. The debug console gives the following result:
All exclusion lists are empty. No folder (where the files are not found) has system attribute anyway.removed 10 orphaned files in 0.010309 seconds
removed 4 orphaned folders in 0.001485 seconds
What can I do?
Thank you for your kind assistance!