prioritize local path over remote path in sorting option

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prioritize local path over remote path in sorting option

Post by kompre »


I use everything to index both local path on my machine (e.g. "C:\") and remote path (e.g. "\\server\share").

I like to view the list of results sorted by path so that folders are on top and also parent folder tend to stay on top. With this configuration the results list appears like remote path on top of local ones:

Code: Select all

I would like to display, by default, the local hits before the remote ones:

Code: Select all

I would like to avoid using mapped network because I work with multiple user and when I need to share a file/folder with them, I like to just copy and paste the full share path with them (e.g. \\server\share\<path to file>); if I would start to use mapped location then the path would be like "Z:\<path to file> which would not work on the device of other users, unless they too have mapped the share with the same drive letter, but I would like to avoid forcing other users to map a share as I do.

I also already created few macros that limit the search either within a local or remote path, but requires to actively take action, i.e. type the string that activates the macro in the search field, and also is exclusive (I can see only local or remote results).

So my question is:
Is there a way to display local path before remote path by default?

PS: really love the app!
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Re: prioritize local path over remote path in sorting option

Post by NotNull »

I gave this some thought, but can't find any way. That's just not how the database is organized.

Some workarounds:
  • You already "discovered" filters and the associated macro's. In the filter definition you can also create keyboard shortcuts to (de-)activate your filter. That way you could press - for example CTRL-ALT-L to show your local files and CTRL-ALT-N to show your network files.
  • Instead of using a macro, it might be just as fast - or even faster - to add !\\ to your search query, like:

    Code: Select all

     !\\   file.txt
    the "!" means NOT, so this will search for file.txt in non-UNC paths.
    Using that same mechanism, searching for
    \\ file.txt
    will search for file.txt in UNC paths
    Requirement: Match path when a search term contains a path separator is enabled (under Menu:Tools > Options > Search]
  • It has to be mentioned, although not a real option I suppose: sort the path in the reverse order. That way the non-UNC paths are on top :)
That is all I can think of right now. Hope this helps.
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