Jump/Scroll to column

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Jump/Scroll to column

Post by Stamimail »

In 1244a there is a properties section in the column header context menu.
Currently they there for removing a column.
But, instead of removing, there is a need for "jumping to" - the results pane/window will scroll to the selected column.

For example, instead of:
v Width
v Height
v Artist
v Length

will be:
Jump/Scroll to column >

You can think about other solutions for Jump/Scroll to column like a searchbox for filtering the columns presented.
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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by NotNull »

Don't know if I understood, but a related (I think) suggestion:
Using the (ctrl, alt,shift or none) scrollwheel on the column header bar would scroll through the column headers (just like scrolling through tabs in a browser) and bring the next column in focus.
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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by Stamimail »

NotNull wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 2:00 pm Don't know if I understood, but a related (I think) suggestion:
Using the (ctrl, alt,shift or none) scrollwheel on the column header bar would scroll through the column headers (just like scrolling through tabs in a browser) and bring the next column in focus.
If a user open 30 columns, I think it won't be easy.
Especially if he needs to switch between the 3th and 27th many times.
just like scrolling through tabs in a browser
Where did you see it?
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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by NotNull »

On my screen! :lol:

In Firefox:
toolkit.tabbox.switchByScrolling = true

I guess all major browsers have such an add-on (search for: tab scroll wheel) or out of the box support.

If a user open 30 columns, I think it won't be easy.
Especially if he needs to switch between the 3th and 27th many times.
Right-click column header > Organize columns. Or drag columns to a better place
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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by Stamimail »

It works, thanks for the info.
I have a workaround for that:

Right-click column header > Organize columns. Or drag columns to a better place
And what about if the user wants to keep the order of the coulmns...
We return back to the idea of - the ability to save/load the structure of the columns.
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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by NotNull »

Stamimail wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 7:13 pm And what about if the user wants to keep the order of the coulmns...
That is just being stubborn; holding on to something that isn't practical. You can alwas rearrange the order back.

I experimented with column sets too, but in the end I think it is more logical to make the switch through Filters:
When handling pictures, select the Picture filter and you get all relevant -for you - columns.
You can even create a second picture filter for different columns

I find the filter-way very useful:
Handle alternate data streams? Create a filter with all columns relevant for that.
Only interested in a few folders for that, so that gets added to the filter too.
With one click or shortcut, I can switch the entire 'workspace' to get just the information I need without any 'noise'.
Love it!
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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by Stamimail »

I think column sets will give more flexibility, because you will save the columns order/width-size/color etc.
I don't know what's the meaning to make this through Filters.
If you will be able to do all I've mentioned - we are talking about the same feature.
If not, what you've mentioned might be good for the default behavior.

The name Filter to me means - reduce the number of results according to the type.
The name "column sets" to me means - controlling the columns layout.
Applying both of them - I think it should be by Bookmarks.
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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by void »

Thank you for the suggestions Stamimail,

I will consider a jump to column submenu or a way to bookmark the current view (including horizontal position)

I have improved the Shift + mouse wheel action in Everything

With Shift + mouse wheel you can quickly flick through your columns.
You can also use the left and right arrow keys. (They might be broken for RTL languages I haven't tested)

I've also changed Alt + mouse wheel to scroll through your search history. It was previously Shift + mouse wheel.

Clicking on an item in a column will now also focus it (hidden until you move the column focus with the left/right arrow keys), kind-of like clicking on a cell in Excel.
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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by Stamimail »

With Shift + mouse wheel you can quickly flick through your columns.
You can also use the left and right arrow keys. (They might be broken for RTL languages I haven't tested)
Shift + mouse wheel --- I think I will not use it personally. I don't know.
left and right arrow keys --- I think I will use it.
Both work OK for RTL languages (according to my test).
I've also changed Alt + mouse wheel to scroll through your search history. It was previously Shift + mouse wheel.
which search history?
Clicking on an item in a column will now also focus it (hidden until you move the column focus with the left/right arrow keys), kind-of like clicking on a cell in Excel.
I think it's need little improvements and more testing.
Click and then another click - isn't focus the cell.
Shift+ArrowDown - isn't selecting the cells.
What is the use case anyway? What is planned to do with cells?

More Question is:
I know that it possible to embed an Excel Worksheet Object in Word,
meaning that you can copy cells from Excel and paste it to Word (by Paste Special...), and use it as Excel Spreadsheet table in Word.
Can such a thing be done in Everything?
Can the Result list table be switched by this Excel Object table and let the user to use all the info in the Result list to be used as a text in Excel Worksheet/Spreadsheet?
https://spreadsheeto.com/wp-content/upl ... object.gif
https://dukors.ru/wp-content/uploads/4/ ... 50d244.gif
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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by Stamimail »

Another suggestion is:
Pin the NameColumn
similiar to this:
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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by aviasd »

Stamimail wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 10:01 pm Another suggestion is:
Pin the NameColumn

I didn't know everything had shift+mousescroll natively, I've been using this AutoHotkey script to have this functionality enabled for years ( as well as for some other apps ) - this version has a smoother scroll though. (not column-based)

Code: Select all

Shift & WheelUp::  ; Turning the wheel up while holding shift scrolls to the left.
Lwin & WheelUp::  ; Turning the wheel up while holding left win button scrolls to the left.
    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
    IfWinActive, ahk_class XLMAIN
        SetScrollLockState, on
        SetScrollLockState, off
    else IfWinActive, Adobe Acrobat Professional -
    else IfWinActive, - Mozilla Firefox
    else IfWinActive, - Microsoft Word
        send,^{left}    ; move to next word wince I haven't figured out how to scroll horizontally using the keyboard
    else ; This code affects everything, only when focused on the result list
        ControlGetFocus, FocusedControl, A 
        loop,% ScrollStength
          SendMessage, 0x114, 0, 0, %FocusedControl%, A  ; 0x114 is WM_HSCROLL ; 1 vs. 0 causes SB_LINEDOWN vs. UP

Lwin & WheelDown::   ; Turning the wheel down while holding the Left win button scrolls to the right.
shift & WheelDown::   ; Turning the wheel down while holding the shift button scrolls to the right.
    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
    IfWinActive, ahk_class XLMAIN
        SetScrollLockState, on
        SetScrollLockState, off
    else IfWinActive, Adobe Acrobat Professional -
    else IfWinActive, - Mozilla Firefox
    else IfWinActive, - Microsoft Word
        send,^{right}    ; move to next word wince I haven't figured out how to scroll horizontally using the keyboard
    else ; All other windows
        ControlGetFocus, FocusedControl, A
        loop,% ScrollStength
          SendMessage, 0x114, 1, 0, %FocusedControl%, A  ; 0x114 is WM_HSCROLL ; 1 vs. 0 causes SB_LINEDOWN vs. UP

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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by Stamimail »

Another suggestion is:
to make a columns sidebar.
It will look like the "Organize Columns" list, and when click on a column name, it will Jump/Scroll to the column.
Consider live organization via this sidebar.
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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by void »

Thank you for your good ideas Stamimail,

Added to my TODO list: Option to 'Freeze' the name column so it always visible.
Added to my TODO list: column sidebar to quickly organize and jump to a column.
I've also changed Alt + mouse wheel to scroll through your search history. It was previously Shift + mouse wheel.
which search history?
Search History.
Click and then another click - isn't focus the cell.
This is by design, Everything will focus the whole row.
The focused cell will only show when you press the Left / Right Arrow key.
Shift+ArrowDown - isn't selecting the cells.
It should be selecting the entire row. Everything will not select cells. Do you see something different?
What is the use case anyway? What is planned to do with cells?
The main reason is to bring columns into view. (instead of scrolling by some predetermined pixel amount)
Shift + F10 also shows the context menu for the focused cell.
I know that it possible to embed an Excel Worksheet Object in Word,
meaning that you can copy cells from Excel and paste it to Word (by Paste Special...), and use it as Excel Spreadsheet table in Word.
Can such a thing be done in Everything?
You wouldn't be able to paste into Everything.
You can copy as TSV with Everything (you will need to add a keyboard shortcut for Result List | Copy as TSV)
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Re: Jump/Scroll to column

Post by Stamimail »

Stamimail wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 9:59 pm I know that it possible to embed an Excel Worksheet Object in Word,
meaning that you can copy cells from Excel and paste it to Word (by Paste Special...), and use it as Excel Spreadsheet table in Word.
Can such a thing be done in Everything?
Can the Result list table be switched by this Excel Object table and let the user to use all the info in the Result list to be used as a text in Excel Worksheet/Spreadsheet?
void wrote: Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:09 amYou wouldn't be able to paste into Everything.
You can copy as TSV with Everything (you will need to add a keyboard shortcut for Result List | Copy as TSV)
The idea is to make like a Text Mode, and be able to
1. edit (using editing capabilities of spreadsheets), and then
2. copy from Everything
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