Arg! Everything not finding files (same on multiple Pc's)

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Arg! Everything not finding files (same on multiple Pc's)

Post by reelismism »

First up - it's evidence of how dependent, and useful, Everything has become that I post here. So - THANK YOU!

So, i've got some issues. It seems to only have these issues with recent versions - I was on latest 1.2, and just installed beta 1.3, but was getting the same missing file issues.

This issue has been the same on 2 laptops and my desktop, so doesn't seem to be platform specific. I've only noticed this happening the last couple of months:
I can't find files that exist on external disks, i've checked that the files are there (as in explorer in front of me), have confirmed the Volume is added, indexed and updated in settings on all platforms, but it is just not finding the file that exists.

An example:
- Looking for a folder for Tomb Raider install files - I know i've got them I just don't know where.
- I search for 'tomb raider', everything shows only old install files (as I uninstalled it).
- I manually open the drive it's on - Yep it's right there. L:\__Games\[R.G. Mechanics] Tomb Raider
- I check volumes, yep all good.
- I reinstall Everything. No change (this has helped before, not tonight).
- I install 1.3, no change.
- I check it's finding other files/directories, yep, just not that one.

Any ideas?
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Arg! Everything not finding files (same on multiple Pc's

Post by void »

Check if the folder is indexed, but there's a search issue:

Does the [R.G. Mechanics] Tomb Raider folder show up if you search for:

Code: Select all

Make sure Regex, match case, match diacritics, match whole word and match path are disabled in the Search menu.

Check if Everything excluded this folder because it was corrupt:

Run Everything in verbose debug mode.
Force a database rebuild from Tools -> Options -> Indexes -> Force rebuild

When the indexing completes, there will be a list of excluded files and folders that have missing or corrupt parents, eg:

Code: Select all

excluded folder: $RmMetadata
excluded folder: $TxfLog
excluded folder: $Txf
excluded file: $Repair
excluded file: $Tops
excluded file: $TxfLog.blf
If the Tomb Raider folder is listed here, please make a backup and check the volume for errors.
Posts: 40
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:41 pm

Re: Arg! Everything not finding files (same on multiple Pc's

Post by reelismism »

Hi, thanks for quick reply,
void wrote:Check if the folder is indexed, but there's a search issue:

Does the [R.G. Mechanics] Tomb Raider folder show up if you search for:

Code: Select all

Yes, when I pasted L:\__Games\, it does NOT show Tomb Raider folder.
void wrote:Make sure Regex, match case, match diacritics, match whole word and match path are disabled in the Search menu.

Check if Everything excluded this folder because it was corrupt:

Run Everything in verbose debug mode.
Force a database rebuild from Tools -> Options -> Indexes -> Force rebuild

When the indexing completes, there will be a list of excluded files and folders that have missing or corrupt parents, eg:

Code: Select all

excluded folder: $RmMetadata
excluded folder: $TxfLog
excluded folder: $Txf
excluded file: $Repair
excluded file: $Tops
excluded file: $TxfLog.blf
Yep, all are disabled, ran in verbose and forced rebuild. I couldn't see any excluded files, and nothing is showing or selected in Options/Exclude.

Code: Select all

create db...
monitor thread exit
monitor cleanup
open volume \\?\Volume{14f0fc46-dcaf-11e2-912f-806e6f6e6963}
opened 724 0.000151
convert parent frn to parent pointers: 0.003977 seconds
open volume \\?\Volume{0dc80665-de7a-11e2-8d05-6cf049e41768}
opened 724 0.000257
convert parent frn to parent pointers: 0.000001 seconds
open volume \\?\Volume{fa585870-a4e1-11e3-a7a4-806e6f6e6963}
opened 724 0.000345
convert parent frn to parent pointers: 0.000023 seconds
open volume \\?\Volume{6cb615c9-df13-11e2-958a-6cf049e41768}
opened 724 0.000172
convert parent frn to parent pointers: 0.000009 seconds
open volume \\?\Volume{867c8fdc-dc23-11e2-b055-806e6f6e6963}
opened 724 0.000165
convert parent frn to parent pointers: 0.001826 seconds
removed 36287 orphaned files in 0.004714 seconds
removed 1670 orphaned folders in 0.000615 seconds
folder name os_qsort: 0.073079 seconds
multithreaded sort: items 468407, ideal threads 8, actual threads 8
os_qsort file names indexes: 0.199188 seconds
_db_filesystem_add 0: 0, 00000000051a36d0
_db_filesystem_add 1: 0, 00000000051a3730
_db_filesystem_add 2: 0, 00000000051a3790
_db_filesystem_add 3: 0, 00000000051a37f0
_db_filesystem_add 4: 0, 00000000051a3850
setup file systems: 0.000233 seconds
setup folders: 0.004911 seconds
setup files: 0.026915 seconds
create db time taken: 24.041646 seconds
add monitors
create monitor C:
create monitor F:
create monitor I:
create monitor K:
create monitor L:
loaded 0 of 0 changes in 0.001036 seconds
recent changes array memory usage: 0 bytes
loaded run history in 0.000252 seconds
run history data count: 7, data: 522 bytes
run history ptr count: 5
total run history memory usage: 21042 bytes
If the Tomb Raider folder is listed here, please make a backup and check the volume for errors.
How do I check a specific director for errors?
Posts: 17310
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Arg! Everything not finding files (same on multiple Pc's

Post by void »

Thanks for the debug output.
Yep, all are disabled, ran in verbose and forced rebuild. I couldn't see any excluded files, and nothing is showing or selected in Options/Exclude.
You will need to exit Everything from the tray icon before running Everything in verbose mode.
How do I check a specific director for errors?
Please make a backup of anything important before continuing:

In Windows Explorer, Right click the L Drive.
Click Properties.
Click the Tools tab.
Click Check now...
Click Start.
Posts: 40
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:41 pm

Re: Arg! Everything not finding files (same on multiple Pc's

Post by reelismism »

I just noticed I am getting numerous messages in verbose

Code: Select all

open volume \\?\Volume{867c8fdc-dc23-11e2-b055-806e6f6e6963}
CreateFileW(): GetLastError(): 5: Failed to open volume \\?\Volume{867c8fdc-dc23
opened -1 0.000701
open volume failed 5
Last edited by reelismism on Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 17310
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Arg! Everything not finding files (same on multiple Pc's

Post by void »

verbose debug mode will display many many messages.
CreateFileW(): GetLastError(): 5: Failed to open volume \\?\Volume{867c8fdc-dc23
open volume failed 5
These errors indicate Everything did not have administrative privileges to open an NTFS volume.
Everything will attempt to use the Everything service after encountering these errors.
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