Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

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Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by kzinnato »

64bitpicture.jpg (68.51 KiB) Viewed 7491 times
32bitpicture.jpg (62.37 KiB) Viewed 7491 times
I am happy to see that Everything is hardlink aware. However, on my Windows 7 64-bit system, only the 32-bit version of Everything appears to be hardlink aware. Am I missing a setting? (just to make sure it wasn't an obscure setting, I copied the ini file from the 32bit location to the 64bit location and restarted the 64 bit Everything, but still no visible hardlink indication).
Or is this by design (perhaps a planned future feature)? Or perhaps it works fine for you on 64bit OS and its something on my end? Or is this a bug?

For now, i am using the 32 bit version, since I really like to be aware when hardlink files are found. And it would be a significant positive addition if one of your context menu options was to list the hardlink locations. So for example it would show that MFC42.DLL was found not only in

but is also linked to

(Today I find this info by a few extra mouse clicks using Hermann Schinagl's excellent HardLink Shell Extension.)

In any case, thanks for an excellent product and I look forward to your response.
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Re: Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by void »

Unforunately, neither the x86 or x64 version of Everything is hardlink aware.

Only the initial file is indexed.
This is a limitation with USN Journals and Everything.

I am working on better hardlink support for a future release of Everything.
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Re: Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by kzinnato »

I am a bit confused then .. based on the attached pictures, your 32bit version is clearly hardlink aware. The upturned arrows in the diagram are all hardlinked files. (insert head-scratching smiley here)
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Re: Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by void »

What is the extension that is showing the hardlink overlays on the icons?

You will need the same x64 extension for the x64 version of Everything.
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Re: Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by kzinnato »

Ah .. it is the aforementioned Link Shell Extension that is giving the 32 bit version its visual indication. Odd that it does not similarly affect the 64-bit version of your program, since it is a native x64 app with addition x86 dlls. So the combination of that extension and your program in 32bit mode gives me what I want. I will try to ferret out on my own why it does not work similarly on 64bit. Sorry to bother.
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Re: Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by kzinnato »

replies crossed in the night, but you reached the correct conclusion ... it is the link extension that is "helping" your program.
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Re: Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by kzinnato »

OK, to close this out for the curious:

When I followed the instructions at the URL below I now get the overlay icons indicating hardlinks in Everything 64bit. Wow, that guys knows his stuff! This is a nice "works together" capability of Everything and the LinkSHellExtension.

(Also, as a side note, see JAM-sofwares UltraSearch. One of their columns is a link count. That would be a good addition to Everything).

http://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshel ... t.html#faq

Q: The overlay icons do not show up
A: The number of different icon overlay handlers that the system can support is limited by the amount of space available for icon overlays in the system image list. There are currently fifteen slots allotted for icon overlays, some of which are reserved by the system.

All is controlled by the alphabetical order of OverlayHandlers under


If the OverlayHandlers for LinkShellExtension somehow slipped to a slot greater 15 under 32bit Windows or greater 11 with 64bit Windows, the LSE Overlay Icons won't show up.

To manually boost the priority of LSE OverlayIcons open the above registry location with regedit and rename

HardLinkMenu --> 0HardLinkMenu
IconOverlayHardLink --> 0IconOverlayHardLink
IconOverlaySymbolicLink --> 0IconOverlaySymbolicLink

and either restart the explorer or log-off and log-on again. The point here is to change the alphabetical order by prepeding a 0
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Re: Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by dat1965 »

Yes, I was able to get this to work as well.

I changed the registry names not only by adding the 0 prefix,
but I quoted (using double quotes) as well.

This was to fight other registry names that were hogging this space (I'm looking at
you Dropbox) simply by quoting their registry names.

See attached screenshots.
The red arrow icon overlay from Link Shell Extension carries over to Everything, which I really love.
The red arrow icon overlay from Link Shell Extension carries over to Everything, which I really love.
IMGDT_20140818_111839.jpg (133.76 KiB) Viewed 7483 times
See icon next to the filename?  If it has a red arrow, that file has hard links.  The red arrow overlay icon is placed there by Link Shell Extension.
See icon next to the filename? If it has a red arrow, that file has hard links. The red arrow overlay icon is placed there by Link Shell Extension.
IMGDT_20140818_111832.jpg (187.31 KiB) Viewed 7483 times
Note how I double quoted and prepended "0" to each registry name.
Note how I double quoted and prepended "0" to each registry name.
IMGDT_20140818_111752.jpg (178.99 KiB) Viewed 7483 times
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Re: Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by dat1965 »

I should add that I'm using these versions,

Everything (x64)
Link Shell Extension (x64)
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

And I also remove the arrow on the shortcut icons
using Ultimate Windows Tweaker v2.2.0.0. I wanted
to add that doing this step (which I've done for years)
has had no effect on Link Shell Extension.

Also, after updating the registry names, I think by explicitly
closing regedit (File->Exit, which saved my edits, I presume)
and rebooting (rather than just restarting Explorer.exe) my
initial difficulties getting this to work were all resolved.
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Re: Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by kzinnato »


Excellent, exacly right. And, yes, Dropbox is the culprit on my system too. I do not know about you but this gives me everythign I need from the tool since I now can see the linked version in System32 etc. Just a little more work on my part. I have a note into Uwe Sieber (Link Shell Extension author .. btw, new version released this morning) about possibly adding something that might make it even more straightforward.

Glad at least one person got value from my learnings!



P.S. I was surprised to find it was by alphabetical order as opposed to order in the registry
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Re: Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by dat1965 »


Yes, your post was exactly what I was looking for.

Btw, after seeing your latest comment, I checked Hermann Schinagl's website for Link Shell Extension updates at http://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshel ... llext.html, but I don't see any new releases.

Who is Uwe Sieber?

Well, ok, so I googled his name and discovered his website http://www.uwe-sieber.de/,
but it doesn't look like Mr Sieber has anything to do with authoring Link Shell Extension.

What URL has this new LSE release?
Am I missing something?

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Re: Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by therube »

(I've never known uwe to have anything to do with LSE.)
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Re: Hardlinks and 32-bit vs 64-bit

Post by kzinnato »

sorry, confused my utilities. I am also a big fan of USBDLM by Uwe Sieber. Not at all related to this topic though .. sorry.
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