Sibling selector?

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Sibling selector?

Post by Fraka »


I got some problems creating a search query.


Code: Select all




I want to select .epubs only that don't have a .opf on the same level.
Goal is to select new.epub and another.epub to move them somewhere else.

I've fiddled around but seems like I am not experienced enough in the everything search syntax.

I appreciate your help.

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Re: Sibling selector?

Post by Stamimail »

I would try:
1. search for .opf
2. Select all results, and Copy Path (copy their locations)
3. Now you need to exclude all those paths (by using !"path"), and search for .epub
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Re: Sibling selector?

Post by Fraka »

unfortunately that's not the way to go for me because there are actually ~200 folders and I expect half of them to have a .opf :cry:

Because the files are not so big, my workaround was like this:
Search for all folders that have an .opf

Code: Select all

"D:\Users\MyName\eBooks\#epub\#archive\#tolino\" parents:>6 child:.opf
Cut and paste them somewhere else temporarly

Search in the remaining folders for .epub and cut them, delete all empty folders

Copy back the .opf containing ones

Googlers: Beware, this is specific for my case. I do not take in account different folder substructures and other files around.
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Re: Sibling selector?

Post by NotNull »

Fraka wrote:Thanks,
Because the files are not so big, my workaround was like this:
So you are done now? (I might have another workaround)
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Re: Sibling selector?

Post by Fraka »

Yes, my task is done.

Nonetheless I am interested for workarounds in sibling selector.
E.g. some music albums have the cover/booklet directly in the same folder, some have a subfolder. I'd like to unify this.
A sibling selector might be helpful there, too.
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Re: Sibling selector?

Post by NotNull »

Actually, u=you are not looking for siblings, but (to stay in his terminology) a lone child, without brothers /sisters

EDIT: This was a bad idea involving namepartdupe: Deleted.

Workaround 2: (not tested)
- create an Everything query to find all your EPUB files
- Export the results as a textfile to some folder
- Put this script in the same folder


Code: Select all

for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in (%1) DO (
  if not exist "%%~dpnA.opf" ( move "%%A" "c:\New\My Folder\" &  rd "%%~dpA" 2>nul )
-Drag the result txt file to this script.

For each .EPUB file, It will check if there is a .opf file in that folder with the same name. If that's not the case (no brother). the file will be moved to the "c:\New\My Folder\" folder (aadapt this to your situation)
After that, it will try to remove the folder where the .epub file was. That will only succeed if that folder is empty.
Posts: 27
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Re: Sibling selector?

Post by Fraka »

Hmm not much everything in your workaround :D

But yes, this looks promising and should work on all Windows systems.
Bookmarked it. Thanks!

p.s.: I call everything sibling that is on the same directory (level). In this case there should be no sibling of .opf, but I might like e.g. .m3u files only together with .mp3 files.
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