Ability to Drag File(s) to a Directory (Path)

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Ability to Drag File(s) to a Directory (Path)

Post by therube »

It might be neat to have the Ability to Drag File(s) to a Directory (Path) [in Everything]?


Select some file(s)
Drag to a Path in Everything

Do you want to Copy / Move (# files) to {dirname}?
(Copy/Move simply follows Windows norms, drag or Ctrl+drag, local drive or not...)

(We already have the ability to do similar; Edit <Copy|Move> to Folder...)
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Re: Ability to Drag File(s) to a Directory (Path)

Post by void »

I have on my TODO list "allow path column as drop targets, drop a file into the specified path."
This could be dangerous in whole row selection as it may unintentionally drop the files into the parent of the intended folder.

Files in Everything could also be unintentionally drag-dropped into another files parent when the user may expect the drag-drop operation to be canceled.

I'll consider an option to enable this. Maybe a dialog to confirm the drop operation.

Thanks for the suggestion.
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Re: Ability to Drag File(s) to a Directory (Path)

Post by marius »

I'm glad I have searched the suggestions before posting one. This feature was what I wanted to ask. (drag file and drop to the path dir) It would be great to be able to do it in Everything.
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Re: Ability to Drag File(s) to a Directory (Path)

Post by Stamimail »

I also had thoughts regarding Drag&Drop, but it went far...
At first I thought, there are several actions I want to do with Drag&Drop.
Dragging a File to SearchBox, can be:
1. "FullPath"
2. "Location"
3. filelist
and more...

That means to implement Ctrl|Shift|ALT controls to work with Drag&Drop.

Later, I thought there are several places where the user might want to drop:
1. SearchBox
2. Path Column
3. Any column?

Drag&Drop tab in Options?

Later, I thought about a DropZone.
One Place to drop all things, and then will be displayed a Categorized Menu with submenus, letting you do whatever action you want with the dropped item.
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Re: Ability to Drag File(s) to a Directory (Path)

Post by MikeA01730 »

I just logged in to make this exact suggestion but see it's already here so I want to second it.

Specifically I'd like to drag one or more files (e.g. selected in the file explorer) to a folder in the Path column. It would work just like dragging files to a folder in the explorer. Right-click menu dragging (to specify either copy or move) would also be supported.

I use Everything so much that I often don't have a file explorer window open but do see the target path I want in Everything. This would speed up my workflow and remove the clumsy situation where I see the folder I want and think I SHOULD be able to drop there but can't.
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