Search Syntax Help german translation

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Search Syntax Help german translation

Post by Fraka »

Just some quick suggestions / little bugs.
  1. There's a display error. Probably missing backslash for "\r"
    2022-10-19 11_45_56-Such-Syntax - Everything.png
    2022-10-19 11_45_56-Such-Syntax - Everything.png (36.25 KiB) Viewed 7146 times
  2. Outdated? There's no mention of

    Code: Select all

  3. It's not searchable (Ctrl+f). So instead of using the local help, I tend to go to

Code: Select all

Everything (x64)
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Re: Search Syntax Help german translation

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback Fraka,
There's a display error. Probably missing backslash for "\r"
Yes, the \ is missing.
I have passed this issue onto the German translator.

I have added the missing \ in the latest Everything language pack.

Outdated? There's no mention of depth:<count>
depth: was added as an alias to parents:
It is missing from the translation template.
I'll update this for the next version of Everything.

It's not searchable (Ctrl+f). So instead of using the local help, I tend to go to
There is offline help available.
However, it is mostly English only.

It's not ideal, but you can copy/paste the help text into Notepad and search from within Notepad.
Posts: 27
Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:07 pm

Re: Search Syntax Help german translation

Post by Fraka »

thank you for your answer, suggestions and bugfixing. I'm fine with everything you said.
Somehow I missed the email notice about the reply.
However thanks again for this great program!
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