Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

David, I am not sure how you deal with documentation change suggestions.
As I probe deeply into Everything I come across what seem to me to be minor errors in

I feel that a separate topic for each "bug" in will clutter up the board.
Thoughts? Anyone?

I thought that a topic with low-priority errors might be useful; if nothing else you can (perhaps) delete posts once they are addressed.
Cheers, Chris (an example follows)
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »


size:<size> Search for files with the specified size in bytes.
Size_03.png (65.02 KiB) Viewed 11572 times
I see folders in the result list.

Note: I know that this is a trivial error; by the time a beginner gets around to playing with SIZE: they are familiar with the reult list.
I am thinking of how confused a machine gets when it has bad data.
If we wanted to locate all references to "folders", our page-processor would not pick up the reference shown above.
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

ChrisGreaves wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 3:18 pm David, I am not sure how you deal with documentation change suggestions.
Here is another one. They are myriad.

I am looking at the function Type:
In the page I find:-
"Everything; Audio; Compressed; Document; Executable; Folder; Picture; Video - Match the specified type only. See Filters for more information."

A quick test ("type:document") shows that Everything caters for “Cascading Style Sheet Document” and “Firefox HTML Document” and “Foxit Reader PDF Document” and “Microsoft Common Console Document” and “Microsoft Office Document Imaging File” and “Microsoft Word Backup Document” and … well you get the idea.

I can find no definitive definition of "document" for purposes in "Type:", and I daresay the definition will continue to change as time goes by.

I get no results from "Type:picture" (or from "Type:Picture")
But I DO get results from "Type:Image"; but then I don't see any Webp or Avif files showing up either.

Perhaps I am not so much writing a tutorial as performing destructive testing on documentation? (HUGE grin)
Whatever it is, I am enjoying it.

Cheers, Chris
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by NotNull »

ChrisGreaves wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 3:18 pm Thoughts? Anyone?
My idea would be to put them all in one single thread.

ChrisGreaves wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 3:23 pm I see folders in the result list.
In this specific case, that is correct. This is the documentation for version 1.4.
In 1.4 foldersizes were not indexed by default. In 1.5 they are.

The behaviour is controlled by the Index folder size setting. This can be found under menu:Tools => Options => Indexes
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

NotNull wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:00 pm The behaviour is controlled by the Index folder size setting. This can be found under menu:Tools => Options => Indexes
Untitled.png (2.78 KiB) Viewed 11564 times

Even cooler: with the search to hand, I can Tools, Options, Indexes and turn ON/OFF the check box and the results are recalculated in about three seconds.
Cooler than cool; almost as cold as Bonavista!
Thanks, Chris
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

NotNull wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:00 pm My idea would be to put them all in one single thread.
My feelings too.
As long as there is some sort of public record, an eager volunteer could be dragooned into making a batch of corrections in one fell swoop, and even post a summary of items that have been fixed.
Indeed the topic could become a one-stop shop for seeing if a problem was a result of documentation, before posting a new topic?
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by void »

Please feel free to post any documentation errors in this thread.
I won't be strict here, if you feel the need to create a new thread, please do so.

I call the support wiki.
I'll refer to it as such below.

I see folders in the result list.
Folders have a size.
If you want to limit your results to files only, include the following in your search:

Folder sizes are off by default in Everything 1.4 and on by default in Everything 1.5.

I'll leave the current documentation as is for Everything 1.4 since folder sizes are off by default.

The documentation for Everything 1.5 already specifies files or folders in the size: search function.

I'll update the support wiki to match this documentation when I get closer to release.

I am looking at the function Type:
Type and filters are very different.

Type is the system file type, for example: "Cascading Style Sheet Document"
Filter is an Everything filter, for example: Audio / Video

Everything has no control over the system file type name.
The system file type name is set by Windows or third party apps.

I have changed:
type:<type> Search for files and folders with the specified type.
type:<type> Search for files and folders with the specified file type.

I have changed:
"Everything; Audio; Compressed; Document; Executable; Folder; Picture; Video - Match the specified type only. See Filters for more information."
"Everything; Audio; Compressed; Document; Executable; Folder; Picture; Video - Match the specified filter only. See Filters for more information."

I get no results from "Type:picture" (or from "Type:Picture")
With Everything 1.5, use filter:
For example:


use the filter macro.
For example:

There's also kind:, which searches the "system file kind".
For example:

"kind" is a simpler "type"

The type: search will match what is shown in the Type column.
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

void wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:33 am Please feel free to post any documentation errors in this thread.
I won't be strict here, if you feel the need to create a new thread, please do so.
Thank you, David.
I do intend this to be mainly "Documentation Errors" rather than "Everything.exe" errors, and we might try to keep it so.
To that end I think you might want to delete posts and answers as soon as minor documentation errors are fixed?
Keeps the thread shorter?
I see folders in the result list.
Folders have a size.
... and everything that follows have expanded my knowledge of Everything. I have noted this text and will get to it on my next pass through "Searching, Functions"
But thanks again for overwhelming me with new things to think about :lol:

Cheers, Chris
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by void »

To that end I think you might want to delete posts and answers as soon as minor documentation errors are fixed?
Keeps the thread shorter?
I'll look into doing this.
For now, we should try to keep all threads while in alpha.
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

Wandering around I came across these two lines:-

Code: Select all

Everything indexes file size and date modified by default.
Everything will maintain this extra file information in real-time.
which to my nit-picking eyes sounded as if Everything did not monitor <filename>.

My feeling is that <filename> and <size> and <datemodified> are maintained in realtime, but that "The database is only saved to disk when you exit Everything."
Initially I figure that with someone like me with oodles of RAM and nothing much to occupy it, I should ask for everything:-
Untitled.png (50.18 KiB) Viewed 10441 times
But then I thought: There is no point in asking for an index on Date Created or Attrributes, or indeed Fast Sorts unless I really intend to use them.
That would be a bit like asking for a cigarette lighter to be installed in my car.
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by void »

Thank you for the suggestions Chris,

Everything always indexes name and path.

Everything indexes file size and date modified by default.
Everything will maintain this extra file information in real-time.
This only applies to the options that can be enabled.

I've changed the indexes help to:

Everything always indexes name and path information.
Indexing size, date and attribute information is optional.
Everything indexes file size and date modified information by default.
Everything will maintain name, path and any optional information in real-time.

File information that is indexed can be searched instantly.

Extra information that is not indexed is gathered when required.
For example, when displaying, searching or sorting.
Gathering unindexed information can be quite slow for many results.

Everything tries to be efficient with memory usage.
Size and date modified feel too important to be disabled by default.
These properties are also displayed by default.
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

void wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2023 4:02 am Everything always indexes name and path
I've changed the indexes help to:
What a relief to be able to write a short reply.
Thank You David!
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

Please and thank you, what would you say is the difference between "Search History" and "Run History"?
For bonus points, how does "Run Count" relate to "Run History"? (I put that second question in in the hopes that I could trip you up!)
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by NotNull »

The Search History saves your searches, i.e. what you type in the serach bar.
The Run History saves actions you executed on files/folders, i.e. what you did in the result list.

These are stored in Run History-1.5a.csv and Search History-1.5a.csv (in the folder %APPDATA%\Everything):

Run History-1.5a.csv

Code: Select all

Filename,Run Count,Last Run Date

Search History-1.5a.csv

Code: Select all

Search,Search Count,Last Search Date
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

NotNull wrote: Mon Feb 27, 2023 7:38 pm The Search History saves your searches, i.e. what you type in the serach bar.
The Run History saves actions you executed on files/folders, i.e. what you did in the result list.
Thank you Not Null. It all starts to "click" into place.

"Search" and "Run" are two independent characteristics of Everything.
A "Search" must take place before something can be "Run" from that "Search"
And "database" includes any storage of data; in particular part of a database can be a CSV file.

I think it was a confusing description in a Wiki that threw my consciousness.
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

I am documenting only, not changing my INI.

I read: "For example, to check the current value for the ini option snap, type in the following search and press ENTER:"

Code: Select all

but that delivers me a set of objects:-
INI_01.png (61.49 KiB) Viewed 9686 times
So I thought "Maybe I don't have a SNAP setting in my INI", so yes, I opened the INI and had a look-see.

Code: Select all

Also "fullscreen" and a few other goodies (grin)
(signed) "I must be doing something wrong" of Bonavista.
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by NotNull »

Did you press ENTER after typing /snap?

2023-02-28 22_12_56-_snap - Everything (1.5a) (x64).png
2023-02-28 22_12_56-_snap - Everything (1.5a) (x64).png (50.3 KiB) Viewed 9683 times

(I do have Replace forward slashes with backslashes unchecked (Options > Search), yet a forward slash is seen as a path separator. Weird .... )
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

NotNull wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:46 pm Did you press ENTER after typing /snap?
But bear in mind "I must be doing something wrong"
I was so eager to see what would happen that pressedI <Enter> instead of pressing on and reading the next line:

Code: Select all

The current value is shown in the status bar for 3 seconds.
Now, about those tips

Code: Select all

"TIP: If you get unexpected results: check the statusbar. TIP2: If you don't get unexpected results: still check the statusbar from time to time"
I think that I should quit for the day.
Thanks NotNull :blush: :embarrassed:
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by NotNull »

ChrisGreaves wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:55 pm :embarrassed:
Don't be! The amount of 'stupid' questions/remarks/answers I posted here .. you can't top that for the foreseeable future :D
(And your question wasn't even 'stupid' so you really have to try harder to catch up!)
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A lengthy debate.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

This is actually a complaint, but I am trying not to let on.
Properties_08.png (54.83 KiB) Viewed 9603 times
I am having a lot of fun with "Properties" as you can see. I am already up to an image name of "Properties_08.PNG" since I came home from the dentist.
Everything is going great. I have a nifty search term up there while Everything is building an index in the background. Everything/All is behaving exactly as described in Properties

So you can see now that this isn't a complaint.

The term "length" has crept into our conversation.
I know little about Audio except that the term "duration" seems to be used by WinAmp, Audacity, and a study I made of Meta tags some ten or so years ago.
How did "length" come to plague us?

A bit of research on Everything Forums turns up a few places where "duration" is spoken of, but "length" hardly at all.

If there is being prepared a roll-call (or as spell-check suggested just then, a role-call) to battle against "length", may I be the first to raise my hand, my right arm, strong and free?

I am sure that I can come up with a better use for "length" in context. Perhaps to describe the properties of a piece of rope?. :twisted:
Thanks, Chris.

P.S. I don't see half the furore that was raised over "path" in "Location? Really?", so perhaps It's just that I'm not very good at picking subject lines. C.
Last edited by ChrisGreaves on Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by NotNull »

Usually Everything follows the Windows terminology. And Windows uses Length for audio and video files [1].
Duration is reserved for calendar appointments in Windows.

(and Duration would make it's column wider than necessary )

But to me Duration sounds more human-friendly indeed.

Path/Location/.. is a different story. It's name changes almost every new Windows version. So Everything chooses it's own (ahum) path.
Personally, I think whatever you choose, people will understand the meaning anyway and get used to it within 2 minutes or so.

[1] Windows presents it as Length to the outside world, but internally it's called Duration .... :shock:
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

NotNull wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 7:57 pm Usually Everything follows the Windows terminology. And Windows uses Length for audio and video files.
Duration is reserved for calendar appointments in Windows.
I have one of those old-fashioned dictionaries, made from paper, and I turned to it hoping to see "Duration: Length of Time", but was unlucky.
From a technical point of view, I was taught as much as possible to abide by an existing standard, rather than start a new one, so it makes sense to follow the existing terminology of Windows.
my One seems to tells us that duration & length are synonyms
my Two uses duration to format time
my Three seems to be about formatting and constants
my Four seems to be formatting
my Five seems to try to resolve a conflict using duration to define length (as distinct from "SIZE in bytes)
my Six discusses duration not at all, but length as what looks like sixe-in-bytes, also Length of a filename, then lapses into length-as-an-interval-of-time.

At a higher level, surely we do not want documentation (in manuals, wikis, posts) to be ambiguous?

I will step back a bit and suggest that in the interest of clarity, within Everything documentation:-
Length: should refer to a single well-specified property of a unique type entity
Duration: should refer to a single well-specified property of a unique type entity
Size: should refer to a single well-specified property of a unique type entity

Whenever we get a single well-specified property of a unique type of entity referred to by two separate terms, we invite confusion and misunderstanding
Whenever we get two types of entities referred to by a single term, we invite confusion and misunderstanding

That is, we should strive always for a one-to-one mapping of terminology in documentation.

At this stage I am not trying to define "length", "duration", "size" or any other term that works on a number-line, as much as to point out that for beginners, confusion leads to poor use of this excellent product.

Cheers, Chris.
PS the dental anesthetic is now wearing off; i should quit for the day! C
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

ChrisGreaves wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:18 pm That is, we should strive always for a one-to-one mapping of terminology in documentation.
A good start could be made by standardizing the use of the term "duration"
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by NotNull »

ChrisGreaves wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:18 pm Whenever we get a single well-specified property of a unique type of entity referred to by two separate terms, we invite confusion and misunderstanding
Whenever we get two types of entities referred to by a single term, we invite confusion and misunderstanding

That is, we should strive always for a one-to-one mapping of terminology in documentation.
Hmm, there is also context
In my world BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) has a different meaning than it does to a carpenter.
On a smaller scale this still can be relevant.
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

NotNull wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:55 pmIn my world BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) has a different meaning than it does to a carpenter. On a smaller scale this still can be relevant.
You mean - it doesn't mean binary digits? :gasp: :horror:

I grant you that. Even English with its million-word lexicon has to double up more than I would like.
But are we on the same wavelength here?
I am talking about the small world of "Everything".
In that world I would like a term like Size to indicate a quantity measured numerically.
In that world I would like a term like Length to indicate a quantity measured numerically.
In that world I would like a term like Duration to indicate a quantity measured numerically.
In that world I would like a term like Width to indicate a quantity measured numerically.
In that world I would like a term like Height to indicate a quantity measured numerically.

Five terms that all allow us to make use of a numeric quantity like "100"

But then I would grant Everything the power to allocate (say!) Width to image files measured in units of pixels
And I would grant Everything the power to allocate (say!) Size to all files measured in units of Bytes (and KB, MB, ...)
And I would grant Everything the power to allocate (say!) Length to audio/video files measured in units of time
And I would grant Everything the power to allocate (say!) Height to image files measured in units of pixels.

Then I would ask Everything to make use of that power, trying where possible, to make use of existing standards.

Cheers, Chris
P.S. Don't get me started on Name, Path, Filename etc. :roll: C.
PPS: I think that my case of using width and height does not clash with my 1-1 mapping, because width and height are two different properties of image files, So the <entity> is <image files>. I understand that <dimension> is now a no-go zone. C
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by void »

Duration & length are synonymous in Everything.

Like Windows Explorer, Everything will use Length as the primary property name.
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Re: Documentation suggestions - Low priority

Post by ChrisGreaves »

void wrote: Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:46 am Duration & length are synonymous in Everything.
Thank you Void. Duly noted.
Two quick tests shows that on my system

Code: Select all

ext:mp3 t:\greaves\ duration:<01:00:00

Code: Select all

ext:mp3 t:\greaves\ length:<01:00:00
deliver the same number of objects
Cheers, Chris
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