How To Duplicate Hard Drives Mirror ?

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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How To Duplicate Hard Drives Mirror ?

Post by Flourgrader »

Hi Everyone,
I am using "Everything Version 1.5.1339a(64)" on my PC

I am trying to figure out how to mirror 2 external hard drives.
One is the backup for the other drive.
I have neglected the Backup drive so it is no longer synced to the other drive.
If I call one drive the Master drive and the other drive the Backup drive.
What I need is for “Everything” to read all the Folders and Sub Folder (which are nested deep)
in other words every single bit of data on the Master drive.
Then read all the data on Backup drive
Delete all the data on the Backup drive that does not exist on the Master drive.
Then Copy all the data on the Master drive that does not exist on the Backup drive.
Then both drives should hold exactly the same data (mirrored)
Both drives are 10TB drives, the Backup hard drive is nearly full,
so the files need deleting first otherwise there will not be enough
room on the backup drive to receive the new data from the Master drive.
I am guessing this is going to be complicated to do.
So could you please write the example down?
Thanks for your help: :roll:
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Re: How To Duplicate Hard Drives Mirror ?

Post by froggie »

Perhaps Everything is not the right tool for this task.

I would suggest you look at FreeFIleSync, which is designed to do just what you are asking for.
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Re: How To Duplicate Hard Drives Mirror ?

Post by Flourgrader »

Thanks for your thoughts froggie.
Yes, I thought as much myself.
I do have Goodsync in my tool chest of apps!
I like to do as much as I can with Everything,
it saves me having tones of apps on my PC that I rarely use.
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Re: How To Duplicate Hard Drives Mirror ?

Post by NotNull »

Robocopy is already on your system (comes with all current Windows versions.

robocopy.exe C:\folder1 D:\folder1 /mir will make the content of D:\folder1 exactly the same as C:\folder1 (the /mir stands for mirror)
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Re: How To Duplicate Hard Drives Mirror ?

Post by horst.epp »

NotNull wrote: Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:45 pm Robocopy is already on your system (comes with all current Windows versions.

robocopy.exe C:\folder1 D:\folder1 /mir will make the content of D:\folder1 exactly the same as C:\folder1 (the /mir stands for mirror)
I guess he will have to make first a run with /purge
to remove the files on the target which are no longer in the source.
This is to ensure that the space on the target is enough.
The /mir alone would simply traverse the tree on the source.
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Re: How To Duplicate Hard Drives Mirror ?

Post by NotNull »

Ah, missed that the target disk was almost full. Good point!
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Re: How To Duplicate Hard Drives Mirror ?

Post by Flourgrader »

Thank you for the info and tips NotNull & horst.epp
Yes, I do have Robocopy in my tool chest of apps.
Maybe I should spend a little more time getting to grips
with what Robocopy can do! :roll:
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