Some feedback on the New Tabs feature

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Some feedback on the New Tabs feature

Post by Ralf_Reddings »

First of all, congrats on shipping this feature on the 1.5 beta, its been something I, and I am sure, many others have been waiting for. I have tested the experimental tabs feature and I have some feedback for you, I hope you will consider some of these, cheers.

1 - Each tab should be treated as its own unique "Window" or "View"
I will start with this one, as it is the most important one. This is the behaviour a user expects everywhere, be it a web browser, File Explorer or Visual Studio Code. The tabs do not have a relationship with one another, which means
  • Changing the view to details in one tab should not force all other tabs to follow
  • Changing the thumbnails size/zoom should not force all other tabs to follow
  • Adding a column in one tab should not cause the same column to be added in another tab

The whole point of tabs is so that you can work on multiple unrelated tasks at the same time, just like you can now with separate Everything windows. With the combination of other Everything features such as Filters, Bookmarks, Filelists etc this presents a great opportunity to work in a number of ways but the current implementation of tabs sharing columns/views pretty much cripples this.

2 - Scroll the tab list with the mouse wheel
When there are a lot of tabs open, it should be possible to scroll the tab list with the mouse wheel, so as to bring tabs that are out of view into view, some example projects that do this are:

Visual Studio Code


Windows Terminal

3 - Option to turn of the "Close Tab" and the "New Tab" buttons found in the tab bar
This is a common option found in a many software's that support tabs, Its really useful for when you have lots of tabs open and want to use the horizontal space for each tab for its name/title, as much as possible anyways. The close tab button gets in the way of this. In the gif examples I shared above, you can see what I mean.
Currently in Everything the close tab button is obscuring the tabs name/title:

4 - A command/hotkey to toggle the bars visibility

One thing I really like about Everything is that you can hide/show any UI element (Including the column header) to come up with the most minimal or complex window that is the perfect fit for the task at hand. In this vain, can we get a command/hotkey to toggle the tab bars visibility?

below are some software's that support this feature, starting with Visual Studio Code the most common code editor today:


Windows Terminal, a very popular terminal and now the default CMD host/Terminal from windows 10 and on:

Obsidian A very popular writing tool and markdown editor:

Sublime Text Another popular Code editor:

Vivaldi Web Browser A very popular web browser (Chromium based):
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Re: Some feedback on the New Tabs feature

Post by asamirid »

hello Ralf_Reddings,

i was going to write a long post explaining and request the first 2 points,
but you did it here in a clear and better way ..

i agree and support ur request ..

thankx ..
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Re: Some feedback on the New Tabs feature

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback Ralf_Reddings,

Tabs are in development.

1 - Each tab should be treated as its own unique "Window" or "View"
Yes, I agree.

A lot of work to do here.

2 - Scroll the tab list with the mouse wheel
Scrolling the tab bar is on my TODO list.

3 - Option to turn of the "Close Tab" and the "New Tab" buttons found in the tab bar
I'll look into hiding the close button when the tab bar is "full".

4 - A command/hotkey to toggle the bars visibility
I'll add an option to hide the tab bar.

Thank you for your suggestions.
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Re: Some feedback on the New Tabs feature

Post by Ralf_Reddings »

Great, I am glad to hear it. Thanks.
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Re: Some feedback on the New Tabs feature

Post by void »

Everything improves tabs.

Each tab is now essentially its own window.

Added tabs_show ini setting.

To hide the tab bar and still have tab functionality:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select tabs_show.
  • Set the value to: false
  • Click OK.

To create a keyboard binding to toggle the tab bar:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Bookmarks menu, click Add to Bookmarks....
  • Change the Name to: Toggle Tab Bar
  • Change the Search to: /tabs_show=!tabs_show
  • Set a Keyboard Shortcut.
  • Click OK.

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Re: Some feedback on the New Tabs feature

Post by Ralf_Reddings »

I finally got a chance to upgrade and checkout the new improvments, simply amazing. Much appreciated
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Re: Some feedback on the New Tabs feature

Post by DavidGDFC »


I've recently found out about the tabs, which is a great feature I wasn't expecting and that I didn't know I needed.

I'm aware that it's ongoing work, but I'd like to make a suggestion. When I close Everything and I open it again, my tabs are gone. Could a tab remain open until the user decides to close it? This way, users could have like a workspace in Everything, with each tab dedicated to a particular drive or to a particular type of files.

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Re: Some feedback on the New Tabs feature

Post by void »

Sessions are on my TODO list.

Sessions will remember tabs.

Thank you for the suggestion.
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Re: Some feedback on the New Tabs feature

Post by DavidGDFC »

Thank you!
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