[feature request] add a character to diacritics to be ignored

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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[feature request] add a character to diacritics to be ignored

Post by asamirid »

greetings :) :) ..

long story short, i want add this character
to be treated as a diacritics and ignored in search..

explanation ..

in arabic their is a character called "kashida" and this is it " ـ " it may looks like underscore in some fonts but it's different one

kashida is cosmetic character in arabic that doesn't affect the words, not the spelling not the meaning not the phonetic, nothing at all, it only used to stretch the words for just justifying the lines and paragraphs.

here is an image for a word with and without kashida and they are absolutely the same, just with different number of characters ..

Picture3.jpg (31.34 KiB) Viewed 3364 times

the first word is only 5 characters
the second one is the same as the first one by all means but it's 15 characters with 10 kashidas in the middle

and this makes the search treat them as different words although they are the same

you can find more info about kashida in this wiki link ..


i can't ask to treat the kashida " ـ " as a diacritics by default as other people may not see it like that ..

but for me i want to have the option to ignore it, and i will in 99% of the times, unless i wanna find it itself..

thank you.
Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: [feature request] add a character to diacritics to be ignored

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

I think your request is justifiable - and quite imaginable for people like me who do not use Arabic

But do you want that
sign to be treated as diacritic - or its consecutive repetitions to be ignored thus treated as one instance of it?
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Re: [feature request] add a character to diacritics to be ignored

Post by void »

Kashida 'ـ' is a modifier letter.

A modifier letter generally function like diacritics.


I have put this on my TODO list.

Thank you for the suggestion.
Posts: 131
Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:28 pm

Re: [feature request] add a character to diacritics to be ignored

Post by asamirid »

thank you void ..

this will help alot ✅✅..
Posts: 131
Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:28 pm

Re: [feature request] add a character to diacritics to be ignored

Post by asamirid »


i hope this issue is not a forgotten one, as it's usually affect my non-latin language searches.

sorry for bother, just trying to bring things up.

thank you.
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