How do I view the full tree of a deeper nested folder of interest starting from the beginning to the end or target folder? For example,
and I want to search folder2, but I want to view the entire structure starting from C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1 until C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\folder3\folder4 ??
What I mean is...How do I view the path-part and also not include the subfolders? Therefore, search for a path-part excluding the subfolders?
I have a suggestion which could be of use. Lets say the paths are like this:
path 1:C:\Users\apple\Downloads\install\data\Disk1\HowtoGuide\HowToFaxRX
path 2:U:\downloads folders\C_\Users\apple\Downloads\install\data\Disk1\HowtoGuide\HowToFaxRX
since path-dupe or any of the path dupe or parent and path-part functions may require full paths to search, I am suggesting a way to "erase" or "remove" a base path so that a "common" path is shared between the two files and then apply the parent-path or path-dupe:
remove "C:\Users\apple\Downloads" characters and "U:\downloads folders\C_\Users\apple\Downloads"
path 1:install\data\Disk1\HowtoGuide\HowToFaxRX
path 2:install\data\Disk1\HowtoGuide\HowToFaxRX
How to view full folder structure tree ?
Re: How to view full folder structure tree ?
I'm not 100% on what your desired results should be.C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\folder3\folder4
Please try:
Code: Select all
C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\* | C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\folder3\* | C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\folder3\folder4\*
Code: Select all
C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\ depth:<=8
Please try the Last Path Part custom column:I have a suggestion which could be of use. Lets say the paths are like this:
Last path parts
Re: How to view full folder structure tree ?
How to use the last part paths filter differently for 2 seperate paths? for example search 3 last paths for path 1 and 5 last paths for path 2? or maybe even setting a starting and ending position of a path or defining a set starting and set ending position ?void wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 9:47 pmI'm not 100% on what your desired results should be.C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\folder3\folder4
Please try:
Code: Select all
C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\* | C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\folder3\* | C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\folder3\folder4\*
Code: Select all
C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\ depth:<=8
Please try the Last Path Part custom column:I have a suggestion which could be of use. Lets say the paths are like this:
Last path parts
Re: How to view full folder structure tree ?
I fail to underatnd what this means.anmac1789 wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:13 am How to use the last part paths filter differently for 2 seperate paths? for example search 3 last paths for path 1 and 5 last paths for path 2? or maybe even setting a starting and ending position of a path or defining a set starting and set ending position ?
Please provide some path examples. Also: what would be the desired result for those paths. Where should those be shown? in a column? in multiple columns?
For example:
Item1 = C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\picture.jpg
Result1 = \folder1\folder2
ColumnA = folder1
ColumnB = folder2
Item2 = C:\users\username\Desktop\folder1\folder2\folder3\letter.doc
Result2 = \folder2\folder3
ColumnA = folder1\folder2