Hi David,
You might want to list the current default hotkeys for '
Next/Previous Tab' in the Keyboard Settings -> Shortcut window,
Which are:
Ctrl+Tab (Next Tab) and
Ctrl+Shift+Tab (Previous Tab). Currently, the Settings->Keyboard
'Shortcuts for (Cmd)' window indicates
no hotkeys are initially defined, which is not the case if the 'ctrl+tab_action' is set to 'Cycle Tabs'.
Also, there is a small issue with the highlighting colors of '
Selected' tabs vs '
Hovered Over' tabs. Currently, both of these highlighted colors are the same and
indistinguishable, where ideally, the 'Hovered Over' tab highlight color should be
lighter and
distinct from the 'Selected' tab color. For a good design reference/example of this, simply look at any of the standard tabbed web browsers, like Chrome or Firefox. I do see that there is a 1-pixel border line around the selected tab, but that visually does not create enough distinction IMHO.
Thanks for listening, and all that you do!