Code: Select all
<regex:^"dir1\\(.*)$" fileexists:"dir2\\$1:">
<regex:^"dir1\\([^\\]*)$" fileexists:"dir2\\$1:">
<file:regex:"^E:\\(.*)$" fileexists:"S:\\$1:">
<folder:regex:^"E:\\(.*)$" folderexists:"S:\\$1:">
Code: Select all
<regex:^"dir1\\(.*)$" fileexists:"dir2\\$1:">
<regex:^"dir1\\([^\\]*)$" fileexists:"dir2\\$1:">
<file:regex:"^E:\\(.*)$" fileexists:"S:\\$1:">
<folder:regex:^"E:\\(.*)$" folderexists:"S:\\$1:">
Code: Select all
regex:^"dir1\\(.*)$" fileexists:"dir2\\$1:" sizematch:"dir2\\$1:"
regex:^"dir1\\([^\\]*)$" fileexists:"dir2\\$1:" sizematch:"dir2\\$1:"
file:regex:"^E:\\(.*)$" fileexists:"S:\\$1:" sizematch:"S:\\$1:"
folder:regex:^"E:\\(.*)$" folderexists:"S:\\$1:" sizematch:"S:\\$1:"
void wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:50 amsize-match:Code: Select all
regex:^"dir1\\(.*)$" fileexists:"dir2\\$1:" sizematch:"dir2\\$1:" regex:^"dir1\\([^\\]*)$" fileexists:"dir2\\$1:" sizematch:"dir2\\$1:" file:regex:"^E:\\(.*)$" fileexists:"S:\\$1:" sizematch:"S:\\$1:" folder:regex:^"E:\\(.*)$" folderexists:"S:\\$1:" sizematch:"S:\\$1:"
Code: Select all
Find files or folders where the size matches with another file or folder with the specified filename.
Code: Select all
< dir1\ | dir2\ > dupe:size
< e:\ | s:\ > dupe:size
That's what I'm trying to avoid, duplicates in either folder, I just want to match a file or files with the same size that exist and have dupes in the other folder. I think I will just use grouping and dupe:size instead and sort out the filenames after...void wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:43 pm Another option is:However, This might list duplicated files just in E: or just in S:Code: Select all
< dir1\ | dir2\ > dupe:size < e:\ | s:\ > dupe:size
all this does is just list the files in the current search window and then combine it with a second size list.void wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 6:40 am Please try the sizefilelist1: method mentioned above.
With this method you can find matching sizes (same or different filename) in a specific location.
Code: Select all
file: regex:"dir1\\?(.*\\)[^\\]*$" | regex:"dir2\\?(.*\\)[^\\]*$" dupe:regmatch1;size
Code: Select all
file: regex:"S:\\ource folder\\?(.*\\)[^\\]*$" | regex:"T:\\arget folder\\?(.*\\)[^\\]*$" dupe:regmatch1;size
I have 2 different paths which contain the same size file different name yet regex wasn't able to match the file. Here is a screenshot of a sample fileNotNull wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 8:49 pmCode: Select all
file: regex:"S:\\ource folder\\?(.*\\)[^\\]*$" | regex:"T:\\arget folder\\?(.*\\)[^\\]*$" dupe:regmatch1;size
NotNull wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2024 3:11 pm
- The spaces around the OR statement (" | ") are crucial. Otherwise the OR will be seen as part of the first regex (regex "eats" | )
- Add file: to the query, like the original.
- Better to disable all search modifiers, in this case Ignore Punctuation and Ignore Whitespace
Code: Select all
How come I can't use something like size-exist ? because this tells me that it checks if 2 sizes are the same in 2 different locations and matches them, without filenamesNotNull wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2024 7:44 pm Your dupe: part of the query is wrong. Should be:
Code: Select all
no sadly it doesn't work