First I'd like to thank the creator of such an awesome program, I really love it and couldn't live without it. A million thanks for keeping updating it and adding key features like sessions, which helped me a lot

Now the problem I'm facing is that over time Everything decides to eat all my ram and fill up the pagefile as well until my system crashes.
I don't understand its behaviour because yes, I have dozens of tabs opened at the same time, but without opening more or even interacting at all with the program for a while, the program starts to consume more and more ram, from 15-30gb (it increases over time, but slowly for a while) to all of it and even a lot from a pagefile of more than 100GB (specially huge for Everything to last longer before making the system crash).
I don't know if it eats all of the available pagefile or just an enough amount to make the system unable to handle it and lead to a crash. Honestly, I don't know if this is possible. What I've seen is that when the free ram is close or lower than 1GB and I check the pagefile usage, the amount in use is about a 40-50% of the total available. But then I quit from Everything, so I don't know how much it ends consuming until the crash happens. After closing Everything up to 40GB of ram are recovered. Then restoring the previous session leaves the system with around 20-25GB of free ram. It keeps using a similar amount for a few hours, until suddenly the above mentioned happens, and if I'm not paying attention it ends up in the system crashing due to the system getting out of ram.
It has also a CPU usage of more than a 15%, is this normal?
I'm sitting on a 64GB system and without Everything running the normal consumption can reach around 30GB due to other programs running.
DB size is only 1.5GB.
To add just something I've noticed is that the only property I have set (lenght) takes a lot to get updated, and it does it in bulks, not in real time as new files are stored but in a long process at a certain moment. I think in that process it consumes more ram. Is this the expected behaviour? any way to make it update that attribute in real time?
Screenshot taken short after starting Everything. I'll add others later as it keeps using more resources.