Google advanced search operators

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Google advanced search operators

Post by ChrisGreaves »

Many of us here search for files on our computer systems.
Some of us search the world wide web for web pages that contain specific terms.

Amongst other things, I search the web for news items about South Australia (and Western Australia and ...)

First I looked in Google News for South Australia

Code: Select all

south australia
But this loaded my screen with stale news that I had read the previous day, so I modified the search

Code: Select all

south australia when:1d
Then I got picky and decided that to me, any news from the UK dailymail was not worth reading ("Giant Wombat becomes mayor of Boodarockin"), so

Code: Select all

south australia when:1d -dailymail 
Yahoo Finance was next on the list

Code: Select all

south australia when:1d -dailymail -yahoo/finance
Then yahoo reports on sport wasted my time:-

Code: Select all

south australia when:1d -dailymail -yahoo*
By this time I felt I should be doing a Real Job on news, so I am now reading through "Google Search Operators: The Complete List (44 Advanced Operators)"

If I try one each day, I should be finished by January 21st next year ...

Here is my current bookmark to my news search for South Australia.

Cheers, Chris
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